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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Pops,


Open heart surgery aint no joke, and its lame how something this serious

has made me realize how much you mean to me. I'm too young for this shit, and even

when I was a little kid I thought you would live forever. Get better because I need you.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Vickie,


Are you really going to fire me because I couldnt cover out my shift for my grandfathers viewing? If you do, thats real fucked up. But I guess id be a dumb bitch too if I was way over weight, had 3 kids, was a manager of a retail store, had an 80's metal mullet and had seen more that 95 Bon Jovi concerts. If you fire me from this job I'm going to hate you even more cuz i like flirting with the phat red head emily. I'll also be forced to find a new job. Which becuase of not getting enough hours at your job, I dont have the gas money to go looking.


Burn to death,



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear court system and Hmong grocery store,



thank you wisconsin court system for your amazing display of of idiocy .

tcl photo.. i will never understand why you are called this.. but you see me come in at lest 4 times a week and buy chicken larb as well as massive amounts of different types of noodles..

also please dont ever take this flyer down





mog-el aka superman aka the light skinned akon

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Back,


Seriously, you suck. I take good care of you now and you reward me with pain on the regular. I understand though will keep taking care of you. At least you give me a reason to take pain pills even though I have none at the moment.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Pops,


Open heart surgery aint no joke, and its lame how something this serious

has made me realize how much you mean to me. I'm too young for this shit, and even

when I was a little kid I thought you would live forever. Get better because I need you.



My Ex had to get open heart at just 20 years old. Don't worry pops will be good.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear front tooth,

i'm going to miss you.

i'm already not the most handsome man in the world, but you've been keeping me in the running atleast... sorry i didn't go to the dentist years ago when i got hit and you were fucked up.


hopefully your plastic replacement is half as good as you...


-fist "gap between the 2 front teef is about to get REAL FUCKING BIG" 666

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