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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Girly,


I know the smash is available and its been a minute, but something about you just don't work for me. May be after I get a few drinks in me and we're at the club and I see a hot chick that I can't get. May be then.




Dear Ex,


I shouldn't, but I know dinner and a few drinks and it will be dangerous just like you said. Danger is sexy though, so I'm gonna do it. We're gonna do it and we both know it. It will be epic and all others will pale once again. Damn you and me and us.


Another IOU joint.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear A and M,

You confuse me. Cut it out, i don't like mixed messages, especially since i see one of you like 4+ times a week. Tell me what the hell is going through your mind instead of tossing hints and such, and then the next day saying/doing completely different things.





Dear Pizza,

I'm going to eat you once you cool down to a reasonable temperature. I predict you will be delicious.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear fuckwads

gaying up my oontz

stop it

this fail fest has gone far enough

but no one is using the ban hammer.

we need to set an example and ban at least on person

so the rest know we're not joking.

then the bad threads will stop.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear 12oz,


I am on top of the fucking world right now... nothing can get me down.

This super fucking cute girl i've been after for a minute

just hit me up tonight telling me how she likes me and i need to come see her.



- ThankGodForEndingDrySpells Oner

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear 12oz

fuck you for getting up in some drama

and killing all good thread making on a deaded saturday night

no BF

or 'splosions


no book talk

no lol cats


spread aids?



I wonder whats going on in bombing science....

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear cream gravy,

I don't know how I could live my life without you.

You make me forget that homeless kittens and war exist.

You are about to get totally slayed.

Into my belly.




Dear peaches and cream MadDog,

I love you.

Seriously, it isn't drunken lust.

I actually love you with all my heart.

Thanks for making my night radical.




Dear vacation,

You are almost here.

I can't wait.

Let's make this epic.




Dear Austin,

Eat my shorts.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear iou,


are your neighbors fucking or something?




dear thai restaurant,


the food was really fucking good!

my 2nd time ever trying thai food....i think me likes it...

i'll be comming back more often..




p.s. the coconut ice cream was on hit!

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear boyfriend


i thought the new year was going to bring change?

put down the bong

put down the PS3

put down the porn

for got sakes get a fucking job and hey, while youre at it, maybe do the dishes from the last few meals that i cooked for you.

i'll do them, i know, after work and before school tomarrow when i wouldrather have downtime.

you stress me the fuck out, headaches, stomachaches, no sleep... im prone to stress. i take meds for it. thanks for your support.. :rollseyes:

teh secks was good and all this afternoon, both times, but that aint enough to keep me from ducking out of youre "i have no life" life


getting pretttty irritated...


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cali,


Nah, my neighbors ain't fucking they're fucking nuts. Next door dude is a drunk and always stumbling and fighting with his wife who left him and then let him back. Last night some dude beat his girl bad. Face shots and all. Cops might have come for him not sure though.




Dear Edogg,


Fucking leave or this is your life, by your choice. Unless dude has a gun to your head figure that shit out and bounce. Also for someone who don't do shit he should be working you like 3 or 4 times a day.



Dr. Ruth

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear iou,


yeah i read about the bloody faced female neighbor in another thread...

and dude who was gonna kill himself...

i dealt with hearing domestic violence next door on the regular for a year...until they divorced.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


There is just something wrong with this building. We had meth addicts before which became a huge problem. Two women who let their exes back and soon after fights almost everyday. Calling each other names in front of neighbors and their kids. Whatever. I'm home a lot right now so its obvious.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear thread,


For some fucking stupid reason I can't see your latest posts, even though I've refreshed you a million or so times. I also cannot see my previous post. This has worsened my bad mood. I also cannot smoke at the moment due to my bronchitis which is a bitch at the moment. Hopefully that will clear up and once this is posted I will be able to see the latest posts including my own.


Best wishes and hugs 'n' kisses,

Your friend Skag


Oooh yay it worked!!!

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