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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Sickness,


Fuck off dude. Look no matter what I'm partying like a fucking lunatic on NYE. You are not invited and if you show up, well lets just say I'll do everything in my power to kill you even at the expense of my own life. Man up bitch!!!!


Hating you,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Ouncers,


this certain thing came to my attention

and id like to ask what your opinions are on this...

ill keep it short... (yes it about my girl)

over the summer my girl went to i guess one of her

ex's cribs just to hang out as friends...

what ended up happening is him punching her in the face

3 times and kicking her while she was on the floor...

she came to me with the bruises and i wanted to murder

the dude, but she wouldnt tell me who he was..

i did nothing, let it pass...

apparently dude never leaves her alone and a while ago

told her he wants her to meet him at a park by themselves

sometime in the future "or else"...

her brother keeps on commenting me on myspace saying

shes been crying all day cause he called

and she even hate to take 2 of her heart medicine pills to calm down

and shes really upset...

i told her to take legal action with a restraining order on him

but she doesnt want to, i say let me and my homies beat the living shit

out of him, nope... doesnt want me to do that cause i apparently

"dont know what he's capable of"....

so a question to all of you out there..

what would you do in this certain situation?




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Tails,


sit 'er down and let her know you are genuinely concerned.

then coax the name of this fuckwad out her her.

then proceed to beat his head in with a tire iron.


seriously, just let her know you really do care about her

and dont want her to be worried about this fool.


- Serious Walk

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear C-walk,


ive told her this...

she cried just seeing me mad

and wanting to beat the living shit out of dude,

and doesnt like seeing me hurt,

i replied with i dont like seeing her hurt neither

especially by some dude punching her in the face...

i havent gotten a name of him yet

but hes 15 or 16 and is named kevin..

dont know what school or where he lives...

she must really not know in one phone call

i can have like 4 whips full of people ready to whoop some ass....

but dude is "in a gang", "i dont know what hes capable of"

like this lil niggas scarface and shit....




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




what can you do? if shes really not going to let you help then you need to strongly encourage her to take some sort of legal action. maybe this brother you spoke of knows more about said dude than you do, try to talk to him about it. he might be able to either help or drop a name or do something himself.

but this girl needs to realize that its all up to her and as much as some girls like playing the role of "helpless princesses waiting for a knight to rescue" (no offernse, but sounds like she fits this catagory) she needs to stand up for herself and have a crew or the police when she goes to meet this guy in the park.

so yea, either get brothers help or device a plan with the girl about the meeting


trying to help


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear tails


take the advice, find this dudes name, smash teeth in with tire iron

Also, smash in head and what have you.

Dont let someone touching your girl in that manner go

Smash face

End when he is passed out/dead by peeing on him, thats how you need to do



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear edoggg, overtime,


thanks for the advice and i WILL find out who he is...

the little brother thing might help cause she wont tell me

anything but his name he could probably tell me more..

she doesnt want me to worry bout it though like shes said before

i dont understand why though but niggas like that get to me...

like how the hell you gonna stomp on a female like that?

thats some pussy shit if u ask me...

next time i see her though i'll be sure to sit her down one on one

and discuss this with her...

she wont want to but we're gonna have to, to prevent anything else happening...




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear C-walk,


but hes 15 or 16 and is named kevin..


but dude is "in a gang"






Dear Tails,


15, 16 eh?


he'll get his dont you worry about it man.

worry about your girl and her being around him.

look out for her and dont stress this fool.

kids got a lot of growing up to do

and from what i can tell it will be coming

very soon. aint worth your time to stress this kid.

worry about your girl.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Easto & C-walk,


c-walk you got a point...

and a hammer to the knee cap

sounds like it would work...

i was thinkin more along the lines of,

metal bat to the head, ribs,

brass knuckles to the grill,

steel toed boots to the head and face,

or i could be on some method man steez

and sew his booty hole closed and keep feeding

him for hours...

torture nigga, torture.....





Dear Mom,


ok.... your on some bullshit for real...

first you take my money and buy a sac,

ask me to pack you a bowl, and give me the rest...

ok i can understand that, IF I PLANNED ON BUYING WEED WITH THAT MONEY....

and now you act like it never happened, and you never bought anything...

and i told u this, you reply with "well fine ill give u some then.."

and hand me a baggy with 2 big ass stems in it with a couple of leaves

and seeds collecting at the bottom?

your my ma, i love you, but if anyone else handed me something like this

they'd get a straight up "fuck you" and the bag thrown in their grill...

you need to stop smokin yo for real....



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear copycat,

you are no competition for my business.

you giant gaping vagina hole, did you like me coming to your

business and causing a huge scene? hahahahaha.

not one of you stood up to me while i was talking shit

in front of all your customers.

eat me you stupid cunt of an imitation.

<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Super-Fly Cuban Guy,


"How are you feeling?" I'm sorry I dissed you last night. You played all your cards right, but I was caught up with some bullshit. The massage you gave me was really good and got me super horny, thats why I had to get up and walk away... Your body felt and smelled so good - if i see you at the new years eve party, no voy a ser tan angelita.


- Ya tu sabes ;)

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear copycat,

you are no competition for my business.

you giant gaping vagina hole, did you like me coming to your

business and causing a huge scene? hahahahaha.

not one of you stood up to me while i was talking shit

in front of all your customers.

eat me you stupid cunt of an imitation.

<3 ssn


dear suki,


hahaha! this is hilarious and i can fully see you doing this.


keep living the pug thug life,



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear twinky the homogeneous kid,


sorry i did call to hook up with you when i was in phoenix. my brother just bought rock band and i discovered my inner drummer. i became a rockstar over night and spent the majority of my time on the drums and/or mic. you don't need to cry. i'll be back again.


she the shocka




dear magnum o' piss,


i wish you would have made it out with the other boys for new years.



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