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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear wednesday,

i do not want to hump you.

<3 ssn


dear intangible f,

can't wait to see you again!

<3 ssn


dear __________,

you are so full of shit.

i have never known anyone who talks as much bullshit as you have.

you feed lies after lies to people. go die.

<3 ssn


dear camel cancer sticks,

this our last month together.

i have used you long enough. you will be missed.

<3 ssn


dear milky mama,

i had a wonderful time and feel very lucky that i got to see you

two nights in a row! please tell little miss sassy i said...

"big fat whale!" and that my doggies are waiting to meet her.

<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear people posting in this thread, whom i told i'd make mixes for,


i have the soul/breaks mixes done, will send after holidays.


bloodfart --i have two discs ready for you, just need to work on the bag puppets. after the holidays should afford me more time to do so.


sorry for the delay,


happy fucking holidays,

earl fucking broclo

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear eatso,

BFW is like the loch ness monster.

her sitings are few and far between.

last i heard, she was residing in the seas of southern ca.

i don't think u can wiki her. it has been a secret for years.

please keep it very DL.

good luck.

i am now off to work in the lab where we will do further research.

<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear sooki sooki sooki,


it was great seeing you as well as cali-g. next time either miss sassy pants will come with us to cuddle and teach your dogs the way of the dog whisperer. i will also be making you some spaghetti or some chicken tacos. OR, it will be a fun filled weekend that she cannot attend cause there will be booze and grabs.


peace out yo!




dear earl broc,


i also want some cool hand puppets. get on it.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear hot tubs and cold beers,

I am coming for you.


And many more nights in the near future.

We are going to make magic.




Dear Austin dudes,

I am done with you.

You are getting replaced.

You had your chance.

And blew it.

That is what you get for playing hard to get.

You get the bozack.


Better Off Without You

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear MG

she works in Mexico

and shes been gone for about 3 months

I'm very excited

But I need to go get groceries for her

welcome home dinner but I

just realized I was broke

it's smooth criminal time.


-rack you like a hurricane

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear your not nosy it's cool,


She works for her parents company teaching English classes at

the universities in Mexico.

some people think it's cool

I think it's the first wave of American homogenization and a vital

part of Americas imperialist stranglehold on Latin America.

but then, I drink to much and don't shower often so whatever.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear CALI,


Come back soon, 12oz will miss you.


Pity Props for you.




Dear Eatso,

Freights are cool and all, but the freight spot I have out here is by no means chill. They have passanger trains down the tracks a bit so security is tight tight tight.


Streets are too crazy though, I don't need all the violence and "I'm a hardcore nigga" shit that seems to be everywhere these days.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Tomoko


Why you coming late to dinner, you may not know but I'm hungry.

Wifey is making some shit in the kitchen that is making my stomach start dancing.

The smell is killin me, you best hurry up or else I'll die.


Watery mouth oner

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear TailsRock,


I had a passing intrest in learning how to C Walk...


Now it'll be a couple months before I can actually walk again...


And whats the deal with your girls mom? Never got back to me.




Dear Eatso,


Texas sounds nice right now, I've allready got an invite to:

-Richmond, VA

-Chill freight spots, Canada

...I'll throw Texas on there too.


Weeerd up,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Bruce,


yeah i had that phase as well...

but me and my homies would battle people

and do all sorts of tricks and shit...

i can barley do it nowadays....

oh and my girls ma?

check your pms i got u...





Dear Unknown part on my jeans,


i dont know what the hell you are,

but you keep stabbing me in the butt cheek

and its annoying fuck.... stop it...



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