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Dear ________,


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Dear new manager,


Please stop cutting those disastrous farts whenever you come into my office to ask me something. We've all heard your claims of having 'mild colitis', but I still think it's an excuse for the fact that you're a vile, stank-ass, redneck douchebag. The next time you drop you ass gasses near my desk, I'm going to wash out your coffee mug in the urinal.


Cease and desist,



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Dear most recent EX as of last week,


You know what they say about those who sweat thyself

You might find yourself, by yourself

I'm not waitin because I'm no waiter

So when you realized what you lost, don't try to kick it to me later


-All them girls must got you gassed


well when they see a good thing they don't let it pass



hahahahaha eat shit,


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Dear KFC,

Thanks for the food poisoning.

I forgot how excellent it is to have a houseful of people who are double-barrelling it in the bathroom.

I love having to clean vomit out of the sink.

More than having to clean a rainbow of doom from the toliet.

It was so worth it, for your mediocre biscuits.

Go die,

Bloody Anal Cavityoner.

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Dear Sharkcycle in Stafford CT,


Please accept my motorcycle return I'll even pay a restocking if you want. You guys are just a shitty dealership who sell crap thats overpriced. I love the RC51 but you sold me a lemon and I dont want to pay for it. Also the people you have working in parts are assholes and when my friend came in to ask for a quote on an exhaust the guy told him "I'll give you a quote when you come back with some money." I hope when I bring my bike back on a trailer saturday because its not safe to ride you will understand and just take the bike back....




-Very angry me...

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dear hot asian chicks,

please sit on my face.






dear cute girlfriend of mine,

give better dome, lips go over your teeth..

love ya!





dear me,

your ass is way too fat, its called a treadmill.

also dont forget to skate more, that helps,

and call that girl you met at taco bell, you know the little scenester girl, definite smash.


i hate you,


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