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Lies Adults Told Me As A Child....


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"You're such an asshole, I love you." Sorry, I'm not trying to get off topic.


i hear this at least once a day from my girl too...



when i was younger my extended family pretended to like me. my inside source (my cousin) would always tell me how much shit they'd talk about me when i wasn't around. and that they'd tell him not to turn out like me. :cool:



same with me... ^^^







my mom used to tell me stories about what kind of scumbag my father was, but i never beleived her... then i met him when i was 18 or so... he had me conviced that he wasnt how everyone had explained him for a month or so and then he pulled some retarded shit ans showed his true colors... so i threw a brick at him point blank range a few times and he got some brain damage and my mom got to say "i told you so"...

moms was never big on stories... she was more on the "because im your mother and what i say goes" tip...

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When I was 11 or 12 and my mom thought she could make me stop smoking cigarettes, she duct taped my hand to the kitchen table and made me chain smoke a pack of cigarettes.

With each drag, she would smack my hand with a wooden cooking spoon.

About six or seven dudes I skated with were in my living room, watching on and laughing.

It was cool until about cigarette seven when I started getting ill.

Then I started crying.

Then I vomited all over the kitchen floor.

My friends laughed and laughed.


I didn't think it was funny.

And never bought my mom wooden kitchen spoons as a reminder.


Instead I make her pay for my cigarettes now and every so often bring up what a failure she was at raising me right.

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When I was about 13 I was smoking in my room, apparently my dad smelled something burning. He yells up "are you smoking in your room" and I reply "no just burning paper" which he replies with "well if you're going to smoke, smoke outback". The next day I was outside with my friend smoking a cigarette and my dad was like "what the fuck are you doing?" I replied "you told me it was ok to smoke outback". Lying ass dad...

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Nice try!!! Courts don't give "Criminally Insane" hospital stays to minors. Even if you were 18 when they sent you, you would have had to serve your full sentence. They don't give "good time" to nutbags. SOOOOO, what color was the dirt bike you found in the garage.



i wasnt a minor jack. i was 17, doing my first >COUNTY BID< and i dont recall mentioning any good time Or not serving my sentence. anyway, im not gonna argue with you dood.

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