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Pet Peeves - Summer'06


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oh my favorite kind of thread...



1. when customers call in and are EATTING/SMACKING ON food.. or USE THE BATHROOM

come on have some fucking class, i dont fucking know you


2. when customers email for me to look up something for them, but give me no information to find them


3. when people chew with their mouth open, and i mean occasionally it wont bother me if we're having a conversation.. but i'm talkin the people who do it the entire time they eat/ or eat and talk


4. motherfuckers who drive slow in the FAST LANE.. and obviously i guess people dont realize..so let me be the first to tell you..THE FAST LANE IS ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE FREEWAY HIGHWAY.,.when someone is riding your ass while you drive your fucking mini van while you drive 60 mph.. MOVE THE FUCK OVER


5. when i tell you thank you.. especially while YOU"RE the one working at the fastfood/ restuarant..have some fucking decency and say "You're Welcome" back


6. when you interrupt people while they are talking




8. when you dont use your fucking blinker, and take 10 hours to make the fucking turn




ohh..i'm sure ill be adding more..

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Yea the thank you thing..


When i say "Hey man have a good night"(/nohomo) when your walking away to your car and you dont even say i fuckin word back,AFTER YOUVE MADE SIT IN THE FUCKIN STAFF ROOM HALF AN HOUR FOR YOUR GAY ASS TO GET DONE GOLFING! BITCH! I TOLD YOU TO BE IN BY 8! DONT ADD AN ANOTHER FUCKIN HALF AN HOUR YOU SHMUCK!

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9. when you take your child to the movie theatre and let them TALK LOUD the entire time' date=' kick the back of your chair, whine, or cry[/quote']


how about on an international flight? lets add 'letting them crawl over me to get to the aisle(i will fucking get up if i know you want out), jumping up and down on their seat and screaming, getting in and out and in and out of the row, or having screaming contests with the kid behind her' the mom didnt say one word to make her kid calm the fuck down. i know 'kids are kids, and you cant expect them to sit stock still for 14 hours' but it was like that from the beginning of the flight to the end. and the kid in the row behind me would switch seats from aisle to window and vice versa and kick my seat. "sorry sweetheart, but no."

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yeah some people are so inconsiderate, it really pisses me off.. i have even had customers that continully cut me off when im trying to explain the situation they are upset about.. and finally ill say "can you let me finish what im trying to say?"



yeah the thank you thing pisses me off ^()@&%()@&@%()&()@%&)(@%&l.. also when you hold the door open for someone! or stand up and offer your chair to a mother with kids, or elderly people..and nope..you dont hear nothing no thankyou.. no you're welcome when you say thankyou.



god that would have been annoying. i've flown from one coast to another coast alot with my son..and i try to be as considerate as i can be.. sometimes i couldnt help it when it was late/ we'd been travelling all day or he got sick ..but that was only when we were landing and his ears were hurting him ..


and these people are raising the KIDS that will be the EXACT way they are.. inconsiderate peices of shit

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yeah i got one actually.

when people dont bathe.. you fucking stink GO AWAY

or when people think that just cuz they're drunk they have the right to have stank ass breath and talk like 3 inches from your face. YOU SMELL STOP TALkING TO ME

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4. motherfuckers who drive slow in the FAST LANE.. and obviously i guess people dont realize..so let me be the first to tell you..THE FAST LANE IS ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE FREEWAY HIGHWAY.,.when someone is riding your ass while you drive your fucking mini van while you drive 60 mph.. MOVE THE FUCK OVER


Yes. But, if you ever get pulled over in that lane, never say the words "fast lane" to the cop. They hate that, it's the "passing lane". I also hate people that pass in the right lane or weave back and forth through 4 lanes of traffic. Especially SUVs and pick-ups that just barrel down the highway at 100 MPH.

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Guest spectr

white punk kids from the suburbs who live in oakland and think the police aren't racist, thats its all in the imagnation of anyone with darker skin. no these people really fucking exist i met them and wanted to beat some sense into them but i couldn't at that point in time.

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white punk kids from the suburbs who live in oakland and think the police aren't racist' date=' thats its all in the imagnation of anyone with darker skin. no these people really fucking exist i met them and wanted to beat some sense into them but i couldn't at that point in time.[/quote']




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Hahaha, I am fermentor's pet peeve. White hat/ no shirt. Drive like a maniac.



Drivers who insist on going the speed limit and not a mile over who are set on driving in the fast lane. (Directly related to next)

Drivers that cause a bottleneck on the highway. Do you not notice that there are twenty fucking cars backed up behind you? Speed up and get the fuck over.

The one car in front of you going straight at a red light that is blocking you from making a right turn.

People who leave five car lengths between them and the car ahead of them. Don't be scared, get up there.

People who habitually chew with their mouths open.

How much harder kids get once there are three or four of them and you are alone.

No being able to buy liquor or blunts because my liscence is suspended.

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the junkie that thinks it's proper junkie behaviour to take a dump in front of the ATM.

These fucktards are material to be taken care of with a powerful rifle or a shotgun...

You know, the LOUD type of gun that has strong recoil that kicks the barrel up as you shoot it from waist and put an end to that fucking junkie.


---> applauding silence



The asshole who drives in front of me and decides to start to slow down...slower...slower..

and after literally stopping in the middle of the fucking lane without any apparent reason whatsoever, puts on the blinker and starts slowly turning. usually to the opposite direction from what the blinker indicates. Guess what sir, Im gonna scalp your whole fucking family for that



People that type "there" when they mean "they're".




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- neighbours leaving rotting shit in badly sealed binbags, attracting rats onto the block.

- middle class students that bitch and cry all the time about how broke they are.

- the outrageously high price of public transport in london.

- the whole bullshit routine LU staff do when they catch bumping the tube.

- americans that think they're irish.

-council tax rises justified by the fucking 2012 olympics.

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-Hanging out with people that aren't into ANYTHING except getting fucked up.


-When I'm walking and someone in a car acts all impatient when they have to wait to turn because im crossing the street or something. Bitch your in a car and probably going to get to your destination alot faster than me.


-Bartenders that sit there and bullshit for so long that it takes like 20 minutes to get a drink even when it's not busy.


-All my friends that were/are only half heartedly into graff asking me for free markers year after year.


-When my roommate is so drunk he pisses on the floor.

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