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I wanna see your...........PETS!

Zack Morris

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sorry to sound crazy, but trance, you're fucking wack for having your dog chained to that post.


regardless of the circumstances, that's not right. He's forced to piss and shit in the same spot every time, and that's ok? Clearly you can think of a better solution than that.


and you're going to build him a doggy pen for when he's out, which is even worse since he's caged up, and you mentioned nothing about a roof (said it'll be open).


you sir, and anyone else that chains their dog up outside, are assholes.


:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


I think i know whats going on, the whole chain deal....... All right, lets gather around guys.


First of all, the chain is not rapped around him, he has a coller....



On the other pics, you cant see that because of his fur.



Second, this is how he is hooked.....



Third, the chain is long. He does not do his business near by. He goes far away where it wont bother him. We clean after him, I can take pics of that if you like to see some turd.



Fourth, Luckaly, i found his last leash....



We went through a lot of leashes. So far, that chain is holding strong. If he breaks that, i will get a thicker one.

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Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


Then what you suggest then? He spends inside the house most of the time, and goes out when ever he needs to. There is no fences around here, and he likes to go far distances if hes not chained. He obeys when i call him, but once he sees people and other pets, he wont listen. He is a big dog, a husky. Luckaly, We trained him not to be violent and such.


*And another note, you went a little to far with that whole kid shit. I take care of my little brother at age 4 and my nephews (ages varying, less than 4) like no other. Kids love me. I know what they like when it comes to having a good time, plus know how to feed them, wash them and such.

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Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


the point being, he's still chained up, which is not right.


I would hate to see if/when you ever have kids. Maybe they'll be chained up too so they don't run off.


It's totally different with a big dog than with any other dog. Regardless of how chill they are, everybody perceives them as a threat because they're so big. Regardless of whether or not they've got forests to run into and animals to kill, anywhere they go they'll scare the shit out of people and be labelled as a monster.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


the point being, he's still chained up, which is not right.


I would hate to see if/when you ever have kids. Maybe they'll be chained up too so they don't run off.


I remember when I was younger one of our neighbors had like a tent spike or some shit in their front yard.


Attached to the spike was a chain, and attached to the chain was a harness, and in the harness WAS THEIR FUCKING BABY.




Shit was awesome :lol:

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Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


I remember when I was younger one of our neighbors had like a tent spike or some shit in their front yard.


Attached to the spike was a chain, and attached to the chain was a harness, and in the harness WAS THEIR FUCKING BABY.




Shit was awesome :lol:




was it just in a diaper and hella dirty?

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My cat is boring as hell. Cute. But so damn boring. Runs around, bites my chin occasionally. roams by my ankles.


Likes to play with laser pointers.


Im a dog person.


My dog is awesome. Black Lab. Awesome awesome dog. But he has arthritis now. Which is total bs. I beleive he is 6ish... I hate thinking that he will eventually pass.



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Say hello to my new pets....


Meet my blue parakeet, my favorite one. She likes to be outside the cage and be in your hand or shoulder...



it took a couple of days for her to gain cofidence.


Meet my yellow one....



I hate this one:lol: He is very good when it comes to hide n go seek. It took me for ever to find him. He was in the basement floor.


Meet My white one....


She likes to bite everything. She is fun to watch.


Meet Mr. Pimp....


He makes out with all the three female birds.


Meet Mr. Selfish..



When he eats, he keeps everyone away. When he swings on the swing, only him is allowed.

Yep, the meanie.


And my last white bird....



She is the lovable one. She dont bite, always hangs around with mr. Pimp, and even swings with him. Pretty soon im gonna buy another cage for them to be alone and make more babies.

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