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Movie Recommendation Thread

H. Lecter

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I liked that film quite a bit, we watched it in film class today. It was funny and smart, Woody Allen's satire involving a movie director who has a rabid cult following due to his comedic films and is trying desperately to make a film that is not a comedy and juggle several women. Shot in black and white, apparently to make a statement against the current color technology that was being used to make prints that deteriorated too quickly--"Mean Streets" did the same thing.







This awesome film, which I strongly recommend, especially to true fans of Cronenberg who might be angry that he is going to do dramatic films rather than sci-fi or horror or twisted-shit he so masturfully has done before, so that they can rest easy because it is so, so good....




....led me to want to see this film: .....




"The French Connection", because I read a review that said the fight scene occurring later in "Eastern Promises" "did for fight scenes what 'The French Connection' did for car crash films".


One video store I went to the copy was out, another they claimed to have it on VHS but they could not find it in the store, even though the computer said it was in. So I rented "Knocked Up" instead, and was dissapointed. I loved "The Forty-Year Old Virgin" and Apnew's latest one really wasn't that funny.

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This awesome film, which I strongly recommend, especially to true fans of Cronenberg who might be angry that he is going to do dramatic films rather than sci-fi or horror or twisted-shit he so masturfully has done before, so that they can rest easy because it is so, so good....




....led me to want to see this film: .....




"The French Connection", because I read a review that said the fight scene occurring later in "Eastern Promises" "did for fight scenes what 'The French Connection' did for car crash films".


One video store I went to the copy was out, another they claimed to have it on VHS but they could not find it in the store, even though the computer said it was in. So I rented "Knocked Up" instead, and was dissapointed. I loved "The Forty-Year Old Virgin" and Apnew's latest one really wasn't that funny.




So I just watched "The French Connection" and it was fucking awesome. Stars Gene Hackmen and James Woods look-a-like Roy Scheider. It was the film that William Friedkin directed just before he did "The Exorcist". Only thing was that the ending was a little anti-climactic. But the car chase scene, holy shit. Fucking best car chase scene ever.

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holy shit this is one of the most fucked up horror films i have ever seen. if you like horror films, watch this. the torture scene is nuts. its an episode from the "masters of horror" show on showtime. but it was banned from telivision for being so fucked up.

here is the trailer: http://www.trailerfan.com/movie/masters_of_horror_imprint/trailer


you can also watch it for free here: http://www.guba.com/watch/3000028807

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The Shit.

I remember watching this when I was a kid. The picture you posted is actually the 1934 version and not the '59. The '59 versions storyline was altered making it not true to Fannie Hurst's novel. Boo.



'59 Version that was terrible.



are you sure the picture i posted wasnt the 1959 version...

i swear that those were the actors in the 59 version..


yeah...i havent seen the 34 version (the original)...but its on my list of movies to see.

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