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The Skateboard Thread


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^I watch that like once a month


shit gets me so jacked up to skate. i fucked my knee up bad a few months ago and have been babying it all summer, however it feels much, much better. but after watching it and listening to him talking about aspirin breakfasts and remembering the dude got ran over and was told he would never walk again let alone skate or ride a bike, i'll be skating this weekend.


and rick mccrank - menikmati, one of my favorite parts.


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Inventing/murdering the super ramp wasn't robotic. Neither were all the tricks he's nailed over it. Also your hard on for yourself is way past borderline.


That *mega ramp shit is the definition of robotic skating, and has zero at all to do with style.

The more you open your mouth on this subject the more you prove that you don't know WTF you're talking about.

As usual.

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That *mega ramp shit is the definition of robotic skating, and has zero at all to do with style.

The more you open your mouth on this subject the more you prove that you don't know WTF you're talking about.

As usual.

i think youre just fronting on it cuz you wanna look like an oldschool dagger head who rides 8.63 anti heros and half cabs


burnquist rips with as much style as he can going 45 mph



dont hate.. appreciate. cuz while youre doing your baby crails on mini ramps that nigga is backside flipping a 40' gap

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i think youre just fronting on it cuz you wanna look like an oldschool dagger head who rides 8.63 anti heros and half cabs


burnquist rips with as much style as he can going 45 mph



dont hate.. appreciate. cuz while youre doing your baby crails on mini ramps that nigga is backside flipping a 40' gap


You're a fucking retard.

Nobody even mentioned Bob Burnquist, and I am the complete opposite of an "oldschool dagger head".

Even though I've probably been skating longer than you've been alive.

If what I said flew that far over your head that your logical conclusion is that I'm some wannabe Duane Peters, then that's your bad.


Sometimes posting in this thread is like trying to have a logical conversation with a special ed class.

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You're a fucking retard.

Nobody even mentioned Bob Burnquist, and I am the complete opposite of an "oldschool dagger head".

Even though I've probably been skating longer than you've been alive.

If what I said flew that far over your head that your logical conclusion is that I'm some wannabe Duane Peters, then that's your bad.


Sometimes posting in this thread is like trying to have a logical conversation with a special ed class.



lmao umadbr0, i was just fuckin with you.


you were talking about mega ramp skating right? and how the people that skate mega ramps lack style? which is why i brought up burnquist..



you always pull the "ive probably been skating longer than youve been alive" card haha


..but ive been doing tre flips since you discovered cheese steakz


























































































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lmao umadbr0, i was just fuckin with you.


you were talking about mega ramp skating right? and how the people that skate mega ramps lack style? which is why i brought up burnquist..



you always pull the "ive probably been skating longer than youve been alive" card haha


..but ive been doing tre flips since you discovered cheese steakz




We were talking about Danny Way you fucking retard.

Because some idiot who doesn't even skate brought him up and said that he had m4d 5tyl3 y0 0n the 5up3r r4mp5!


Try reading before posting.

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@ DAO i slightly remember skimming that.. shit regardless though Danny Way shreds. i can kiiiinda of see what your saying about the robotic part but it isnt exactly a bad thing to me. dude has his shit dialed.




ive always wanted to skate burnquists half pipe. rune glifberg killed it there in sorry if i remember correctly

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@ DAO i slightly remember skimming that.. shit regardless though Danny Way shreds. i can kiiiinda of see what your saying about the robotic part but it isnt exactly a bad thing to me. dude has his shit dialed.




ive always wanted to skate burnquists half pipe. rune glifberg killed it there in sorry if i remember correctly


Nobody was dissing Danny Way you "fucking retard".

People were talking about Tony Hawk and his lack of style, then this sideways idiot jumped in and threw Danny Way in the mix.

Now you're commenting on subjects that you haven't even read the cliff notes on.

Danny way is sick.

So is Rodney Mullen.

So is Tony Hawk.

Brandon Westgate is more my cup of tea though.


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