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The Skateboard Thread


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theres Eggs, sometimes it can be crowded and sometimes cops swing through, but more often than not its fine to skate.


theres a few ledges and a ollie up 2 set thats good to manual near the aquarium right on atlantic ave i think.. theres a few ledges and shit up and down that whole little walking area they built in the middle of the street..


i still skate copley at night every so often, and around the jackson mann has a couple decent spots..


financial district is all but dead, they've removed or knobbed almost every decent ledge that was there.


roxbury and dorchester seem to be where its at for stairs/gaps/rails and shit of the larger nature, its just all hiding on the back streets and shit.


but more often than not i find myself driving to skateparks or we end up driving to east bumfuck to some random spot we've heard of through the grape vine.



i'll try to rack my brain for a few others though..


Ah ya, forgot about all those. The "walking area in the middle of the street" is the Greenway.


I heard at a party the other day that there's a bowl in some Cambridge yard...or maybe i was just really fucked up.

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Watched the whole thing and, honestly, it kind of felt like a sarcastic parody of skateboarding.


The music pretty music sums everything up.


People still skate turtles?

Haven't been there in over a decade


I thought they tore it down.


Ya, it was gone before my time. :(


Edit: Surprisingly found an article on it:


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I'm gonna be in Boston for 4th of July weekend, the last time I was there the only spots I ever skated there include that one ledge/manual spot by the aquarium, the wharf maybe? And then that one fountain spot where it has those three ledges at the top, in some park, had to take a ferry to get there. That spot was sick, its always cool seeing spots that you see in videos and realize how gnarly the shit that is done there really is.


I don't know if I'm gonna be getting any skating done this upcoming trip, but that spot up there looks amazing. Boston heads PM me if you have any suggestions for touristy shit to do, and good food to check out.




On a different note, check out what a nut Dustin Dollin is:

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damn boston....that spot looks fun. how much of a bust is it?


its pretty solid. usually best at night. some of the ledges have chunks missing here or there but you can speed right over them. weekends and shit it can get crowded and its across the street from a jail too and theres always cops about. 9/10 its cool, but there was a shitload of kids last time and motorcycle cops came down and started handing out $100 tickets. we found that out later though cause we took off running haha. dudes in the jail started yelling RUN MUTHA FUCKAS! DONT END UP IN HERE NIGGA! so that was kinda funny.


person i havent been to the wharf in so long, place used to be fun though. the landing off that ledge/manual pad is horrible ha. everytime i've been there recently there was a cop sitting smack in the middle of the place though. that place the greenway is right down the street and much better, more different sized ledges and shit.


edit: celt pretty much hit the nail on dollin, dudes amazing but those shoes are horrible. i think i skated them once and that was it ha.

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there is a plaza here in detroit that served pretty much as the epicenter of detroit skating......shit was perfect before the cracks in the bricks made it unbearable to roll and before the ledges got beyond round. i can remember all the way back to when i was a teenager skating there...the cops rolling up in cars or on motorcycles and there being on average 8-12 kids there at any time and kids getting their boards taken from them ..or kids getting tickets. the one thing i never understood....is why on earth would you just stand there. the moment i see a cop pointed in the direction of coming to bust us....i ran. as a result...ive never had a "talkin' to" and ive never gotten a ticket. who the fuck just stays and waits for the cops to address them?


end rant.

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on a side note....that plaza that i was speaking of had a portion we called pyramid theater...it was the most popular spot to skate in the plaza....pretty much the most perfect thing ever for skating. however, there was a police station underneath it. so eventually the cops would get tired of hearing us stomping around and come up there and chase us out.


why is it that the most perfect skate spots in most big cities are next to or on top of a police station or court house or jail?!?!

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I need some help here!!!

I was scrolling through some clips the other night, dont know if it was on vimeo or youtube, but there was this clip where there was a bunch of skaters dresses as skeletons/skulls etc cruzing through the streets at night... can anyone point me in the right direction as to what this was called or to where i can see it again!

Cheers. :D

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why the longboard hate??

not as awesome as a normal skate but ya know just chillin wicked baked just going downhill.

nice shit


Lately a lot of rich teenagers from the suburbs are coming into West Side Skates for a longboard setup . These kids buy the best , including Powell Ceramic bearings , Orangutang Yellow wheels , Original Trucks , Loaded Dervish decks , etc..


I only have one problem with longboards...the people buying them are not skaters , nor have they ever set foot on a deck , and think they're gonna " Bomb Hills " . Lame .


To me a longboard is just another skateboard , one I don't ride but don't hate . Besides Being 33 , I'd look like fucking Skatemaster Tate on one . :lol:

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this is the spot


pyramid theater


if you actually grew up in detroit other than the coleman ledges this is/was the spot. one of my first memories of skateboarding was seeing this tall ass lanky whiteboy blunting the pyramid ledge, before they were rounded out and worthless. I almost got arrested once, and they crept on us, and it was my mouth that got us into the shit. red you would know, late hot summer nights, crackheads fucking everywhere, anyway 2 fiends were sucking each other off , and the cops somehow ignored to see them completely because they wanted us. I talked mad shit and we got cuffed, but they let us go eventually. mid to late 90's, detroit was mad slept on as far as an amazing city to skate. red you remember a kid named chris ivory? I believe was his name?

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Still, either way they both dress the same, and you just admited it.


i never denied it...but get the story straight... love it or hate it....skateboard trends set the standard for popular culture as well as sub cultures....its been that way since the 80's but really evident in the 90's.

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