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how many of you contemplate suicide?

Guest willy.wonka

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I have thought about it on and off for the last 15 years or so, would probably have done it by now had i not got married and had a kid


and although im not with my wife I would never do that to my son and well life aint that shit, it just gets fucking boring sometimes

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are u guys for euthanasia, or abortion/? just curious....

i agree with gasface in that Life does not have a point.....i would never want to off myself..but do sometimes hope it cud happen..but like in an accidental situation...im actually in the worst situation right now...my gf extremely suicidal and ive just been trying my hardest to keep her another day....really sucks.

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I never , not once, ever thought of killing myself or what it would be like to kill myself.

Or ever thought about anything good coming out of killing myself. I like my life. It's sad to see how many of you think about suicide. I know people that live in mud huts with a makeshift roof and no glass on the windows, just open air who don't know where their next meal is coming from and would never consider such a thing. Life is a gift and anyone who would actually go through with killing themself is an ungrateful DOOOOSH who let the imaginary doubts of the world cave them in.

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i decided a long time ago that i'm gonna kill myself..

but not til i age to a state of ill health that would render my last days miserable.


FUUUUCK rotting away in a hospital bed at age 85, while my loved ones blow potential inheritance money on desperate medical procedures to keep me alive for a couple more miserable days, months or years. that's the absolute stupidest shit ever...i simply can't understand why ANYONE would opt for that, yet it seems to be the norm. what the fuck??


i plan to start the car, close the garage, bump some k, gobble some benzos, maybe some rolls, pop in my favorite cd, crack a bottle of champagne, and drift into eternal bliss. it'll be awesome.


sidenote: i actually got this idea from my mom when i was like 11 (minus the drugs). haha. who tells their kids that shit? :lol: my mom pwns.

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