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random thots

Mr. Peanut

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Oh man that fuckin guy, basically made it obvious that I'm not hangin with em the other night at work. Was kinda awkward but I don't care, dude's obnoxious. Was saying "I'm a completely different way outside of work" was like yeah don't care. No clue why he's trying so hard.

oman, sorta feel bad for the dude. probably got all puppy-eyed & shit :lol:


then you awkwardly see him at a halloween party & hes dressed up as a giant vhs cassette

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Getting a new phone makes me feel uncomfortable.


You don't know just HOW relevant this is to my current state of affairs.


Was looking at phones at the mall kiosk. A galaxy s5 is just about 600$. That phone can't do anything for me that justifies that price tag. They all pretty much do the same shit.


the fuck is a sjw and gamergate?


Yo!!! Was reading about this earlier. Niggas makin death threats over video games???



oman, sorta feel bad for the dude. probably got all puppy-eyed & shit :lol:


then you awkwardly see him at a halloween party & hes dressed up as a giant vhs cassette


Just my luck. Was avoiding this other annoying fuck on the bus the other day. Was a long ride, and we were going to the same place.


Don't feel bad for him son.


the allure of instagram & online flattery by ego blinds logic


Not to mention self suckery.

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quinns nudes though...:yuck:


guess it goes to include 420chan,8chan,2ch,4chan. legit death threats on moot. the whole tumblr lgbt/die cis scum/femanon, twitter social justice hashtags .


also racketeering and fez's phil fish, cracked and a few others...then the whole mighty no9 and stardock thing


general theme is 'people put on blast on the internet failing at damage control'





just realized ive dressed like a skin/suedehead for the last 12 years

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quinns nudes though...:yuck:


guess it goes to include 420chan,8chan,2ch,4chan. legit death threats on moot. the whole tumblr lgbt/die cis scum/femanon, twitter social justice hashtags .


also racketeering and fez's phil fish, cracked and a few others...then the whole mighty no9 and stardock thing


general theme is 'people put on blast on the internet failing at damage control'


just realized ive dressed like a skin/suedehead for the last 12 years



Is this English? I recognized the term "nude" and i would like to see it.


I like vidya but what the fuck is this about? That wiki article left me with more questions than answers.

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i like this version better anyway







im personally more concerned with this


i cant be buyin them shits for birthdays and shit man..knowing damn well the kids gonna forget she had them two weeks later just like the 3 american dolls rotting in the basement

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*every now and then I get bored of the internetz and then remember this place.. maybe about 4 times a year I would come by and check out the cooking with are2 thread and the what you're eating super pooper thread (or something like that.) because i love food porn, whether it be a struggle dinner or some 5 star steak and sushi spread. lately i've been checking more often. I think the last time I was fully active was 2004. before that 12oz was like all of our facebooks. but cooler. much cooler. (hate FB.)


questions / more randoms


-where is everyone?

-whatever happened to kr4446 aka makros?


-show me your boobs?

-most of the ladies that were on here?

-one of my favorite people was King Of.. i think the hill. Older dude who was mad wise and cool.

-bodice ripper

-boogie hands

-who remembers ^s^ ? :D


someone fill me in. this place is really quiet.. but ya know thats not really a bad thing.




random pt II:

so looking around, saw there was only one sticky... KIR's epic road trip across america. holy shit!

I was restless at around 3:30am this morning and spent almost 2 and a half hours and 50% of my ipad battery life to read the first 30-ish pages. No spoilers! i have about 20 more to go. but pretty freaking entertaining, and well as inspiring. i, like alot of you definitely lived vicariously through his writing and photographs... and wish I would of been around in 2011 where he was updating everything real time and sending out moldy ass jerky. i'm at the part where he *almost* went to jail because like 6 cop cars wanted to search his car. good stuff. i need to read that shit listening to the into the wild soundtrack.

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King of Hell hasn't made an appearance in a bit, but if you're interested in finding out who he is IRL scroll through the ***********tattoo thread and you'll see lots of his truly fantastic stuff.


Bodice Ripper made some posts within the last year and disappeared again. The rest of the oldschool women other than symbols are pretty much gone, tho VAJ made a few posts and Bloodfart shows up intermittently. Catface, Mesthree, Devilush, etc haven't been around in many years, I think catface made a single post and bounced. Knowing these things make me think my life is really stupid.


KR43ONS hasn't posted in some time, either.


Everybody left because this place is a nonfunctioning mess, and they grew up and stuff.

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Awe, thanks for the run down!


and i don't think your "life is stupid" knowing these. i'm glad you're around to fill me in! and super cool symbols is still here.


i chat with devilush pretty much everyday... rental and sherm too. we all met on here and grew to all be best friends.. we travel to hang out with each other whenever we can. especially sherm since she's only 5 hours away from me. (vegas > la.)


and witty and i are facebook friends so thats cool. not sure if he comes around here either... he's all a dad and stuff, married and got a baby girl :)

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Dogs are a good source of heat




The post game sports shows are the most retarded thing on TV.


"Yeah man, the other team has strong players but i wanted win so i played well"


"What the Giants want to do here is get runs and thats what they did and it payed off"


Bunch of wet brain jocks repeating the same shit over and over.

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for fist, from dlush:


"Awe that's awesome! Tell them I say hello. Wow, I haven't thought about the OZ in forever but I do wonder where a lot of people are...tesseract, pistol, That one couple...gosh I forgot her name. She was half flip and lived in Italy and her boyfriend lived in Canada and they met on the oz. mr bojangles! The joker!"






random thots 10.22


at work, just had a vending machine breakfast burrito, still hungry.


it's too quiet in my classroom... need to put on pandora, but dont know what station.


why is it still fucking hot and it's almost november. oh yeah, vegas.


oh shit. need to start on my kids halloween costumes.

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Thanks Dee.


Got a Chem 2 test back today. got a 61. I knew I did poorly, but fuck. What an awful feeling. The highest in the class was an 82 from a stereotype asian chick (she is devastated by the worst test grade of her life). lots below 50. I consider myself a B-student so its a bummer to get that shitty on something I was relatively confident on going into it. Oh well. Onward and upward.


Ksp can eat my ass.

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