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19 hours ago, AEROSOLE1125 said:

bruh are you really trying to ruin my life go fuck yo bitch or you probably dont have one cus you fuck with me if you fuck with me you definitely dont have a bitch

the purpose of this thread is to post YOUR sketches, not someone else's


if we wanted to see other people's stuff then we could google it

Edited by glorydays
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On 1/11/2019 at 6:19 PM, AEROSOLE1125 said:

dang man wussup wit all the nega props do you not speak english?? its apparent that i come here for the positivity and all i get it negative reactions

Likely wasted words on my part as I believe you know why the negatiive reactions but for what little it might be worth....... this is generally a very accepting place.  We're mainly graf degenerates, but we also have people of all kinds and from all walks here.  Take a breath, be yourself, ask questions where you feel the need, but all the random responses that have nothing to do with the thread they're in, just knock it off.

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There have always been misuided toys who post toy shit in experienced threads, or make their own threads showcasing their shitty work.


I am not an exception. I have made my own threads showcasing my shitty sketches. And I have posted up in experienced threads with shitty toy stuff.


That will never go away and you can't get that mad at it.


What I find hilariously infurating is the unimitigated balls... the sheer, ineffable attitude of people who do these things. They get told they suck. Told how to properly post these things. Maybe even constructive criticism. But instead of doing the correct things, they get pissy and loud and spammy. They get banned or at least huffy and fuck-offy and leave, never to be seen again.



You are coming into our subculture. Uninvited. You are the outsider here. There really are no owners, but at the same time, there are, collectively. Graff is diverse and there is lots of room for all the different styles and mentalities. But no room for that specific brand of bullshit. None. You will always get ragged and deserve it.



It is the most unproductive thing you can do. Imagine if you waltzed into a major art school, hung up your shitty paintings right next to the ones that were already there, then crossed your arms and smiled. You are told your work is trash. You can improve it if you go to this other classroom and learn some fundamentals. But you don't do that. You tell everyone they are the real unskilled fakers. You challenge them. You tear their work off the walls. You scream and shout. Guess what you are not doing? Getting better. Enhancing yourself. Becoming the very thing you think you already are. And you are not some special snowflake. Because I have seen a million idiots like you come in and do all the things. Graff is about ego, for sure. Turning your name into art? Battles? Putting your name on everything? Braking and entering? Stealing? Trespassing? This is all because you feel you are the center of the world. Fine. But that has to be EARNED. You have to pay dues. There are no shortcuts. It takes fucking YEARS to get good at anything. People who are naturally good at Graff with no practice are either exceptionally rare prodigies or deluded fools who are flat out not good at Graff. You are not an exceptionally rare prodigy. You are not even a deluded fool. You are a fucking toy or less than a toy. If you really do want to be accepted, put in the work. People actually respect and appreciate that, even if your skills are lacking.


Block exists for a reason. I use it. If you don't like what I am saying, I suggest you use it. But just know this: I really try to be a nice guy. I make a point to help people. I am hardly the best in the world or even on this forum. But I am probably one of the most approachable and nicest. There are a whole lot of people on this forum that are not the nicest. And they see you.


Have a nice day.

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Please PM me the name of the "other account" so I may research their posts as well.  Also, anyone that has had an issue with this person please PM me what the meat of the issue is so I don't have to go flipping through all the threads he's touched to try finding who he pissed off and how.  Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Hua Guofang said:

It’s also the second account for that dyskyse fool. 

The post in the toy section of the Insane Clown Posse logo was the giveaway.


Just imagine. One day, he is going to get tired of never getting better and people pointing out how much he sucks and leave for good. And somebody just as bad with an equally warped approach will step in to replace him.

Edited by E_B_A
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