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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/2023 in all sections

  1. What is up! curious if any of you guys also constantly move from hobby to hobby? Like getting totally and completely invested in one and then 12 months later you don’t even barely touch it any more? I asked @fat ralphy this question in the resolutions thread in regards to abandonment issues and @Fist 666 mentioned the idea of making a thread… so sorry but I’m jacking your idea man! Haha this is a recurring theme in my life, to the point where I have to deny getting invited to start new ones! I recognize this thing in myself and actively try to stifle it. A current example is I have two separate friends that don’t even know each other trying to get me into archery… “the last thing I need is another hobby!!” hours dumped into articles and YouTube vids. Extensive research of products. Money dumped into trips and equipment (buy nice or buy twice, right?)… Shrink has said it’s because when I was growing up I wasn’t ever told I was good at anything, so I’m constantly changing interests, hopping from thing to thing, trying to fill some sort of void.. Not sure how much weight I put in that… but it does seem to be consistent with what other people I know have experienced as well. I’ve asked a couple other people who see this problem in themselves if this answer means anything to them and they said “yeah it resonates.” I don’t really like it though. Doesn’t it seem a little too “boo hoo, poor me!” ?? What about you? Do you see this in yourselves? Does that cause mean anything to you? in an attempt to shine a positive light on this, I guess another way to look at it is ——— Life is so fucking short. Why not spend it with tons and tons of different experiences, skills and passions? Doesn’t seem like a problem at all when framed that way now does it?
    3 points
  2. The weather is not bad today, the wind is causing some issues. Got treated to some donuts and coffee in the morning, then did some small shopping. After, some brewskies and axe throwing.
    3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. I don't really have this problem. The only things that a person could consider hobbies in my life are really pretty integrated into my lifestyle; fitness, cooking and travel. I think it would be a good idea to throw hiking, reading and socializing on the list but have been having a hard time finishing a book and have had a hard time being social for most of my adult life, especially since I quit drinking.
    3 points
  5. How is it that none of you have mentioned smoking meat/bbq? I'm currently spending spare time trying to learn 3d better without much purpose or direction - i'm tinker with 3d printing, cinema4d and unreal engine. A few years ago it was learning to play an instrument with no interest in being in a band or playing with others. I did that for few years and need to sell off the guitars that came out of it since I havent touched them in a few years. Ended up losing interest because it felt so repetitive/boring. Lately whenever I think of picking up a new hobby, Lock picking comes to mind. For a while me and my lady were doing jigsaw puzzles. I really need to sell off a bunch of old hobby stuff - Guns, Guitars, etc. Graffiti and skateboarding are the things I always end up coming back to.
    3 points
  6. I typed in 'African American' followed by a name. Ready?? Arnold Schwarzenegger Donald Trump Sylvester Stallone Danny DeVito Joe Biden is so white that even when you make him black he's still white Mitch McConnell Hillary Clinton Ted Cruz Hulk Hogan Jerry Seinfeld Nancy Pelosi Steve Buscemi
    3 points
  7. today I learned you need to buy an annual license to watch color tv? How many people refuse to comply and what happens? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television_licensing_in_the_United_Kingdom
    2 points
  8. I can relate to this. I work with mostly people who either: went in to the military right after high school, or they went to college and started the like decade long road to becoming an engineer. So- not a lot of people who have had what I’d call a “real job” and most definitely not a lot of people who’ve done dirt. I make it a practice to stay quiet at work about any grime that I have done or do, but sometimes something will come up, where I have a story that is like right on the money, and then I tell it and it seems like people thing I’m bullshitting. Instead of “the amazing tales of Mercer” it’s “this 40 year old white mf bullshitting” lololololol
    2 points
  9. This seems super wild to me. Netflix counts as color tv, I wonder if people need to pay for streaming only??
    2 points
  10. That's good bro. I was doing a job for a contractor I like a few days ago. I didn't really know how to price the job because it was some weird odds and ends plus patching some holes behind some electricians that were also working there. She was used to dealing with subs like me that come in knock out the job for a price and move along to the next thing. Well the 4 electricians were fucking making a day of it to install 2 sconces a dining room light and 3 dimmer switches. My piece of work should have only taken me 3 or 4 hours to complete so I told her I was going to charge $125 an hour. When I realized I was going to be there all day and longer than the electricians, I told her I was going to cap my hours. I ended up putting in a total of 11 hours many of which were just me standing around. I capped my hours at 6. She surprised us the next day with a thank you card and a prepaid visa card for $200 for not making her look like an asshole to her client.
    2 points
  11. Brits tend to become offended by the concept of questioning authority. I have no idea how Graffiti, and good music ever took off there. Imagine having to pay an extra tax just because your eyeballs have pointed at something. Then those taxes are used to put government propoganda on the very thing you looked at, to further influence people into conformity, and obedience. At least you get a discount on how much you're extorted if the TV is Black & White.
    2 points
  12. Props to you Well endowed DJ raver holding a trophy on his birthday
    2 points
  13. Especially with how you be wipin.....
    2 points
  14. The Symphony does not play enough where I am to count for much. If there were more performances or if I were baller enough to travel every few weeks to other East Coast cities for watching live performances I could see counting it. Live music is great, I miss Cleveland too much sometimes.
    2 points
  15. @Dark_Knightsick red beanie you got on - beard looking fresh too
    2 points
  16. Same concept. Of note, if you try Caucasian with a black person's name, so far it does not work. Colonel Sanders Ronald McDonald He comes from a land of few tans Bernie Sanders Paula Deen Tom Hanks
    2 points
  17. I never wake up at around 6am to do anything or get ready for something and today I did just that, knowing that I will be blessed today and have a long day ahead of me. It feels nice, a small taste of what morning people wake up to. I wake up with the shadows, not with the shine. So, who ever reads this, GOOD MORNING!!! Taking my time cutting my hair ATM and I need to go buy a nice dress shirt for my date today later on.
    2 points
  18. HBD. looks like a baller watch, yet I have no idea about watches as I view them as though those who wear them are bound to time, as they view their time as limited. I appreciate the artistry in them and have watched enough Producer Michael videos to have seen how ridiculous they can get these days. Any plans for your birthday?
    2 points
  19. The Daily Show_7310004583852576046-no-watermark.mp4
    2 points
  20. I also make the mistake of trying to monetize my hobbies. That's a sure fire way to ruin a hobby.
    2 points
  21. bee keeping -1985 -1988 (until massive sting session proved i was pretty allergic) skateboarding 1987 - 1989 Bodyboarding 1988 -1989 Graffiti - 1989 -1992 Documenting graffiti 1990 - now Graffiti (second phase 1997 - now though pretty fucking inactive) and I can't seem to move on. I make collages sometimes. I need more hobbies but I just don't know where to start. day drinking looks good atm.
    2 points
  22. I have this issue where I over research a new hobby that might interest me. Like to the point where I have become a professional at the thing and bored with it, without ever having actually participated in the activity.
    2 points
  23. Same, I used to be into shit for way longer, my dedication time has slowly shortened with time. I also do the same thing with Music Genres. There's the foundations of 90's Hip Hop & 80's Punk that I always return to, but then I also branch out into other shit temporarily like metal, Funk, Jazz, EDM, Blue Grass, Country, all in short lived in phases. Full dedication hobbies went something like this: 80's - Now: Illustration 90 - 04: Skateboarding 91 - 01: Graffiti 98 - 05: Snowboarding 05 - 10: NYC Dining & Night Life 09 - 16: Photography 17 - 21: Crypto, Savings & Investment 18 - 20: Mixed Martial Arts 17 - Now: Austrian Economic Theory 21 - Now: Firearms 23 - Now: Local Politics
    2 points
  24. you needed to ween off a guy? kinky
    2 points
  25. It's an rotary engraving machine. Basically, it's great for indoor signage like braille and such, dataplates, nameplates, tags and stuff. Got a good deal for it and needed to ween off a guy that has been dragging his feet getting things done that I used to outsource to.
    2 points
  26. Lugr Manly is captain of a fishing boat Lugr Manly is captain of a hot dog fishing boat Lugr manly fishing for sausages Jonah and the hot dog whale Kind of difficult to put dog and whale together without thinking @DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER , but then it might be more like... Jonah and the Philly cheesesteak whale
    2 points
  27. Late Thank You for the birthday wishes 👍 It started well, and ended well, I think lol That stupid rice crap mixed with all the other stuff messed with my system the next day. Oh, I found this the next morning. . . .
    2 points
  28. Not sure, but I have a feeling the queen double taxes the color blind as if they can see color. Then like Mercer stated, they run around shouting, "God save the Queen!"
    1 point
  29. This goes a long way in business. She will always remember you.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. What Mercer said. Although sarcastically speaking, do they pay extra to see in color too?
    1 point
  32. Don't think so. The black Paula Deen is the better version of Paula Deen.
    1 point
  33. Various combos of Donald Trump doing something on Joe Biden's massive sausage Donald Trump riding on a massive sausage submarine
    1 point
  34. @morton mentioned reading - at times it rakes me fucking forever to get through a book. I can leave the shit sitting for weeks or a month. If the story isn’t super compelling for me I can literally have entire unrelated thought processes going on as I read. I really think ADD is a huge fucking factor here probably for most of us. Comics, bikes, cars. sneakers, art collection, records are a few examples of things I went completely nuts for and then have cooled off on. Although I am still into those things they are not taking up my time/energy/money like they used to. Another thing worth mentioning is that these things are reflective of addiction to a degree- ie. getting those dopamine hits when acquiring something new pertaining to our new awesome hobby etc Be interesting to see how many of us in this thread have some degree of addiction issues - I have a sneaking suspicion haha
    1 point
  35. Happy 1up day! Did she give you a nice tranny hand job?
    1 point
  36. Sup y'all! Ya boy Ens&Dees here Nverr hav I nevr tasted Srpite. My bad for the bad spelling, a bit tidspy, just had my fisrt wine coolr.
    1 point
  37. ^I hate it when they do the Stussy S with flat ends like that.
    1 point
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