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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2019 in Posts

  1. Big stack of 76-79 hightimes
    4 points
  2. @NightmareOnElmStreethonestly I feel like this is a pretty common theme in this thread. Seems like most of us weren't set on a path to have (or at least plan for) a future, then we wind up in our thirties still trying to make one. There are groups out there that can help you with your soul crushing loans. A friend I went to school with had the same debt as me, but didn't join the military. And he never, ever paid a monthly bill. Like three or four years back with the late fees, delinquencies, and interest piled up he was at almost 400k in. He got help from some people at a local credit union and ultimately got his debt reduced to 30k. Obviously, That is a much more managable number, and i watched him crawl out of a years long depression because of that light at the end of the tunnel. Sounds like the movie set thing would be a dream. I hope it works out for you.
    2 points
  3. A few older dro publications. I have all the hemp connection news letter somewhere but tbats 90s stuff. Gotta dig around to find the other stuff i havent sent back to CA yet.
    2 points
  4. being 25000 miles away from my collections will have to be a good enough excuse for now lol. ill have some pics of what iv been collecting since moving when im back home later tonight.
    2 points
  5. No idea, but I'm pretty sure I would have loved it as a kid
    2 points
  6. Cancel Culture needs to stop without a doubt, it will be the undoing of modern liberalism, and I believe its a huge piece of why we're in for another four years of Trump. The misdirection of anger and supposed justice here is absolutely insane, but wholly par for the course of the last decade or so. All that said, at least they're not the NBA gargling chinese balls....
    2 points
  7. Been marinating on wtf to say in here for a minute. I picked around a good bit and definitely found some common ground. So heres my shit. I started working at a grocery store for tips when I was 14 years old. In between that and skateboarding I also worked at a seafood restaurant in the basement. I've had a lot of different gigs over the years and I'm barely close to what I consider the finish line. Had no fuckin idea what to do with myself after high school. Nobody in my family, or my neighborhood went to college and no one talked about it. I barely knew it was even a option and it wasn't until late ass senior year I started hearing some acquaintances rapping about where they were going. The buzz happened and once I figured out I could gtfo of my town with some death sentence loan I was all over it. Moms helped me find a junior college cause I was in the remedials with the other special or mislead youth. Signed a bunch of fucking papers neither one of us knew a damn thing about and I was off. I chose criminal justice because my black history teacher told me to....LOL. THIS SHIT IS SAD AND FUNNY BUT MOSTLY SAD TO TYPE OUT. Anyways, I always loved Boston from all my skate trips and thats where I was headed. Surprisingly, I did really fucking well. Better grades than I ever had in HS. All of my professors were adjunct lawyers and I received a lot of encouragement to stick with it. The plan was to transfer into a real school with a serious law program and keep on trucking. I got my little Associates, got into some good institutions and settled on Suffolk U. because of their renowned law school. Signed a bunch more loan papers with mom dukes, got a work study and a part time job at a deli and got to crackin. This was when my rap lettering started fucking with my life. Had already gotten bagged once or twice for other shit but I ended up needing a lawyer and from that experience I stupidly decided law wasn't for me and bailed completely. Leaned into history & education, got a job at American apparel with the rest of the hipsters, floundered into a deadly dark depression and consequently got pushed out/dropped out of school. Unfortunately, I fell victim to the got a real job and never went back shit. Since then, I was a preschool teacher for many years dabbling in more coursework here and there towards a official degree but somehow knew I wasn't too sold on the life move. I got locked up for rap letters and started realizing that shit might for sure not be my move. Nevertheless, I stayed in early ed for a number of years while simultaneously beginning to make appearances in the more profitable section of rap letter art having shows and selling things. Got into dj'ing pretty heavy which was lucrative but not enough to survive on alone. Had a studio going off and did a little traveling for it but nothing crazy. (this is probably one of many mistakes created by a lack of focus/discipline) Moved out to pdx to pursue the early ed/ art teacher thing and maybe make more of a personal attempt at something relatable (RIP POZ forever for introducing me to some of the right peoples). Didn't work out and I went back to CT with my tail between my legs. Next chapter, and a fast forward to now....Had random unplanned child, got a job in blue collar manual labor land painting houses because child care teachers make shit money. Sadly even the most dedicated teachers, non public, early childhood, are drastically under paid. Been in and out of this painting shit (cause I'm still in it today) and 2 years ago I decided I fuckin hated painting enough to get out but since I had nothing else to go back to I ended up finding a art teacher gig at a Montessori school in Cambridge. 2017-2018. This shit was a huge eye opener on a lot of levels, primarily, I was fuckin over kids especially after having my own. That and probably the place I was at. Super rich, crunchy hipster families. The kind of place with rap letter murals and 4 year olds dressed in Patagonia down to the socks. Confusing. Annoying as fuck. Ultimatley, a deal breaker. I am old now, younger than plenty of you all but whatever. I've done a bunch of shit and after reading a good deal of the posts in here I can relate to the "done did it all" or a lot of it and none. Dabbler of many. Talented at a lot. Master of fucking nothing. In the last year and change I was introduced to the idea of UX/UI design by a artist homegirl of mine who works for eBay out in slc. I did what I always do. Got all into the idea and even took a couple seminars thinking I was gonna do one of this bootcamps that promise a job or your money back. I havent committed. I was supposed to start one last month that seemed finally promising as the right fit. More life shit happened and I had to bail. Im glad I did because it came right at a time in between jobs and gave me the opportunity to be where I'm at currently. Which is kind of no where but not exactly. A friend of mine does prop making and set design for shows and movies filmed out of the New England area and she got me on a set out of no where. after being there for only a week I was able to have a glimpse into a world I've only dreamt about being a part of since I was a fucking kid. and the money is stupid crazy. They work insane hours but it's all union shit and I'm at the age and point in life where I think thats my ticket. I was fortunate enough to be put on the over hire list and now its just a waiting game. it could take a long fucking time to get union but its a huge step in the right direction. I'd love to be in the scenic department and work on horror movies. As a painter and a artist it's the perfect gig. All of this is cool but I'm torn up about the tech shit. I have always wanted to be a computer nerd like some of you dudes and I truly feel like its something I could be good at. Took 2 graphic design classes at risd over the tail end of summer to get my feet wet and I really enjoyed it. After all that typing I'm still at square one though. No real idea what the fuck I am doing. But I feel like I'm getting closer. I am pretty set on a plan though and that is if I don't get called back to set within 2 months I'm either enrolling in said bootcamp, part time instead of full. Or enrolling in a online school for the same kind of shit just to have in the pocket. I'm in ridiculous school debt I'll never be able to pay anyways. might as well get that degree. I'm not really the type of dude who can just learn everything on my own and create that portfolio. idfk. peace.
    2 points
  8. GR - general release (wider more easily accessible shoe)
    1 point
  9. Colourway or CW is the colour scheme used on the shoe, so on OG air max 1 is the red n white but there are different colourways Deadstock means never worn, brand new in box OG and Reissue are self explanatory There are loads of others so just ask
    1 point
  10. Me n the missus being annoyingly cute And some New Balance I wore today
    1 point
  11. Got a few pairs arriving in the next week or so hopefully
    1 point
  12. Those Goretex kayano 5 360 are sick, I love the muted colourway and the suede looks nice too
    1 point
  13. This guys old skl in London...so I guess the outward pointing arrows isn’t an iron clad rule?
    1 point
  14. best since mw3 Activision ID is odd. Add me I’m KilzFillz
    1 point
  15. I am way too into collecting to follow a minimalist lifestyle, but I try to embrace it in a couple aspects. Clothing-- I own about 1.5 weeks worth of clothing , with some seasonal variation. In everything I try to buy durable, quality goods. IE Quality tools (nothing from harbor freight) or red wing work boots.
    1 point
  16. What was that Texas murder movie? Not Chainsaw Massacre. Town that Dreaded Sundown maybe?
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Having a few of these tonight. 🥃
    1 point
  19. My apologies that some of these are reposted, but I just got a new scanner up and running and wanted to get proper scans not the shitty Instagram reposts.
    1 point
  20. Honestly, I wouldn’t do it unless you have a friend. I know back in our days we did it and plenty of other dumb shit and maybe I’m just old, but way too much can go wrong. I’d have at least one friend and really make sure they can watch your back. Also, dress in layers with the outside layer being muted and dark. Layer under it should be the opposite of that, light and bright. If you get chased, shed a layer when you get to a safe spot. Always have your rally points figured out if it’s not just you by yourself. No matter what, never ever admit to any wrong doing, even if they saw you doing it. Just stick to your story, no matter what. A good one is you were talking to a girl you just met and she dissed you so you’re making your way home and got turned around.
    1 point
  21. A print I found on the street bye a trash can
    1 point
  22. @Kultsthe perfect replacement for your juul
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Really cool. Reminds me of some of the mashup stuff the VLOK kids are doing...
    1 point
  25. These look kinda cool
    1 point
  26. Sorry, this is a long one. I apologize for any typos or weirdly structured sentences. I'll start my backstory in 1989. No, not the year I was born, but the year I left art/design school. I didn't graduate, I left. Long story. I ended up back in the DC area and got a job at Tower Records/Video. I had no idea Tower had an art department until I worked there, and once I knew, I knew that's where I wanted to be. Within a few weeks of working there one of the artists left, the other artists knew I was an artist, and I got hired to the art department. A few years later I'm working at the art department at a Tower in Dublin, California and my girlfriend at the time was working at Nordstrom. She got chatty with the folks who did the window displays and mention of me and what I do came up, so they hired me to recreate some vintage post cards for them on 4'x6' board, for their windows. I got on really well with the Nordstrom folks, and a month later they hired me to their team. I worked for Nordstrom doing window displays for twenty years. Twenty... years. It was an awesome job. I learned skills I wouldn't have otherwise learned, I made lifelong friends, I got to travel often, and travel well. It also made moving with job security very easy, so I tried San Diego then back to the Bay before I eventually ended up in Portland, Oregon. Met a girl, got married, stayed put. In the late 90s the Apple iMac was introduced and I bought one. My first computer experience. I taught myself the basics of how to use Adobe Illustrator (and learned a lot from guys like Kema) during that time and started bringing it into the Graffiti I was creating, and I was doing some small time freelance design stuff. Nordstrom window displays - the way it used to work was every store had a budget and the in-store display team designed, created, and installed the window display. Somewhere in the late 90s, early oughts, Nordstrom shifted design to home base (Seattle) and set up a team to design the window displays for all stores. The idea was continuity in the consumer experience. Obviously, I wanted in on this new design department. It wasn't until about six years later that I got my chance. The director just called me out of the blue and offered me a job. It meant moving to Seattle, though. The wife and I chatted about it for a few days and she decided that if I want to do what I was meant to do, what I've wanted to do since grade school, I had to take this opportunity and see if I can make it work. So I took it. I moved to Seattle but my wife stayed in Portland. Tough, but it's only a few hours so we made it work. I learned a ton at my first design job. I knew very little about Illustrator when I think back on it. I knew nothing about Photoshop other than the auto features. I had never opened InDesign. Honestly, it's a miracle they gave me a chance considering how little I knew. That said, within a year I had learned a ton, and my aesthetic was completely different form what had been done or was being done, so it worked. After about a year we hired a guy who had recently graduated from school for architecture. I saw him working in a 3D program building out an environment for a fashion show event. I had just spent the last week designing in "3D" in Illustrator so when I saw how effortlessly he was working in this program I was blown away. The program was Sketchup, and at the time there was a free version. So I downloaded it and spent an entire week teaching myself how to use it, and the new hire helped with some tricks and tips. By the end of that week I was up and running, and the game had changed for me. Eventually I got a job as the designer for Nordstrom's Pop-In shops that Olivia Kim (of Opening Ceremony fame) was leading. After close to 2 years of living in Seattle away from wife, and visiting each other when we could, and all the travel I was doing, I felt it was time to find a job in Portland. So I created a Portfolio and set out. I applied for almost 22 jobs at Nike and never got one, I applied for six jobs at Adidas and never got one, I applied for a job at Columbia and got passed up, I applied for a job at Icebreaker which I almost got but the day I was supposed to go in and get my offer letter the company had decided to shift operations back to New Zealand, so I was out. I sent my portfolio to six local design agencies and heard back from two, met one for an interview, but turns out they weren't hiring they just wanted to meet me and learn more about Nordstrom, met the other but he ultimately passed on me because my InDesign skills were minimal and he really needed someone to handle deck building. Then Design Week Portland happened and I went to an open house at an agency called SET Creative because a friend worked there. While there he talked me up and got me an interview the following week, and they hired me. Different world, different pace, working at a design agency as opposed to working in the corporate world. Eventually bigger and bigger projects rolled in and I ended up designing the Jordan brand store in Toronto. Funny side note: we partnered with the agency who passed on me due to little InDesign experience. While in Toronto he and I were in a van with a bunch of other folks and everyone was talking about their career experience. When I mentioned I worked at Nordstrom that guy spoke up and said "I interviewed a guy a Nordstrom but he didn't have enough experience". I told him that was me and he was sooooo apologetic. It was kind of funny. He's an awesome guy so I took no offense, it's business, I get it. Anyway, SET Creative brought in a ton of great work, and offered me a lot of incredible opportunities, but their business practices and lack of work/life balance left me wanting to get the hell out. I got poached by another smaller agency about two years ago and I've a lot happier. We do some fun stuff and it feels more like family. Love it. And during all that time I was painting Graffiti, painting canvases, racing bikes, traveling the world, and moonlighting as a freelance designer for the cycling industry. There's definitely been some low points, a few high points, but overall it's been awesome. To think I was a snot-nosed kid who barely graduated high school (after dropping out in 11th grade and then going back) and dropped out of design school and I somehow made it out okay... is a good feeling. I'm fucking tired and really want to just retire (seventeen more years) but I love what I'm doing and wouldn't change a thing. The biggest thing along the way that kept me going was the support I received from friends and family. Family always passing along positive affirmations and friends/peers telling me I can do what I felt I couldn't, and giving me the opportunities to prove it to myself. This includes guys like @misteraven, Cody Hudson, and Caleb Neelon, and I'll always be thankful for that.
    1 point
  27. This seems to be a reoccurring theme with people I know that had to join because of crippling student loan debt. Most people who enlist for other reasons, or straight out of high school seem to walk away with fewer regrets. People there because of student loan debt seem to have a greater chance of regretting enlistment. Not sure if this is just anecdotal, or a bigger pattern at play here. I have one friend who joined because of student loan debt that is now glad he enlisted, and 3 others who regret the entire thing, all because of art school debt. Seems like a lot of it stems from them realizing they did have a choice in retrospect, where at the time it they enlisted it looked/felt like they didn't.
    1 point
  28. I skipped the primary school stuff. I was in special ed through 4th grade because I couldn't read for shit--I was born in Pakistan and mostly (6 months in WA when we came "home" and I had surgery to make me less deaf when I was 3) lived there til I was 6 and didn't have any sort of preschool or kindergarten to set me up for American education. My parents were evangelical missionaries, so I spoke english, but my peers were all Pakistani and I spoke urdu accordingly (long forgotten unfortunately). Anyways, after sp-ed I was an A student through high school, but I had detention on a weekly basis from 6th grade on. never suspended or expelled. Just a smart ass with your standard issue "problems with authority." Edit: moved around a lot 4 elementary schools, and 3 high schools. sophomore year of high school my parents pulled me out to home school me as I was starting to get into more "serious trouble." that probably only made things worse. I never really planned on college. I grew up fairly poor and it seemed really fucking expensive. I applied last minute at the behest of a few of my teachers and was offered free rides to a couple state schools. I really wish I'd taken those opportunities more seriously. Instead I decided to take a year off and keep working, which set me on the path to take on a shit load of debt for culinary school and then join the army under a student loan repayment program. If I'd gone to real school straight out of high school I would have never joined the military, hindsight is a motherfucker. one oddball job I left out was working for Cargill. (huge fucking company). They really liked me. I helped make french fries better for several of the go-to American food chains. I helped keep Americans fucking fat and hated myself for it... They moved their lab I was at to MN and offered me a real nice salary to move with them, but MN had had a record cold winter the previous year and I had no interest in that shit whatsoever. that covers it all I think.
    1 point
  29. I forgot to tell a few things as well. This thread has turned out REALLY good so far. I'm impressed. I, too, didn't finish highschool..... and I'll tell you why. I was bored af. Smoked pot probably the entire 10-12th grade and skipped class all the time to the point that my teachers would be smart asses to me when I did show up, "oh hey dhabz, thank you so much for joining us today...." You know, that kind of stuff. I didn't care. I got told WAY too many times in school that I was too smart to not be applying myself, but if you want the honest truth..... I just didn't care about english class (and that may be obvious today lol).... or history. I am MUCH more interested in these subjects now. Anyway, the story of getting kicked out of highschool: I had fucked off all the way until 12th grade and I wasn't going to graduate because I didn't have enough credits. I got into the self paced program, kinda like a charter school within the public school. All of our work was on computers. To put this all in perspective, I was class of 2000. This was around the time that trojans were pretty popular with programs like Sub7 being commonly used by computer people to do "fun" things. My friend and I were in this class together and the teacher knew that I was very sharp with computers. Without my knowledge, my friend had installed Sub7 on one of the lab computers and there was a girl working on her stuff and he made an inappropriate image come up on her screen. I had no idea he even put that software on the computer or did this to that girl while she was working. She reported it to the teacher immediately, the teacher.... without skipping a beat pointed me out and said "you did this, we're going to see the principal." Blindsided by this, I was like wtf are you even talking about, I did not do that..... and that's when I made a huge mistake, but it may have been a blessing in disguise because it set me on the path to get where I am now. I told the teacher "I wonder if those kids that shot up the school (columbine) were being treated like this." I would never dream of hurting anyone but that was enough for him to say that I had made a bomb threat. I know this story isn't dignifying and if I could apologize to that teacher today I would. I was stupider then and shouldn't have speculated about such a dark subject. I got kicked out of school on the spot, the principal opted to not involve the police (I didn't think they really had anything legal on me anyway). I stayed in Austin for a few more months before moving to Dallas and starting another self paced program there. This time was a little different, although I still wasn't interested in school work, i was just going to school to socialize with the other students basically. The principal of that school pulled me in and told me "you're done, you're not making progress." I walked across the street w/ my backpack and signed up to take the GED exam. I spend the next 2 weeks taking the exam without studying. My score was 2 points below what would have been required to be exempt from college entrance exams..... with no studying. It was literally one or two questions wrong that would have been different. In hindsight I'm also thankful that I didn't get exempt because if I had, I may have gone to school and my life would be way different now. So anyway, that's how I got a "highschool" education. I also poured concrete for about 2 years in Dallas. That was a fun job because I worked with my friends. All of the work we did was for subfloors, which are installed on 2nd through whatever story on buildings. Basically it's a soft concrete layer that's poured on top of the plywood after it's sealed. This concrete layer is what you attache the carpet pad to and then the carpet pad nail strips get put into it as well. The subfloor breaking and a nail pulling out of the plywood beneath is almost always 100% of what causes a squeak in your apartment when you're walking through it. The subfloor needs repair. Anyway, so since these jobs were always on floors higher up than the 1st floor, you have to carry 80lb bags of gypsum concrete up to the work area for mixing...... well, we would challenge eachother to see who could carry the most bags at once up the stairs. Totally stupid, the boss probably wouldn't have been excited but he was never on the job site with us so it didn't matter. We did that shit all the time. I think the most I could ever do was 320lbs total, which isn't that great but I was around 21 at the time..... so maybe it was great. Another job I did that was pretty fun was installing Maytags. I did this for the first shop in Texas that sold Maytags in Texas..... the train would stop right behind the shop and unload the new units right into the back of the warehouse..... that stopped happening long before I worked there. Anyway, installing and servicing appliances in the DFW area was fun. I got to meet a lot of cool people with "old money" in the area. It wasn't uncommon for elderly women to have cookies for me an my coworker because they were repeat customers and knew that we'd be the ones showing up to work on their appliances. We got offered beer by guys a whole lot. I learned a bit of carpentry because under/over ovens NEVER install in the same hole you pulled the old one out of. You always have to do fitment to make it right. I learned a little bit of electrical work, even though I'm still rightfully scared of it. I'd probably make a good electrician because of my fear of getting shocked. Oh, that reminds me..... I used to always wait until my coworker was fixin to put something together with a wirenut or something and then i'd go "BBBBBXXXZZZZZZZZZZZ" real loud. He never appreciated that lol..... I always appreciated it. Funny every time.... I'm a terrible coworker. Lol.
    1 point
  30. Insects (all self caught) and animal skulls (not self caught)
    1 point
  31. I loved the old thread. Good to see new stuff in here. Some of my recents. Been in a "I should do more to finish my paintings but don't really want to" kinda funk lately
    1 point
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