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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/2009 in all sections

  1. they were serving moet and the bar dude let me grab a bottle from the side. enough already. leaving the show headed to chelsea market, i think lady pink did this in their loading dock. out front inside water fall inside, this building is where the food network films all its shows. after that i was still buzzed from the champagne so i grabbed a taxi and headed home
    4 points
  2. went to the county fair i was like a mile from my house and thought ah shit son no camera and went back to get it saw some small cowboys then some small old trees CARNIVAL PEOPLE the right team to root for some local apple farm history DAO... i was gonna get it for the lulz factor didn't wanna shitty 8 dollar sandwich though so instead i ordered a deep fried donkey cock. /no beastie cocks everywhere i heart golden west service vcard last but not least for my bacon lovers
    4 points
  3. are hilarious. Just ripped one in my cousin's face. brought the lulz...discuss farts?
    2 points
  4. Best website ever..... http://dealextreme.com
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. props all around... went to this rock-a-billy car show last weekend.. city of champYINZ an my iced coffee shoe pic? mural my homie painted for another homies bar heads rock-a-billy-ing? first badass car that caught my eye. the hood ordiment(sp) was insain too be continued when i get another minute..
    2 points
  7. I'm gonna go ahead and squelch the free speech in here. Because I hate America.
    2 points
  8. favella, what is that?
    2 points
  9. last day headed up to Tuff city to paint but got all paranoid about the Bronx so took disposable with me (not yet developed) got to tuff city and the wall was being used for a photoshoot so no NYC piece for Schnitzel (again) ran into another writer from Sydney in the same boat then headed back to manhattan couple of last shots Still getting respect on the other coast R.I.P Got back to sanfrancisco to get flight home had a 4 hour layover Exhibition of glasses and kitchenware gerbil Then home :( :( :( :( :( Final stats beers drunk about 500 drugs consumed - enough Guns seen - 1 Rivers tubed -1 Pieces done - 6 Nikes bought 2 -pairs Shirts bought -7 jeans bought - 2 pairs pounds put on in three weeks -10 hangovers had about 15 pugs played with -2 Mix cd's bought, given or stolen -4 languages tried to speak -2 French and Spanish Thanks to all that helped me out across the states you are all some cool cats- when are you all coming to OZ??????
    2 points
  10. Re: Obama doesn't like black people obama has a lot more on his plate? like what? ruining America?
    2 points
  11. stick with what you got. or Ubauntu http://www.ubuntu.com/
    1 point
  12. 1 point
    1 point
  14. Stuttgart, and I apologize to you as well good sir. I think in all the years I have lived in Germany (on and off for 5 years) I have met more cool people here that are open minded and I have met like two fascists.
    1 point
  15. left my camera in a certain someones car just got it back with some quality fliks
    1 point
  16. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that good grammar and proper English was "talking like a hipster." "Yo, Da Bronx is Mad Gully son... Dese bitch azz, whiteboy hipsters could never lay their headz up here and call it they crib site." How's that? Opps, I mean "how dat?"
    1 point
  17. Those call ins to that lucidview channel were fucking hilarious.
    1 point
  18. rxtc she was rubbish :lol:
    1 point
  19. never forget dont matter none now, but rxtc
    1 point
    1 point
  21. That 12oz bite forum (think it was 120 z ) and it's early demise. Daewoo's first post in your day in pics (still there I think). Vag's Vag pics. Porc's girl coming on here.
    1 point
  22. yeah. she was ugly as fuck. i seriously can't remember before. my friend was over before and he lurks 12oz and we were talking about it. (coz we talk about 12oz outside of 12oz all the time...but not really)
    1 point
  23. ^That's awesome. The internet taketh, and the internet punish with. mehh, enjoy another year of no interaction between us.
    1 point
  24. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD ultra fucking mega comedy ...if you own a cat u know why ... cats are the best for some dam laughs wow .. soooooo fuckin funny
    1 point
  25. Then you obviously haven't seen the picture of 9yr old Mams putting his nuts on his Mom's forhead while she slept in the hammock. Not that there's anything wrong with that, we all did it... well, not to Mam's mom but... the point is, funny.
    1 point
  26. I think post quality was at its best during the El Mams/PMB/Kilo era. elaborate posts, photos, puzzles. hard to top. of course no 12oz legends list would be complete without mentioning the dozen or so posts involving Tease.
    1 point
  27. just look at tons of graffiti and bite it all, attempt to atleast, inevitably fail miserably, and make your neighborhood look like shit. sarcasm
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to santa-cruz again THE DEEP FRIED DONKEY DICK HAD ME LAUGHING
    1 point
  30. anyone seen zatoichi the blind swordsman? if youre into the kind of flicks with swords hacking people with lots of blood, youll think its a dope movie
    1 point
  31. at least were not from chernobyl/sons of vietnam vets that were exposed to agent orange/hiroshima some people dont even get a starting chance at life, so its kiinda fair for us. i guess just sayin, not starting a pro-life/pro-choice debate or some shit, because i dont care about that
    1 point
  32. A properly tuned Mac is fast. It's when they get old (the product cycle is six months to a year) with little maintenance and all kinds of automated updates that they start to bog down...compounding this is the fact that most Mac owners don't know how to clear caches and dump temp files...if you do that once a month everything will work fine. Windows is a totally different beast. I have grudgingly begun to like it and make the best of it. It is inferior to OS X in a lot of ways but then again there's better OSes out there than OS X. The problem is that most people treat their computers worse they treat their cars, and when things go wrong they blame it on ___________________ (Steve Jobs or Bill Gates can go here) when it's their own fault. That's fine with me, I make money off those people...but it's sad when I see people adamantly choosing to be ignorant.
    1 point
  33. Some of these have probably been posted already but.... Bill Daniels - Who is Bozo Texino Who is Bozo Texino? chronicles the search for the source of a ubiquitous and mythic rail graffiti-- a simple sketch of a character with an infinity-shaped hat and the scrawled moniker, "Bozo Texino"-- a drawing seen on railcars for over 80 years. Daniel's gritty black and white film uncovers a secret society and it's underground universe of hobo and railworker graffiti, and includes interviews with legendary boxcar artists, Coaltrain, Herby, Colossus of Roads, and The Rambler. Shooting over a 16-year period, Daniel rode freights across the West carrying a Super-8 sound camera and a 16mm Bolex. During his quest he discovered the roots of a folkloric tradition that has gone mostly unnoticed for a century. Taking inspiration from Beat artists Robert Frank and Jack Kerouac, the film functions as both a sub-cultural documentary and a stylized fable on wanderlust and outsider identity. I suggest checking out the accompanying book as well... ___________________________________________ Trudell "He is extremely eloquent... and therefore extremely dangerous" - FBI MilkGrenades and I actually had the opportunity to hang out and converse with John Trudell... Mind opening to say the least. _____________________________________________________ The Vice Guide to Travel The VICE GUIDE TO TRAVEL is the first installment in VICE magazine’s new DVD series. The series will feature short documentaries arranged around a different theme. For this edition we went to the kinds of places that nobody else wants to visit. We traveled to the corners of the world where news is happening, the forgotten locales where strange people and stories lie and where history is being made every day. This is the VICE idea of a vacation. Spec on the DVD: - Places visited: Chernobyl, Pakistan, Paraguay, Rio, Beirut, Congo, Bulgaria -Bonus Footage that includes New Year's Eve in Kabul and David Cross and Gavin McInnes in China _______________________________________________________ The Weather Underground They were America's most notorious public outlaws, a little-known radical group who parlayed antiwar sentiments into a sophisticated campaign aimed at disrupting the U.S. government. The Weathermen terrorized Chicago for two days in 1969 before going underground through the 1970s, even attempting to bomb the U.S. Capitol, yet eluded one of history's largest FBI manhunts. Former members speak candidly about their idealistic passion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ay4cgdq6g-o
    1 point
  34. ignint comes to mind sometimes when I'm on here
    1 point
  35. Thanx dude..hard to keep up with some of you...nice stuff
    1 point
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