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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2011 in all sections

  1. 3 points
  2. ^^^ Copied and pasted the text here: from another site who had copied and pasted it there! A few things from the bike shop. Whoo-hoo Seattle, the sun is out! Let's discuss a few things before you fumble with swapping the unused ski rack for the unused bike rack on the Subaru. So yes, you've noticed the sun is out, and hey!- maybe it would be cool to to some bike riding. Let's keep in mind that the sun came out of all 600,000 of us, so for the most part, you're not the only one who noticed. Please remember that when you walk into my shop on a bright, sunny Saturday morning. It will save you from looking like a complete twat that huffs "Why are there so many people here?" Are we all on the same page now about it being sunny outside? Have we all figured out that we're not the only clever people that feel sunny days are good for bike riding? Great. I want to kiss all of you on your forehead for sharing this moment with me. Put your vitamin D starved fingers in mine, and we'll move on together to some pointers that will make life easier. SOME POINTERS FOR THE PHONE: - I don't know what size of bike you need. The only thing that I can tell over the phone is that you sound fat. I don't care how tall you are. I don't care how long your inseam is. Don't complain to me that you don't want to come ALL THE WAY down to the bike shop to get fitted for a bike. I have two hundred bikes in my inventory. I will find one that fits you. Whether you come from the north or the south, my shop is downhill. Pretend you're going to smell a fart, ball up, and roll your fat ass down here. - Don't get high and call me. Write it down, call me later. When I have four phone lines ringing, and a herdlet of people waiting for help, I can't deal with you sitting there "uuuuhhh"-ing and "uuummm"-ing while your brain tries to put together some cheeto-xbox-fixie conundrum. We didn't get disconnected, I left you on hold to figure your dung out. -I really do need to see your bike to know what is wrong with it. You've already figured out that when you car makes a noise, the mechanic needs to see it. When your TV goes blank, a technician needs to see it. I can tell you, if there is one thing I've learned from you franking squirrels, it's that "doesn't shift right" means your bike could need a slight cable adjustment, or you might just need to stop backing into it with the Subaru. Bring it in, I'll let you know for sure. - No, I don't know how much a good bike costs. For some, spending $500 dollars is a kingly sum. For others, $500 won't buy you one good wheel. You really need to have an idea of what you want, because every one of you raccoons "doesn't want to spend too much". FOR YOU INVENTIVE TYPES AND DO-IT-YOURSELFERS: - Just because you think is should exist, doesn't mean that it does. I know that to you, a 14 inch quill stem makes perfect sense, but what makes more sense is buying a bike that fits you, not trying to make your mountain bike that was too small for you to begin with into a comfort bike. - If some twat on some message board somewhere says that you can use the lockring from your bottom bracket as a lockring for a fixie conversion doesn't mean that A: you can, or B: you should. Please listen to me on this stuff, I really do have your best interests at heart. - I love that you have the enthusiasm to build yourself a recumbent in the off season. That does not mean however, that I share your enthusiasm; ergo I won't do the "final tweaks" for you. You figure out why that Sram shifter and that Shimano rear derailleur don't work together. While we're at it, you recumbent people scare me a little. Don't bring that lumbering franking thing anywhere near me. A DEDICATION TO ALL THE HIPSTER DUCHEBAGS: -If you shitheads had any money, you wouldn't NEED a vintage Poo-zhow to get laid. Go have an ironic mustache growing contest in front of American Apparel, so that I can continue selling $300 bikes to fatties, which is what keeps the lights on. - Being made in the 80's may make something cool, but that doesn't automatically make something good. The reason that no one has ridden that "vintage" Murray is because it's dung. It was dung in the 80's, a trend it carried proudly through the 90's, and rallied with into the '00's. What I mean to say is, no, I can't make it work better. It's still dung, even with more air in the tires. SO YOU'RE GONNA BUY A BIKE: Good for you! Biking is awesome. It's easy, it's fun, it's good for you. I want you to bike, I really do. To that end, I am here to help you. -Your co-worker that's "really into biking" knows frank all. Stop asking for his advice. He could care less about you having the right bike. He wants to validate his bike purchase(s) through you. He also wants to sleep with you, and wear matching bike shorts with you. - You're not a triathlete. You're not. If you were, you wouldn't be here, and we both know it. - You're not a racer. If you were, I'd know you already, and you wouldn't be here, and we both know it. - So you want a bike that you can ride to work, goes really fast, is good for that triathlon you're doing this summer (snicker), is good on trails and mud, and costs less than $300. Yeah. Listen, I want a car that can go 200 miles an hour, tow a boat, has room for five adults, is easy to parallel park but can carry plywood, gets 60mpg, and only costs $3,000. I also want a unicorn to blow me. What are we even talking about here? Oh yeah. Listen, bikes can be fast, light, cheap and comfortable. Pick two, and we're all good. ABOUT YOUR KIDS: Your kids are amazing. Sure are. No one else has kids as smart, able, funny or as good looking as you. Nope. Never see THAT around here. - I have no idea how long you kid will be able to use this bike. As it seems to me, your precious is a little retarded, and can't even use the damn thing now. More likely, your budding genius is going to leave the bike in the driveway where you will Subaru the bike to death LONG before the nose picker outgrows the bike. - Stop being so jumpy. I am not a molester. You people REALLY watch too much TV. When I hold the back of the bike while your kid is on it, it's not because I get a thrill from *almost* having my hand on kid butt, it's because kids are unpredictable, and generally take off whenever possible, usually not in the direction you think they might go. Listen, if I were going to do anything bad to your kids, I'd feed them to sharks, because sharks are franking AWESOME. I hope this helps, and have fun this summer riding your kick-ass bike!
    3 points
  3. One time the Cops actually arrested Cope but before they caught him he drank an entire case of Krink. So when he went to see the judge the next morning he pissed out this huge extinguisher tag in the court room. The Judge was so moved by the show of artistic skill a tear fell from his eye and he just dropped the charges.
    3 points
  4. How you gonna do Sweet Baby Ray's like that?
    3 points
  5. Re: Hennessy Youngman AKA aka Henrok Obama aka Henrokallah................................ Black people never wear the same clothes twice, Theo. You'll learn this after you get jumped in.
    2 points
  6. i heard cope2 once finished a fill and then sprinkled coke on the cloor to make it drug related.
    2 points
  7. ewwwwwwwww. i hate that face. i hate that lower gut upper pussy roll wack mexican eskimo titties in conclusion SMASH.
    2 points
  8. I'll leave this here...... http://www.text-upload.com/read.php?id=65517&c=4404339
    2 points
  9. where to start.... looks like a backpack you'd buy at Sketchers or some shit :lol: :lol: :lol:
    1 point
  10. Yet another travel thread. Will be in Memphis at the end of April for a couple of days, staying in downtown area. My nights are already booked, just looking for shit to do during the day. Places to eat? Anything interesting I should see? Anyone want to buy me a beer (/nh)? Yeah, and fuck google. Tre, I'm expecting some feedback.
    1 point
  11. Uploaded with ImageShack.us"] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/url] Uploaded with ImageShack.us"] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/url] Uploaded with ImageShack.us"] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/url] Uploaded with ImageShack.us"] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/url] Uploaded with ImageShack.us"] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/url]
    1 point
  12. EXACTLY!!!! USING something that people dedicate their lives to, and sacrifice their freedom and relationships for, (that you are NOT involved in) in order for you to hype up your art show????? You don't see anything wrong with that??? And then to come on here and ask those same people that youre shitting on, what they think you should bring up, like you're their representative???? And you're expecting to be respected by those people??? get the fuck outta here... I don't know what fucking planet you're living on, or when it became okay for people to represent for things they are not involved in... but this shit needs to stop. I am not one to knock anyone's hustle, you gotta eat. But you have amazing art work dude, you don't have to USE other people's passion in order to get attention for your shit. Oh, and you can be a fake and a toy at the same time for sure. I've seen em.
    1 point
    1 point
  14. DUDE. i just found SIK's facebook, apparently we have some mutual friends. i cant believe i found the source of a great oontz joke. im like flustered right now its so funny to me. he has a fucking SIK K tho. im not sure if thats nonsense but i am really happy right now.
    1 point
  15. I put a half full dollar can in my brand new Cope2 backpack to go out on a mission. When I got to the spot I opened the bag and boom, there was a 6 pack of the illest Spanish Montana Colors in there. True story.
    1 point
  16. Utah gotta step her merch game up. No comp.
    1 point
  17. Cope2 will fuck you up with a pair of rap nunchucks he made out of two cans of paint and a stolen gold chain.
    1 point
  18. you can also order it here: http://www.gayasfuck.com/store.
    1 point
  19. early mosquito bites 1972-74 steal em before they are gone!
    1 point
  20. fuck it. Heres a few stolen reposts always liked iges fills
    1 point
  21. i've bombed while coughing, so true. tpbm is over 500 miles from their hometown right now.
    1 point
  22. i hate it when my chicks mom decides i cant go over to see my chick
    1 point
  23. no. not cos you make money...we all have to...its just no real big risk @ all to be a 'public' artist....isnt that the point of being a gallery/conventional artist...putting a face to ur work...think tho its your arrogance to come onto a thread like this or 'razzle dazzle' over someone peoples stuff & think youre doing something people should be in awe of/grateful to be 'invited' to join. realize the city prolly commi$$ioned you to go over and specifically cover up the work of graffiti artists, not 'collaborate', right? why didnt you just get paid to do a free wall. there are plenty around for your 'project' and concepts. ok. sorry. dsd is right. im done. sigh. posted?
    1 point
  24. everyone should really shut the fuck up..... PAINT MORE GRAFFITI if you are that worried about this guy oh no he went over your favorite writer everrrr! yeah shit happens, people are dicks, life goes on.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. so I just went to dude's website. His phone number is 734 276 0448 and his email is ceedric@gmail.com have fun...
    1 point
  27. Scared Shitless Smach
    1 point
  28. RI crew. Just tryin to figure out who the nigga in the blue hat thats tryin to feel up on swamps nuts is. Fools reachin hard
    1 point
  29. On her boyfriends facial and my hand. She drew blood from grabbing my throat.
    1 point
  30. divezeam! not the freight i was thinking of, but dope asfuck anyway. the one i saw go by was a white grainer, and the dive zeam were both in yellow. looked like there was a kaskit piece on it too or something.
    1 point
  31. not stolen biut thought I'd post an old pic for the youngins who never ever saw the mainline un buffed
    1 point
  32. fuck...can you send me the link to his site? i cant find it. only in detroit do old hipster nerds like this exist. thinkin they're doin somethin clever or some shit and be able to get away with it. it sucks when someone finally paints some quality non-forgettable shit here and it get gone over by some art turd...
    1 point
  33. Fuckin' niggers and white trash teen mothers fighting in a trailer park. Holocaust 2.0 needed.
    1 point
    1 point
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