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One Man Banned

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More challenging than it seems, you can't just roll up a message, cork the bottle, and throw it in the ocean.  On my first attempts the bottles were smashed against rocks and the ocean spent the next 2 days mocking me by spitting all the contents back on to the beach in pieces.  Even if you get a successful launch, the odds of it being found again are slim, and the odds of getting it far, like across the ocean, are also slim.  May not even be found in my lifetime.  I've had to consult maps and charts of currents/tides.  Bodies of land have currents that run around them and if you can't get the bottle past them the bottle will travel along these currents and may or may not go far.  I try to launch these as the tide is going out to help get the bottles past the shore currents.  Seemed successful this time, those sea ducks were real curious about them.


So thoughts ideas on the following:


Any messsage placed in the bottle has to be rolled and then tied.  If not tied the paper expands in the bottle and can't be retrieved without breaking the glass.  I've been using dental floss to tie the message with extra floss up and out the bottle neck to help pull the message back out when unsealed.  Not sure over time if the dental floss will cut through the paper or if it will somehow degrade and affect the contents.  Maybe I should be using string.


The seal.  I've been using cork or rubber stoppers with a layer of filament tape over that.  Then dipped in melted wax.  When wrapped right the filament tape provides an edge that can be peeled later like on a wine bottle.  On the bottles above I skipped the tape.  I don't know how the wax performs.  I've used melted candle wax before and also gulf wax.  Not sure if gulf wax is good for this use, on the above I went w/ candle wax.  Obviously the seal is important and I don't know if gulf wax might degrade or otherwise melt because it has oil in it and is flammable.  I'm sure I can go get some marine type wax but trying to be more DIY here.

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What kind of paper and ink are you using? (Pencil?). 


id get some string that isn’t coated/treated. Will likely bleed through the paper over time. Kite string maybe?


Not sure how wax will react with salt water and sun over time. Maybe bathroom caulking better option?


what are the notes about?


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@Dirty_habiTI've thought of pitch only in terms of how marine shit was sealed in the past.  Not likely to get it as I would put that in line with marine wax.  Also it's pretty sticky/messy.  I may be wrong, but I believe it's only used with wooden vessels, not sure if still used?


@KILZ FILLZplain white paper.  In the past permanent marker but this time I did black ink.  They're all rolled with the ink facing inside to help preserve it.  I should do permanent marker every time.  I did think in the event the pen faded that a creative finder could still rub a pencil over it and make out the message from the indentations.


I agree about the string and am worried that the floss could eventually cut through the paper, believe I've heard of people cutting through prison bars with floss.  But it was all I had the first time so I've stuck with it.  I don't know how thick kite string is but I should look at thinner string or thread.  I'm somewhat concerned that anything too thick could create space in the bottle neck where water could get in if the waz/tape came off or loose.


Caulk is a good idea but I imagine it could come off just as easily.  Trying to stick w/ wax, but there's different waxes and I don't know a heck of a lot about that.  There's also very little for points of refererence online on this topic.


The notes have varied.  The first several ones explained what this is, where the bottles came from (I try to use old, found bottles from trainyards or other interesting places), date and approximate location launched, maybe a positive message or thought.  At the bottoms of the notes were little character sketches, a poseidon type dude and some sea/marine shit.  In these last 3 I just did I didn't have time for sketches, should have done them before travel.  They had the basic info from above.  One of them tells about the time I saved a life.  The other 2, one had some positive thought and the other, due to being lazy and not knowing if it will ever be seen, was just some throwies and shout-outs.  The gag ones have FIAJ written on the outside of the note to further tempt someone to open them.  The inside note says something like "On this day October 2020 I farted in this jar."  I threw in a 12oz sticker and a buck or 2 and asked that if they had a good sense of humor to #12oz, or maybe it was to post it to Ch0, can't remember.



To add more random info I've done this a number of times over the last 2-3 years.  I know that from maybe a few hours away from where I launch someone had done one that made it to another continent.  Also people have done plenty that travel down the coast and wind up on the shores of various states.  Apparently plenty of people do this drunkenly from cruise ships.  I assume that's unplanned, maybe stick the cork back in the empty wine bottle and toss it.  There was a story online of a guy who did so many bottles, most of which washed back, that he was ordered to stop.  There are a few examples of where bottles were found years and years after they were launched.   




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thats pretty fucking cool dude.. i wish there was a way to see the persons reaction to when they open the FIAJ and get a good wiff of it.. i do know from randomly getting lost on youtube you CAN preserve farts for later dates but by vacuum sealing a can and putting it in a freezer.. im sure/hopeful it works just as well by just farting in a bottle as well and sealing it as quickly as possible..


also maybe some ordinary fishing string will work best to tie the notes..? not sure if they're too hard or would tear the paper or whatever but its a thought..

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I’ve done time capsules before, wrote on stuff that’s being covered by construction to be discovered later, but never this. I’d probably just draw a picture of a thicc booty, maybe just throw a pinner of weed in there.


Wonder if anyone has aggregated, and studied articles about finding bottled messages over time to see if there’s any reoccurring theme to the content, or trend with the messages. I mean you’re pretty much free to write whatever you want in there anonymously.

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35 minutes ago, Mercer said:

I’ve done time capsules before, wrote on stuff that’s being covered by construction to be discovered later, but never this. I’d probably just draw a picture of a thicc booty, maybe just throw a pinner of weed in there.


Wonder if anyone has aggregated, and studied articles about finding bottled messages over time to see if there’s any reoccurring theme to the content, or trend with the messages. I mean you’re pretty much free to write whatever you want in there anonymously.


I thought about putting a little nugget in there but wasn't sure if there were any legalities involved depending on where launched from and where found.  Also wouldn't want a kid picking it up.  I tried to put some small shells and sea glass in my early ones but found that they had the potential to damage the glass.  


IDK if there's been any studies, but from doing my own searching online it seems there are 2 main categories- messages of hope, and messages of despair.  There's a subcategory for research related stuff.  From what I saw, it can be kind of depressing for the finder when the messsage is one of despair.  

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2 hours ago, Tails0nE said:

thats pretty fucking cool dude.. i wish there was a way to see the persons reaction to when they open the FIAJ and get a good wiff of it.. i do know from randomly getting lost on youtube you CAN preserve farts for later dates but by vacuum sealing a can and putting it in a freezer.. im sure/hopeful it works just as well by just farting in a bottle as well and sealing it as quickly as possible..


Haha, what?  Curious what choose your own adventure steps brought you to fart preservation on youtube, lolz.  

I guess it's trapped methane gas, don't know if it breaks down or if the scent component does.  I can tell you I filled those jars to the brim with booming farts I did.


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5 hours ago, One Man Banned said:


I thought about putting a little nugget in there but wasn't sure if there were any legalities involved depending on where launched from and where found.  Also wouldn't want a kid picking it up.  I tried to put some small shells and sea glass in my early ones but found that they had the potential to damage the glass.  


IDK if there's been any studies, but from doing my own searching online it seems there are 2 main categories- messages of hope, and messages of despair.  There's a subcategory for research related stuff.  From what I saw, it can be kind of depressing for the finder when the messsage is one of despair.  


This is interesting, the deeper I think about this the more I draw a lot of parallels with writing freight graffiti/monikers. Outside of the "manufacturing process" they're all similar in that there's no interaction between the creator, and their message once it's done, or a guarantee who, if anyone will ever see it.


I also never thought about kids finding weed in there either. lol If I had to guess, the chances of a kid finding it outweighs the chances of an adult even noticing a bottle, or even caring what's inside. Out of curiosity, anyone know if you can safely fit a syringe full of heroin, and a darknet address to buy more into a widemouth? Asking for a friend.

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Man, you bored af. J/k. cOoL stOry brO. J/k. Props for being the only mf I done seen to ever write a nigga a message in a bottle. That’s some weird ass shit. I like that. Pretty sure it’s always a better idea for pencil and paper going up against the elements though? Your wax seal seems pretty legit. Not sure what else one would use, although why would it not make sense to break the damn thing if you were trying to get at whatever’s inside anyways? Whatever. I wish I found a message in a bottle. 

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17 hours ago, One Man Banned said:


Haha, what?  Curious what choose your own adventure steps brought you to fart preservation on youtube, lolz.  

I guess it's trapped methane gas, don't know if it breaks down or if the scent component does.  I can tell you I filled those jars to the brim with booming farts I did.


Honestly man I have no fucking clue how I landed there.. sometimes my youtube adventures lead me down a pretty cool path, most of the time tho down a weird one..


Long story short yeah I guess the methane doesn't freeze but basically dude farted in a metal container like a coffee container with the lid and another jar and put it in a super cold freezer.. I doubt it was liquid nitrogen but perhaps dry ice or something to keep it super cold.. then idk how much longer later but they opened it and it was just as potent if not worse than before.. apparently farts age like a nice chianti..

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On 10/16/2020 at 6:41 AM, One Man Banned said:


Bitchen' project! I've done this once with 3 - 12 oz beer bottles. Rolled up flyers for an upcoming gig we were promoting. The flyer read, "free acid and weed if you bring this flyer" at the bottom. Then paraffin waxed them like you did.  I was concerned with getting them past the surf so I went to the end of the fishing pier and threw them as far as I could in the three directions.

No one showed up holding a flyer so I don't know if anyone ever found it.


For your intentions, have you looked into any type of propelled bottles? If you have a way to get them past the surf and drop/place them into the water?


A sort of setup like this:




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2 hours ago, Ko SprueOne said:

Bitchen' project! I've done this once with 3 - 12 oz beer bottles. Rolled up flyers for an upcoming gig we were promoting. The flyer read, "free acid and weed if you bring this flyer" at the bottom. Then paraffin waxed them like you did.  I was concerned with getting them past the surf so I went to the end of the fishing pier and threw them as far as I could in the three directions.

No one showed up holding a flyer so I don't know if anyone ever found it.

For your intentions, have you looked into any type of propelled bottles? If you have a way to get them past the surf and drop/place them into the water?

A sort of setup like this:


Cool idea.  First I've heard of it.  I'd be concerned that I was kind of putting garbage in the ocean with that.  Even off grid I find a lot of manmade debris, plastic bottles are at the top of that list.  Where I've done this from is kind of open ocean, like no gradual beach in.  I'm usually on rocks or cliffs and there's enough wind and waves that I imagine that thing would be battered, not sure it could stand upright for long.


Good thinking on your part to head for a pier.  The surf would cast it back, been there done that 1st time round.  Even if you get past the surf you still have to avoid shore currents to get far.  I have it in mind to go on one of those 1/2 day chartered sea fishing deals some time and have entertained the idea of bringing/dropping one then, but that's somewhat cheating.


We should make a small wooden boat and have some Oontzers contribute some rando small art shit into it, seal it, and have someone launch that out to sea.

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I'd be concerned that I was kind of putting garbage in the ocean with that.  Even off grid I find a lot of manmade debris, plastic bottles are at the top of that list.


I was thinking that you could attach the solar cell and prop to your original glass bottle vessel. Some epoxy putty enveloping a fishing weight (ballast) attached to the bottom will keep it upright. But yeah, open ocean, if it actually got out that far, would probably batter it up rapidly.  A bigger concern than added trash to the sea would be a large marine animal swallowing it whole and choking it's digestive tract. That would be an unknown bummer.


I have it in mind to go on one of those 1/2 day chartered sea fishing deals some time and have entertained the idea of bringing/dropping one then, but that's somewhat cheating.


I disagree. That's not cheating. I assume that is how olde time salty dawgs did it. That's the only way it would get out past the coastal currents, as you described. The only other coastal casting location that could possibly get it out into open ocean would be the outer edge of an archipelago. This is where currents can get super gnarly. 


We should make a small wooden boat and have some Oontzers contribute some rando small art shit into it, seal it, and have someone launch that out to sea.


Hell yeah. A wooden rum barrel.

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5 hours ago, Ko SprueOne said:

I'd be concerned that I was kind of putting garbage in the ocean with that.  Even off grid I find a lot of manmade debris, plastic bottles are at the top of that list.


I was thinking that you could attach the solar cell and prop to your original glass bottle vessel. Some epoxy putty enveloping a fishing weight (ballast) attached to the bottom will keep it upright. But yeah, open ocean, if it actually got out that far, would probably batter it up rapidly.  A bigger concern than added trash to the sea would be a large marine animal swallowing it whole and choking it's digestive tract. That would be an unknown bummer.


I have it in mind to go on one of those 1/2 day chartered sea fishing deals some time and have entertained the idea of bringing/dropping one then, but that's somewhat cheating.


I disagree. That's not cheating. I assume that is how olde time salty dawgs did it. That's the only way it would get out past the coastal currents, as you described. The only other coastal casting location that could possibly get it out into open ocean would be the outer edge of an archipelago. This is where currents can get super gnarly. 


We should make a small wooden boat and have some Oontzers contribute some rando small art shit into it, seal it, and have someone launch that out to sea.


Hell yeah. A wooden rum barrel.


Some good thinkings.  As is I've also had the thought that these could end up in a shark's stomach.  

Who knows what the old dogs did, the stereotype is a guy marooned on a desert island, and the comic sterotype makes that island the size of one man.  I saw an article on someone who managed to get a bottle across the ocean from somewheres around where I am, so definitely possible.  I always launch as the tide goes out to help the bottle along.  I watched them for a while this time so it *appears* they were making it out to sea.  There's also th epossibility that they end up on nearby islands where they may not be found at all.

Don't know about rum barrels but I think it's Woodford Reserve does mini wooden barrels.  I imagine you would have to seal the outside of the wood with something to prevent water from getting in, rot, and shipworms.  It would be a cool idea for sure, but possibly quite disappointing to the guy who sees an aged liquor barrel wash up only to find a bunch of graffiti art in it lol.

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3 minutes ago, mr.yuck said:

Have you ever given any thought to dropping little gps tags in the bottle (if they even fit) to chart their progress? 

A good idea but I didn't want to have anything that could be traced directly back to me, not sure that could?  They must be pretty small but would also be concerned about electronics being lost to the ocean.

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