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Pass the Corona ese... Novel Corona aka COVID-19


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I've been making some phone calls and I just realized I got 3 other  people in the family sick in one rip. None of us have had this shit before. I don't think they know it's me. I think I picked this trash up from the hospital Saturday morning and then skipped on over to the card game and wrecked shop on everyone. Just smearing it all around.


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Bro Im so sad. Thanksgivings canceled this year. We got everyone sick that usually hosts. That's bananas. My man sleepy Joe said this shit was over.


Also went to work today for a couple hours. I got some good shit done but man do I feel whipped. Like outta shape whipped.


I'm going back tomorrow to show this pussy boy virus who runs shit.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry to hear that @KILZ FILLZSeems like everyone is getting rona this winter plus an extra cold or flu. Bunch of my family spread all over the US seemed to get all sick at once. Made the mistake of telling people how bad it sucked at first, being that it was my first time with the rona. Then realized nobody wanted to hear sick & fever sob story too because they all had the shit too, some of them it was their 4th time that they knew of.


Anyway, guessing our immune systems were weakened by social distancing and masks doing all the work for us over the last couple years so regular colds and flu are up. This year is like hitting the gym for the first time in a long time for a lot of people's immune systems, but in this case the ill effects aren't like muscle soreness, they're literally contagious thus helping multiply the problem.

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More so a rant than a rave.  I had recently explained to a customer I had food poisoning and it took a few days to recover.   The customer's response was, "sorry to hear that, did you get tested to see if it was COVID?" 



WHAT!? why would I get tested? It's 2023! 


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