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Yep, up to date now and is the obvious play. They won't want Bloomberg nor Warren. Sanders and Biden will be their choices. Biden has been injured by the smear campaign and the failure to remove Trump from office and Sanders is divisive and will cause the Dems to disintegrate and fight internally.


Also helps Trump because he will be able to fool the rubes by saying "How could the Russians be supporting me and supporting my opposition at the same time" - "We already proved that the Russia hoax was a hoax [which it obviously wasn't - Hua] because I'm the toughest president ever on Russia, and that's why they're now backing my opponent, Vladislav Sanders". Or some shit like that, which the cult of Donny will lick up.


And for the record, I don't see Trump as the problem. I see him as the outcome of a broken system where elite interests have hijacked the democratic process, where the media has become partisan entertainment and the interests of the average person are no longer the priority of those elected. When that happens, political systems become open to the populist salesmen: "I'm not like them, I'm like you and I won't lie, I'll tell you straight because I'm for the nation, not like the other guys". There's lots of historians that write about the populist always following a severe economic downturn. They come along, act like they have the answers (and that they were always easy, it's just that the others are idiots/corrupt), but it's never the case. They always get found out but not before they damage the system. However, the system has to be fucked first before they can be given the chance to get their hands on it.

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"It is absolutely unacceptable that Matthews is making comparisons between Bernie Sanders, whose family was murdered by Nazis, to Nazis. @HardballChris needs to retire. Immediately," Media Matters editor-at-large Parker Molloy wrote.

Reporter Alex Kotch added, "I'm really, really insulted by a major pundit on an allegedly liberal news network comparing a Jewish candidate's overwhelming caucus victory to the French losing a battle with the Nazis. "Get this lunatic off the air."

eating each other already, love it

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4 hours ago, Kults said:





eating each other already, love it

I don't know what's dumber, people consistently using WWII/Nazism as a comparrision in a way that will get them badly burned or people consistently getting the balls in a bunch because something somewhere was related to Nazism. Seriously, it's the new N-word.

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I agree @Hua Guofang- I think there are several other big n words now too.  Bigot, fascist, homophobe, etc etc etc.  People say these to others in front of an "audience" so that they can "publicly shame" those that have passed their litmus test for public shame.  I say it's another form of virtue signaling.  Just call someone else a certain word that is "hated" and by doing so you distance yourself from anyone that is "like that" and display your disgust for them at the same time.  The same reason the n word is bad, it's not dignifying and by calling someone else that you have effectively put yourself on a pedestal and said "i'm better than they are because they're a __________".  So, in today's society, many words fit into that blank and people chuck them around freely when they are unhappy about something.  I think it stems from a lack of parenting, they never got taught the lesson that you don't always get your way and you don't do vindictive/vengeful things to "pay someone back" when you feel that you've been somehow wronged by something they did.  Society acts like a bunch of animals and children, and I don't mean cool ass animals, I mean like omnivore animals that just fuck and eat plants.

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33 minutes ago, Kults said:


Damn, dude went all out huh... Got the whole family dressed up and his girls rocking the dots. Wonder if its real?


Not that I really give a shit, but would assume the Indian population that sees this must roll their eyes at it. No idea why exactly, but reminds me of those old timey organ grinders with the monkey that wears clothes and tips his hat when you give him a quarter.

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6 minutes ago, misteraven said:

Not that I really give a shit, but would assume the Indian population that sees this must roll their eyes at it. No idea why exactly, but reminds me of those old timey organ grinders with the monkey that wears clothes and tips his hat when you give him a quarter.

They thought he was a complete joke. He also invited a local terrorist there to diner. This resulted in India's PM totally snubbing him


All this was before our last election in 2019. Canada has become a running gag and pathetic caricature ( not that we were ever really considered anything but) They re elected him.. tells you a lot about Canadians and how daft most of them are.


He's done so much harm to Canada's rep and credibility in the last 5 years that I genuinely feel we may never recover. We used to sit at the grown ups table despite being a tiny insignificant country on the world stage. We've been relegated to the kiddie table with all his buffoonery and I just don't see a path to regain that respect

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2 hours ago, Kults said:

They thought he was a complete joke. He also invited a local terrorist there to diner. This resulted in India's PM totally snubbing him


All this was before our last election in 2019. Canada has become a running gag and pathetic caricature ( not that we were ever really considered anything but) They re elected him.. tells you a lot about Canadians and how daft most of them are.


He's done so much harm to Canada's rep and credibility in the last 5 years that I genuinely feel we may never recover. We used to sit at the grown ups table despite being a tiny insignificant country on the world stage. We've been relegated to the kiddie table with all his buffoonery and I just don't see a path to regain that respect

Hahaha, holy shit!!


Dial the dramatics down, Chicken Little. Canada is still taken seriously in the Indo-Pac. You're carrying on the same way you accuse people of doing when they freak out over Trump.


I'm not sure who the 'terrorist' was that your PM had dinner with but not overly surprised that Modi snubbed Trudeau. Modi is a hardcore nationalist and populist, he's the same kind of politician as Trump is. Trudeau is moralistic with progressive values (lol, blackface) and has criticised Modi for some of his pro-Hindu policies. India is also looking to move a bit closer to the US at the moment because they need to balance against China's growing influence - they need to move closer to China as well to balance the US, but they'd always prefer Washington to have the ascendency. Google 'the Quad" and Malabar exercises.

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hahah, I love how they're still called the mounted police.


@KultsCanadian navy may not be huge or overly potent but it is seen as highly professional and a valuable partner in the region. The RCMP are also valuable partners in terms of intelligence sharing, particularly around their experiences with home grown terror as well as counter-espionage given their sizable diaspora communities. The soldiers are also well respected. With those kinds of fundamentals the leaders don't matter so much, especially when they are very unlikely to shift the nature and character of the country and it's foreign relations. Leaders like Trump and Modi are different. They ARE changing the nature of their societies, they are changing the way they interact with partner countries and they are changing the nature of their governments/bureaucracies. Trudeau is not doing any of that.

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2 hours ago, Hua Guofang said:

Hahaha, holy shit!!


Dial the dramatics down, Chicken Little. Canada is still taken seriously in the Indo-Pac. You're carrying on the same way you accuse people of doing when they freak out over Trump.


I'm not sure who the 'terrorist' was that your PM had dinner with but not overly surprised that Modi snubbed Trudeau. Modi is a hardcore nationalist and populist, he's the same kind of politician as Trump is. Trudeau is moralistic with progressive values (lol, blackface) and has criticised Modi for some of his pro-Hindu policies. India is also looking to move a bit closer to the US at the moment because they need to balance against China's growing influence - they need to move closer to China as well to balance the US, but they'd always prefer Washington to have the ascendency. Google 'the Quad" and Malabar exercises.

ok there champ. no one takes AUS seriously either. relax 

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27 minutes ago, Kults said:

ok there champ. no one takes AUS seriously either. relax 

Ha, not me who's crying out that the end of my country is nigh!


Canada and Australia are part of 5 eyes, being part of that group gives both our countries outsized impact in the world. Canada has NATO and Australia has ANZUS, that too gives us more power than neutrality would. Leaders come and go but those security alliances remain in place and that alone illustrates whether a country is taken seriously or not.



Edited by Hua Guofang
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4 minutes ago, KILZ FILLZ said:

Racially profiling me to be rich. Don’t appreciate that tbh. 

fr though. plays into the whole youre white so you’re privileged bs 


id love them to say it to some homeless white guy who hasn’t eaten in a weeks face 

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