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do they? i can't wait those 4 weeks or however long.



time = money


i'll take the $60 in 2 hours


From what i understand, there is no actually solution for this problem, so you can't ultimately fix it. I'd suggest getting a refurb with an improved heatsink (and maybe smaller GPU, but i doubt it).

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looks like Mass Effect will be promising as i assumed. game informer just did an early review of the game. i read it, and it got a 9.75 -- the same score they gave to Halo 3.


the 360 will be seeing a lot of epic games coming out within the next month:


mass effect (only on 360)

call of duty 4

assasin's creed

ace combat 6 (only on 360)

army of two

world in conflict (only on 360)

guitar hero iii


beautiful katamari (only on 360)

tony hawk's proving ground

clive barker's jericho

virtua fighter 5

the simpsons game


america's army: true soldiers (only on 360)... official game sponsored by the US Army, joined with the same creators of the Ghost Recon series -- should be interesting. i can't help but think that this is also a subliminal recruitment tactic for teenage boys. there will no doubt be army commercials/promotions/advertisements in the game...


that's a lot of topnotch games coming out on the 360 in just a one-month period. and this is on the heels of bioshock, halo3, and half-life 2: the orange box



i'm pissed about the katamari, my wife is gonna be very angry, hopefully that will change

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i hope people dont figure out how to do that superjump crap in the new halo



pretty sure that they've taken care of all the glitches in halo 3.


plus, theres really no point to trying to find weird stuff to do, because in Forge you can do so much crazy shit you can spend hours just fucking around and changing gravity settings and whatnot so that anything you would have been trying to "glitch" on in halo 2, is now perfectly do-able in Forge, thus eliminating the point of glitching completely



ive been playing it like constantly and i havent noticed any glitchers or cheaters yet. YET.

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pretty sure that they've taken care of all the glitches in halo 3.


plus, theres really no point to trying to find weird stuff to do, because in Forge you can do so much crazy shit you can spend hours just fucking around and changing gravity settings and whatnot so that anything you would have been trying to "glitch" on in halo 2, is now perfectly do-able in Forge, thus eliminating the point of glitching completely



ive been playing it like constantly and i havent noticed any glitchers or cheaters yet. YET.




oh and i forgot to say that even if you do see people glitching/cheating you can record the match and upload the file to bungie.net fileshare and once bungie sees it they will probably ban the cheaters.

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I was in an arcade yesterday and me and my homeboy were playing some shooting games. I noticed some emo chick playing Soul Calibur III solo, and she was pretty far. I hadnt played since the first Sould Calibur on DC, so I figured it should be a fair fight and was all like "Do you mind if I hop in?" all nice. She responded "whatever".... so I swiped my card, picked Kilik and lost the first round. then beat the shit outta her and took her turn. She looked at me like I kicked her dog. We waited until she walked off about to cry and was crackin up. She eventually got her boyfriend and came back to try to beat me. I had Cervantes and just smoked her ass 3-0 and we laughed in her face this time.

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well, i went ahead and bought my 2nd xbox360 premium today.


the RROD got worse. i talked to the salesman at ebgames/gamestop, and he told me that microsoft "fixed" this problem on the newer models... something about a modified motherboard and extra fans. it came as a bundle with marvel ultimate alliance and forza motorsport 2. i sold him back all of the accessories that came with it -- cords, controller, & harddrive.


i had thought about getting the elite, but figured it'd be a waste of money. i was right -- to my pleasant surprise, i saw that the new premium consoles now come with hdmi connections. and since i already have a 120gig harddrive, there is absolutely no difference between the premium and the elite, other than the fact that one is black and the other is white.


the old one will be sent to microsoft for repairs, and then i'll sell it to a friend for some dough.

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copped the new katamari game yesterday... yo if you aint knowin about katamari (from ps2), then you need to know. a friend had told me about it, and it made me interested because he doesn't even play video games, but he said he was hooked on katamari damacy.


i wonder what it would be like playing this weird-ass shit on lsd or weed or shrooms.



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RROD Update*


After that happend, i didnt turn it one for like a week and now its back to normal i guess.


There is a video on youtube on how to fix that problem just incase that pops out again.


Some dude turned on the 360 and covered it up with a bunch of Towels to make that thing warm as hell. It worked for him but not to others... il get the link.

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