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I agree - used both and since Im a huge racing fan I think the analog sensitivity of the bumpers is far more accurate and has a longer angle than the 360 triggers, which seem more geared strictly for shooting than a full analog button



I was always impressed with the 360's (and the original xbox's) controllers simply because I play racing games more than anything, and when you are halfway through the Andretti hairpin at laguna seca, you can give it 1/4 to 1/2 to 3/4 gas, whereas on the ps2 on the triggers it is stop or go. I didn't realise they have given the ps3 controllers new triggers...

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yeah, the ps3 bluetooths are miles above, its a different analog from the old dual shock. If im not mistaken it even looks different but I havnt played ps2 in years because I hated the controllers too...

loved the original xbox, but they were all cheap and the best one i found ironically was a 7$ no name brand that had green LEDs and a clear case...

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I'm starting to get into RTS games a bit more. The cafe that I play CS:S at has the newest Command and Conquer installed and I play it a little bit.


I searched around a bit online and they're actually giving C&C 95 away for free, so I grabbed that.


Uhh....been playing TF2 a little bit as well. Scout class owns so hard.

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Not just that, try playing tiger woods with those stupid fucking buttons as opposed to the the normal ones.

Also using those triggers for driving games wears your fingers out ALOT quicker than the older style ones.



I play mainly shooters, and I prefer the 360 controller very much over the PS3 controller. Not really into sports games, and only into the driving games that are arcade-like. I've been playing video games since 1986, so, I feel my opinion has some validity to it as well. It's an opinion, of course. I only played FPS games on the PC since forever, and I still believe that the mouse and keyboard is the best way to play and the ONLY way to play competitively online or at a tournament, but for single-player, the 360 has the first console controller that I really, really like using for FPS games, PARTICULARLY BIOSHOCK. I fucking lovers that game.


I also really liked using the controller for Oblivion, though that is basically a fully-RPG-ized FPS.


The PS3 controller feels really, really natural for Ratchet and Clank: Future, I must say. But Resistence, which is by the same developer, is difficult for me to get the hang of because it is a FPS and I am just not used to the controller. Maybe with time I will be, but not right now. I don't find the 360 triggers to be laggy in the slightest bit while playing FPS games. I'm able to do head-shots on splicers in Bioshock using the cross-bow with a quickness.

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Yeah, I got that on my Netflix queue. What sucks is none of the video stores rent Blu-Ray, only Netflix. Buying them is ridiculously expensive, but Netflix doesn't charge any extra to rent them. We're waiting for the new Rambo movie to come out on high-def in May, because that movie kicked fucking ass.


Our Hollywood Videos here have Blu-Ray.

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I hear you fermentor but I just don't like it.

Maybe it is the large range of motion that they have that leads me to believe it is inaccurate. I was playing that kayne and Lynch and there just seemed to be too much of the shit control layout to keep me interested.

On another note, I finally passed Raining Blood on GH3. I hadnt' played in liek a month and then finishing that and the duel and TTFAF gave my thumb a blister. Makes me laugh.

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i'm actually really surprised at how good this game is......after turok i needed something to make up for that fucking crap.

i'll most likely rent lost odyssey next.


honestly you wont get much out of L.O. in one rental period.


I've put 60 hours into it and i still could do another 15 hours of leveling and sidequests if i wanted.

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i have no idea but im waiting for Rainbow six vegas 2 and MGS 4 also i just got army of two and it overall sucked awesome concept tho great geaphics fun but just way too limited/short for 60$ (PS3) so i turned it in for 20 credits and put it towards call of duty 4 modern warfare wich was awesome and i am still playing

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AYOOOO...... ya'll want to see how COD 4 is played/??? go check out my montage (highlight reel)

here's me running around with a .50cal barret, Thats not my weapon of choice tho, I use the M16 with a red dot, stopping power, deep impact and 3 nades....


That one is mine...

here's the one I edited for my brother TUMORS.




If ya'll need classes hit me up on xbl OPTIC H3CZ OR OPTIC MONTAG3 those are my two names.. say you're from the 12oz otherwise I wont accept it.

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