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If you have a bushy beard, guess what, YOU'RE A FUCKING FAILURE!!

Hua Guofang

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So do you just, like, follow dude from thread to thread and fight with him? Because that's pretty sad.


You ever read anything before you post?


This is the third time you've gotten concerned with me.


Is the internet serious business to you?


Do I have you hot under the collar?


Do you follow me from thread to thread and study what I'm doing?


Because, that's pretty sad.

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I think marathons are cool but have reservations about raising money to fund specific medical causes. I feel that there is a great opportunity for fraud and misuse of the funds and further that medical funding should not be a popularity contest nor decided at random by the public but funded by society through government.


When I was working underground at night I grew out a beard because it seemed kind of silly to shave, I shaved it eventually in part I must admit to not be confused for someone trying to look young and hip, and cause the wife did not like it.

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My dude Hua, why are you stressing this shit? I'm going to go on a whim that you either:


1. Can't grow a beard yourself and the haterade you're sippin' is super potent

2.You went to a hip cafe spot and you caught your chick eye fucking bushy bearded dudes

3. Both?


Sometime during your brunch affair with your chick, you made a comment about said bushy beards, and to your dismay, on the contrary to your position on the matter, your chick is quite fond of these beards and probably asked why you don't grow one (you can't) and this set your soul on fire, which prompted you to make this thread so deep seated in all things hater. It was at that moment in the cafe you realized that you were surrounded by dudes that could pull your chick simply because of something that you don't have, and presumably, can't get,ever. You felt threatened...


TL;DR: you went to hip cafe with bushy beards, you don't like bushy beards, but your girl does.

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No, I said that preaching to the choir does nothing at all to raise awareness, and instead wastes money that could have been better spent in donations to said charities.


But please keep going on about how you had no awareness that cancer even existed until you saw Forest Gump run past you in pink Nike's and a Muslim beard.


You haven't said 'preaching to the choir' once until this post. Also, 'preaching to choir' would basically mean you are not gaining a new audience base, so only the select and same people are a part of whatever hypothetical situation this is - charity or otherwise. Whereas, we have established, mainly through you bringing up some pink marathon bullshit in a thread about beards - that different ways of raising awareness about some issues can reach far beyond the choir.


So again, thankyou for reaffirming what I already knew to be true.


And to directly answer your question, NO, we could not have raised over eight thousand dollars for men's health initiatives if it weren't for the gimmicky vehicle of growing silly moustaches.


I have no idea what Forest Gump, shoe brands, or religion have to do with this, so I have purposely left out a response to your last sentence. I did read it though. I promise.


Considering we're talking about male depression and men's health, I feel at this point I should ask you something.


DAO, are you OK? Is everything alright? Just sing out if you need anything, or just want to chat, mate. We all go through stressful times - sometimes we get angry! Hell, we all do. But sometimes it's healthy just to chat. I'm always here if you need me, buddy.

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My dude Hua, why are you stressing this shit? I'm going to go on a whim that you either:


1. Can't grow a beard yourself and the haterade you're sippin' is super potent

2.You went to a hip cafe spot and you caught your chick eye fucking bushy bearded dudes

3. Both?


Sometime during your brunch affair with your chick, you made a comment about said bushy beards, and to your dismay, on the contrary to your position on the matter, your chick is quite fond of these beards and probably asked why you don't grow one (you can't) and this set your soul on fire, which prompted you to make this thread so deep seated in all things hater. It was at that moment in the cafe you realized that you were surrounded by dudes that could pull your chick simply because of something that you don't have, and presumably, can't get,ever. You felt threatened...


TL;DR: you went to hip cafe with bushy beards, you don't like bushy beards, but your girl does.


Oh my lord, how many times have I said this already, I have a beard, a short one, at the moment myself. It's not beards I was talking about but people who blindly follow fashion trends. Beards are just one example of a fashion trend. Feel free to replace the word beard with Fixie bicycle, David Beckham faux-hawks, Coogi fucking sweaters, whatever. Pick a fashion trend that people follow simply because it's a trend and that's what I'm bitchin and moaning about here.


Also, don't make the mistake of taking this overly seriously. This was a rainy Sunday afternoon spray that was half serious, half for a laugh. And when I look at the serious half, I also ask myself why I even care.




I think that's the last time I'm going to post that explanation in this thread as people obviously are not reading it. They read what they want to read.

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And to directly answer your question, NO, we could not have raised over eight thousand dollars for men's health initiatives if it weren't for the gimmicky vehicle of growing silly moustaches.



So then you admit to growing a pink mustache that only other idiots in pink mustaches would understand why you're rockin a pink mustache?

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Again, no idea where you got the whole pink thing from, you are the only person that brought up everything being pink. I will try harder next year to raise more money for men's health, because as previously stated I'm sure in the near future you will need the professional health services from someone in the mental disorder field.


You don't rock a pink moustache, but you seem to know exactly why people that do it are doing it. So thankyou for further confirming that these charity drives raise awareness, even to those that belligerently detest the effort.


I really feel like I should ask you again, are you OK, mate? If you ever want to get something off your chest, or you're just having a rough day, shoot me a PM or an email. I've always got time for people in need.

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