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The Shame. (POF thread gone too far)

Fist 666

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First and foremost, I want to start by screaming MMFWCL TO ALL MY JUGGALO HOMIES!! WOOP WOOP!!


FAMILY blowjobs are a BIG deal, and its a huge thing. If its done right, its planned in advance and its a huge surpise to the HOMIE in question.


My blowing was a huge deal, and happened the night after Gathering of the Juggalos after everyone left and our kids got permission to stay on the land for a few days and clean up before we left for Camden and Trenton during the off days between GOTJ and Warped Terr. Camp was kicking, a few of our kids where in the kitchen getting dinner ready, some kids where getting the fire started, and me and Sugar Bear and some other FAMILY where out on a groundscore mission. This was just after the sun went down, we where walking up to camp (camp Big Money sponsered by Necro Master, that is!!!) when 7-8 of our homies are walking towards me with this distinct look on their face. Now, about my actual BJ... Catch me in the real world sometime, ill tell you over a syringe, but something like that is just to personal to discuss over the internet. Lets just say it was special. I will say this, after i got blowd, Sugar Bear gives me this huge kiss and is like "baby you deserved that."


After i got blown we all had a huge celebration. It was a special time. We had a huge family dinner (WOOP WOOP), and after dinner a sheet was put in a bottle of faygo and everyone was ceremonially dropped by Shaggy and Violent J.


It's like you tried to derail the thread, but you forgot your remote activator :rolleyes:

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pfft. I was tryin to take some of the heat off fist.

its a copypaste. Calm down. Haven't fallen that far from

grace. Not yet atleast. Anyway... to lazy to search down the

juggalo thread. This train wreck had to work.



What she has to say for herself


"Lets get this sh*t piping I'm 25 i dont work i get a check my dad die rip daddy I'm thick and I'm sexy I like walks movies pool halls I love texting things I have is fakes

Get at me :-):-):-):-):-)"


things i have is fakes. AHAHAHA

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wow....symbols...u sure have changed...




but i have not changed into that medusa in the photo, luckily.

hahaha would raven of all people pick some nasty piece of garbage to be our one female mod?






and metronome...

lying about death is a bad choice imo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had something like this happen a while back, was chatting to this girl online, saw her on cam etc didn't seem too bad, just a bit of a porker.


So one day I am bored and she messages me saying she is in my town (she doesn't live far from my town) so I decide Fuck it, got nothing better to do.


So I am sat waiting for her to turn up and I know she is a bigger girl but I didn't expect a fucking Weebel wobbling down the street eating a bag of chips, even then I thought hah this might be funny so we go to get bus station to go back to hers. I am sat there just begging no one I know sees me, and she is talking to me trying to be flirty and all I can do is look at her and think fuck you got some downs in there somewhere.


It got to the point the coach was about to arrive and I say I am just going to the toilet and straight ran out the bus station and never looked back. She texted me and I just ignored it.


Probably didn't help her self confidence but I don't think even with the help of drugs I coulda smashed! Not as funny as Fist's story but I can understand his shame!

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