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Didn't see this story posted. Long story short for those who don't know, 2 dudes argue on the subway platform. One throws the other over as the train is coming. A newspaper photographer grabs a pic of the dude about to be killed by the train. Dude gets killed. The post runs the photo, people are outraged.


Per the photog, he claims he took pics so the oncoming train would see his flash and possibly stop. Others feel, if you had time to grab a flick, you had time to grab the guy. The other argument, should the post have run the pic or not?


Please proceed with opinions, snappy comments, and random unrelated flicks.


Oh, and train tits:


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If the guy didn't have time to pull himself up, I doubt someone else is gonna have time to run over there and pull him up, as no one seems particularly close. However, I don't know what the time frame was in terms of how long it was between when the guy got tossed down there and when he got hit. The photographer could have had his camera in his hand and immediately fired off the photo in the few seconds this all transpired in. Or, he might have pulled out his camera, fiddled with it, then waited for just the right moment to get the photo. why the fuck dude on the tracks didn't just go to the middle between the two lines if he couldn't pull himself up onto the platform is a mystery to me. I assume panic took over and he never even thought about it.


edit: I should mention that I think I saw the full version of this picture earlier, and if I'm not mistaken this was cropped a lot. In the full picture, it seemed that the photographer was quite a bit further away than this picture is making it appear. I could be mistaken though.


edit2: I was mistaken:



Still don't know what the time frame was or if photographer had a zoom lens and was further away than he appears.

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The story is that the photographer was supposedly toward the other end of the platform. In defending himself, he says he ran at the guy with arms outstretched taking shots not even aiming, forgot how many but about 50. IDK, but I think if you were trying to warn the train in an emergency and not shoot a pic, the pic wouldn't be so focused on what's about to happen.

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^^^The train can't stop that quickly.


In the heat of the moment people don't think clearly. The asshole photographer could've ran up, yelled at the guy to move, there generally is space below the platform, not sure if there was at this station, but the poor guy on the tracks could've ducked under or ran to the other of the tracks. All in all, things could've turned out different, but they didn't.


I do feel that the time taken to take the photo could've been spent to help the guy. That photographer will have that horrible death image with him forever, so he didn't get off scot-free.


My two cents: Fuck the photographer. You see someone on the tracks you run to help them. Not run onto the tracks, but at least try to help them.


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some of us don't care even after seeing it...



dudes die. its shitty. happens every second all over. thats life. and death. gooks die all the time. sometimes in new york. sometimes in china.


i don't know the first thing about subways so i'm not going to comment on that shoulda coulda woulda shit.

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This reminds me of the photographer who took the picture of the starving african child being followed by a vulture on foot. He didnt help the kid because he didnt want to "interfere with history" and the kid died. The photographer committed suicide 2 years later.


this is the picture:




Also every time I go to NYC I stress the fuck out about this happening to me. Not from a fight, but from being pushed accidentally in a crowd.

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The story behind that child/vulture photo is vastly oversimplified and not really correct.


I'm not blaming the photographer because let's be real...trains pull into the station fucking quick. Plus people on the MTA (N,Q,R anyway) frequently have a huge case of "not my problem," so I'm guessing they were in that mode hard the whole time dudes were arguing and definitely wouldn't be able to react quickly enough to help...sad, but it is what it is.


Although him saying he took the picture to try and signal the train is tangible bullshit.

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Drunk girl falls on the tracks in the Boston subway. Notice the bystanders reaction in this case definitely saved her life not by jumping down on the tracks but by waving their hands to signal the driver. But like Mercer said this case was different the guy wasnt unconcious & may have tried to grab at anything he could have in a panic. This chick was very lucky.

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Just to add as this goes along, there's been more than one instance in the last year or so where someone fell on the tracks and was saved by someone who jumped down to help them. I saw somewhere that one of those rescuers was saying don't be mad at the photographer, shit happens quick, you don't know how you'd react until it happens, etc.


That being said, I still think the photographer is full of shit. I also don't think the paper should have run that flick given the circumstances under which it was received, unless they changed the headline to something more along the line of Cowardly Post Pussy Allows Death for Front Page Photo.

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Just to add as this goes along, there's been more than one instance in the last year or so where someone fell on the tracks and was saved by someone who jumped down to help them. I saw somewhere that one of those rescuers was saying don't be mad at the photographer, shit happens quick, you don't know how you'd react until it happens, etc.


That being said, I still think the photographer is full of shit. I also don't think the paper should have run that flick given the circumstances under which it was received, unless they changed the headline to something more along the line of Cowardly Post Pussy Allows Death for Front Page Photo.

this ill bet the guy didnt even yell anything when he saw him about to get hit.

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Are you proposing that train drivers aren't instructed to immediately perform an emergency braking procedure every time some spaz is running down the platform taking flash photos of the train?


If anything, the constant flash probably fucked his vision up and could have been the reason the driver didn't stop in time.

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I believe it was said somewhere that the conductor may have seen the flash but I don't know if that was confirmed. I've seen that Boston subway vid before and am amazed that the train was able to stop just short of flattening that chick. I haven't been to Boston in a long time,but in NYC those trains do seem to come in pretty fast and heavy as someone said. It's no stop on a dime action and I really don't think they're slowing up much until the end of the platform when they have to line the whole train up with markers over the platform as they stop.

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Dude gets thrown in front of train. Digital age captures it. Life goes on.



Edit. I watched faces of death when i was in the third grade. People have been documenting the moment of death ever since it was able to be documented. Im sure there are other more graphic photos that dude got. When they are released or hacked, then we may have a thread.

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