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thinking about a dog


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Never had one. advise me as the the what and how? Kinda wanted a pit. What should I pay? What do i need to do besides fixing it and immunizations? How much does that cost?

Suggest a different breed. Something medium size, smart, dontt shed much. No common health problems.

Ive no intentions of making it mean. Treat it well and socialize it around other dogs and people but idk. a dog that knows when somethings up and what to do.

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Pits are easy to find and adopt everywhere, and need a loving home.

Thousands of them are killed every year because almost noone wants to take them.


First question, do you have time to care for it? play with it? love it and give it the attention it needs? plan on taking it outside at least 2-3 times a day for exercise, more often than that for bathroom breaks. dogs need socialization, much like humans do.


To adopt a pit, plan on paying an adoption fee and then a few hundred ($4-500) in immunizations and such depending on the breed and the dogs personal background. A dog is like a child, and regular veterinarian visits, appropriate food and a cage and everything else will run you more money on top of that. some places have anti-aggressive breed laws (which are bullshit) but that make adopting breeds like pits, german shepherds and rottweilers especially difficult.


think hard about it.

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also homeowners insurance, renters insurance, and rental agreements often ask questions about 'is your dog of a certain list of breeds;' and pits always make that list.


apartment complexes often have breed restrictions where pits aren't allowed. i don't know where you're at so it might not be a problem, but in CO and WA those are common issues.





also, there are hundreds of breeds to choose from--why does everyone love pits? so your dog can look like everyone else's? there are plenty of big friendly working dogs to choose from.


Get some sort of pointer imo.

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I do not think a pit bull is a good choice for a first time dog owner. While any dog that gets the better of its owner can be troublesome, when the dog has the capacity to kill other dogs, small animals and children it is sort of a different duck all together.


The best pit owners I have known are hippies and that is because they took the time to train the dog.


I know a couple that has a pit that they have never been able to control and I honestly think they should put the dog down, a somewhat controversial position, but the way I look at it is that the dog already killed another dog and a cat so it is time.


The fact of the matter is that pit bulls have their name because they were bred to fight other dogs in pits, ignoring that is ridiculous.


I really enjoyed my wire fox terrier but not much of a watchdog, perhaps a rottweiler would be a good choice.


I would also budget for classes with the dog for training. Do not overlook the budget, you will be looking at a outlay well north of a grand by the time you are done and that is not including the dog.

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I always suggest a miniature/medium (A Giant Schnauzer is over Great Dane territory!!!) Schnauzer to people. I've never had a bad experience with mine. They are known for being intelligent and even said to have 'independent thinking', which makes them a fantastic watch/alert dog.


Also, bitches love them bitches.


Nothing wrong with Pitties, the bloke over the road breeds red noses, but left to their own devices they will cause trouble. They just will. I've been around enough to make my mind up on that one. People can crap on about it being the owner for as long as they like.


How is your living situation with barking? Ever heard a pittie bark/scream/cry? Haha. It's fucking horrendous.

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yea i did the research. My community has aggressive dog laws. Said something about a 1.5 million dollar insurance policy or some shit. Misdemeanor. I would need to put up a fence.People in the back yard have 3 little kids, people across the street 3 little kids. Neighbors would definitely report me. Pisses me off. Thx for the info and stuff. Thinkin on a plan b dog. Definitely adopt tho out of principal.

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Pits are tricky because they can be really sweet around people then will filp the fuck out around other dogs or kids. Plus they're really fucking strong...having to rein in a full grown pit in aggro mode is humbling, to say the least. They generally don't do well in urban settings, which sucks because there's so damn many of them in cities and they're usually poorly disciplined to boot. Bad news.


I like Australian heelers a lot...they're really smart and not too big, plus they look cool. Chows are good watchdogs but they can be kind of cranky at times and they need a lot of maintenance lest they get weird/stinky skin conditions. Labs are awesome but they have some of the same issues as pits if they aren't raised right....finding aa well trained smart Lab at a shelter probably won't happen, but you never know.


I agree with Injury...sometimes just going to the pound and seeing who you click with can be a good idea, but if you take that route definitely take a dog person with you that will offer an educated second opinion.

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they shoulda never gave nigs wifi




yeah a dog is what's up, go adopt one don't give money to the pet stores. for shots and fixing, go to your local SPCA. was quoted $300 to fix my dog, cost $134 at the SPCA and they trimmed her nails too.


i suggest a mutt. they're loyal and good dogs. anything that is a breed is an inbred dog. look it up. they keep a bloodline... by only breeding with those same kinds of dogs. maybe it's just my opinion but dogs that are full blood ANYTHING are usually fucking stupid. so are their owners.


large breed dogs don't shit behind your entertainment center, leaving you to guess "what the fuck is that smell? where's it coming from? is that dog shit??" they just shit in huge mounds on your carpet. till you beat em enough. jk... dog lovers gonna get mad.



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I always suggest a miniature/medium (A Giant Schnauzer is over Great Dane territory!!!) Schnauzer to people. I've never had a bad experience with mine. They are known for being intelligent and even said to have 'independent thinking', which makes them a fantastic watch/alert dog.


Also, bitches love them bitches.




that last part is truth


my girl would deffo cosign that

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I do not think a pit bull is a good choice for a first time dog owner.


The fact of the matter is that pit bulls have their name because they were bred to fight other dogs in pits, ignoring that is ridiculous.


I really enjoyed a good anus licking.. blah blah blah.



So all you should have read there is "OTHER DOGS"


Other is the operative word. If you dislike other people, get a pit. They're mad loyal.

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If you end up with a dog such as a pit that you do not have properly disciplined the dog will end up running your life. Can't leave the dog at home cause it will fuck up your shit, can't take it with cause it will attack other dogs.


I find the suggestion that getting a dog to reinforce your "dislike" of other people to be a bitch move. If you need a guard dog that is one thing, if you need a attack dog then just get a pistol.

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