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Am I normal? Shit that only you do.

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I chase my cat around the house for fun.

I stash things in other peoples houses without them knowing

I also don't go by a real name simply cause I hate my real name.

I fake taking anger management classes on skype in order to get back with this

Jew broad I used to smash .

I talk to myself while I'm working out

I practice stealing my own things at home just so

Perfect the speed on my racking

I pretend to pick my nose when someone is starring too long.

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anybody else wait for the next generation of consoles to come out before updating

I'm currently still on a ps2 waiting for the ps4 to come out before i get a ps3.


mad cheap games I haven't played and plenty of them > upgrading straight away, paying $100+ for a game and having to wait forever to know which games are worth picking up.

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i always look up local murder victims or other crime suspects on facebook


i check current crime stats for all the neighborhoods i've lived in/drived through once to see how hardcoar i am.


- i take my shoes off before entering my house

- i refuse to get into my bed with the clothes i've worn outside

- i cannot STAND when my toothbrush is put on the countertop and not have one of those little covers on it.

- if food i am planning on eating hits the ground, even if its in a wrapper, i refuse to eat it.

- anytime i eat out i check all my food for mold/ discolorations etc.

-i will NOT touch the handle of a toilet in a public restroom i always use my foot, and if i use it i have to put down sheets on the rim

- if i see a news story that catches my interest i will state my opinion on it outloud even when no ones there.

- i am scared to stand near homeless people, or places where i think homeless people have probably been because i might catch some fucked up disease from them.

- i don't like when cats/dogs etc. come up to me that i am unfamiliar with as i am deathly afraid of rabies

- i obsess over every cut/bruise scratch that i get, no matter how small.


im basically OCD as fuck.

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-i will NOT touch the handle of a toilet in a public restroom i always use my foot








Idk why but ever sense I was a kid I always had to have my feet covered when I sleep. I have this weird irrational feeling someone is going to grab my feet even when I'm completely alone.

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