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For all you naive, cop defending, retards...


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you guys hate cops but put someones personal life on blast on the internet because your reaaaalllly mad. this is pretttttyyy funny.



Pretty sure all the said personal information was given up by said cop loving, Wendy's retard...

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you guys hate cops but put someones personal life on blast on the internet because your reaaaalllly mad. this is pretttttyyy funny.


The only people who seem to be umad in this thread are the faggots who came in here on a fucking low life graffitti forum and defend cops, and those who subsequently got umad at getting slayed.


You and the other neighborhood dads who keep coming in here whinning and crying about us making fun of this clown are the only ones with your panties in a bunch, everyone else seems pretty amused.


And what is the correlation between not respecting authority and putting someone's voluntary information in response to them saying I dont know shit?


Suck a dick.



Call the cops when you see Tuuuuuuuupac

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I just have nothing against 'em that's all. i got over that when i was done being a teenager. They do their thing, i do mine. My city is only good for freights, and in which case cops do not give a shit. I have had confrontations with police over graffiti 3 times, two of which were not even freight related and they still let us off the hook. the 3rd time was train related and all they told me they COULD do was call csx and tell them i was trespassing, i.e. no fucks given. They only care about city property and highways "round here"


i doubt very much that this is true.


youre either lying, dropping dimes, or handing out blowjobs.


probably all three.

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the 3rd time was train related and all they told me they COULD do was call csx and tell them i was trespassing, i.e. no fucks given. They only care about city property and highways "round here"



Funny how out of every railroad company, CSX is definitely the one that "gives the most fucks" about incidents like the one you described, ie: can someone ban this troll cop's ip already?

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The only people who seem to be umad in this thread are the faggots who came in here on a fucking low life graffitti forum and defend cops, and those who subsequently got umad at getting slayed.


You and the other neighborhood dads who keep coming in here whinning and crying about us making fun of this clown are the only ones with your panties in a bunch, everyone else seems pretty amused.


And what is the correlation between not respecting authority and putting someone's voluntary information in response to them saying I dont know shit?


Suck a dick.



Call the cops when you see Tuuuuuuuupac



a whole lot of sherlock joe gumshoes in this thread......for a bunch of people that hate cops. and thats fucking funny. i will repeat this until you get it.


now go flex hard in another essay faggot.





and whatever was said about csx giving the most fucks is just idiotic. is your csx yard hard to paint? common sense and accountability of course. definitely police your spots too.

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Funny how out of every railroad company, CSX is definitely the one that "gives the most fucks" about incidents like the one you described, ie: can someone ban this troll cop's ip already?




huh. i guess that would require the cop to even give a fuck to call them in the first place, which he didn't. he threatened that he could, i said i understand, and he told me he would if he caught me again. slap on the wrist, big deal.




our csx yard doesn't even have a fence and there are a million ways to get into it without being seen, and you wanna talk about them giving a fuck more than everyone else. it doesn't even have security. good call.



whole lotta umad i caused in this thread, even when i barely respond. keep crying fellas.

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a whole lot of sherlock joe gumshoes in this thread......for a bunch of people that hate cops. and thats fucking funny. i will repeat this until you get it.


now go flex hard in another essay faggot.



and whatever was said about csx giving the most fucks is just idiotic. is your csx yard hard to paint? common sense and accountability of course. definitely police your spots too.



Well until you write it in legible english and not like a fucking drooling knuckle dragging retard I guess you're going to be repeating yourself


No investigating was done if thats what your insinuating, all of that shit was posted by your boyfriend in this thread, with one snippet that just happened to catch my eye.


And judging from your lack of langauge skills im assuming that the only thing ''essay'' means to you is your mexican buddies, because obviously you dont know how to use it correctly.


Now continue to show how fucking ignorant you are and amuse us as you attempt to defend your romance for Incognito by writing like a middle schooler.





Sidenote: Nothing is funnier than people who obviously dont paint, or only paint plywood that their pops nailed up for them in the backyard trying to talk shit to people who know what they're talking about. CSX will prosecute you for looking at their trains wrong, you apprently dont frequent their yards or you'd know that CJ knows what hes saying.

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SANTA ANA, Calif. — Two Southern California police officers were ordered Wednesday to stand trial in the death of a mentally ill homeless man following a violent arrest last summer.


Orange County Superior Court Judge Walter Schwarm made the ruling after a hearing that included surveillance video of the confrontation between the officers and 37-year-old Kelly Thomas in the city of Fullerton.


Officer Manuel Ramos is charged with second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter. Cpl. Jay Cicinelli is charged with involuntary manslaughter and assault or battery by a public officer. Both have pleaded not guilty.


The officers confronted Thomas while responding to reports that a homeless man was looking into parked cars at a transit center.


"This is another victory, on another battle," said Thomas' father, Ron. "We're going to start a new one with the trial."


John Barnett, Ramos' attorney, said he would seek another court's review of Schwarm's ruling and did not expect his client would end up facing a jury trial.


"We're disappointed that they were held to answer but we will seek review in an appropriate manner," he told reporters after the ruling. "He believes, and he is innocent."


A message was left for Michael Schwartz, Cicinelli's attorney, seeking comment on the ruling.


Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas said during the hearing that Ramos' actions — snapping on latex gloves, making a fist and threatening to take on Thomas — would have led anyone to fear they were about to get beaten by police.


"Any person, any creature on this earth would have fear at that point," Rackauckas told the court.


"You're going to fight or flee because this is an imminent threat of a serious beating by a police officer who is there with a baton and a gun and other police officers.... This is going to be a very bad deal," the prosecutor said.


Defense attorneys countered that police — who are authorized and trained to use force when necessary — viewed the incident as an encounter with a man who refused to give his name and continued to resist arrest even as multiple officers rushed to assist.


The three-day hearing was marked by repeated showing of clips from surveillance video and audio recordings of the confrontation. The footage includes scenes of officers pummeling and pinning down Thomas as he screams that he can't breathe and moans for his father until he goes silent and is taken away by medics, leaving behind a pool of blood.


Barnett, Ramos' attorney, said during the hearing that the video — which was introduced by the prosecution — shows that his client made a conditional threat during his conversation with Thomas, stating he wanted the man to start listening and following police orders, such as sitting with his legs stretched out and providing his name to officers.


"All that Kelly Thomas had to do was simply comply," Barnett said. "Officer Ramos just lifts him up, he's going to arrest him. ... Not only can he do it, he must do it. He is bound to do it."


"Officer Ramos didn't do anything that should or could kill Kelly Thomas," Barnett said, pointing out that his client is often seen on the video at the man's feet.


Prosecutors have argued that Ramos punched Thomas in the ribs, tackled him and lay on him to hold him down while Cicinelli — who arrived later on the scene — used a Taser four times on Thomas as he hollered in pain and hit him in the face eight times with the Taser.


Thomas lost consciousness and was taken to a hospital. He was taken off life support and died five days later.


The coroner's office found that Thomas died from compression of his chest that made it difficult for him to breathe and deprived his brain of oxygen, and facial injuries stemming from his confrontation with law enforcement.


In court, Schwartz, Cicinelli's attorney, challenged those findings, noting that testimony by a paramedic who treated Thomas at the scene indicates that Thomas was breathing, although with difficulty, during the confrontation.


Schwartz also defended his client's use of the Taser on Thomas, who was still struggling and resisting officers' efforts to handcuff him, and said Cicinelli only swung the Taser at Thomas' hand when the man made an effort to grab the weapon.


"To call that a crime is to effectively handcuff our police officers out in the field from dealing with any combative suspect," Schwartz said.


The hearing in a Santa Ana courtroom was marked by lengthy testimony from medical experts and graphic photos of Thomas' injuries, including multiple bruises and a bloodied eye, while he was lying on the autopsy table.


Attorneys repeatedly played portions of the grainy surveillance video, which was paired with audio from digital recorders worn by some of the officers who were present and which brought some of Thomas' supporters to tears and prompted them to leave the courtroom.


The incident last July prompted an ongoing FBI investigation to determine if Thomas' civil rights were violated, an internal probe by the city, protests by residents and an effort to recall three Fullerton councilmembers that is slated for next month's ballot.

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I posted an article.


What an ''essay'' actually is can be argued to just about any piece of writing someone does.

Yeah if you wanna split hairs your stupid fucking comment could be an essay.


I suppose im just in an academic mind set where essay means'' a researched, developed personnal argument, personal reflection or narrative'', but I guess clowning fools in 5 lines on an internet forum could potentially be deemed an essay.


Even though thats not really a defined discourse.


If you faggots are down to the point you're going to start being grammar nazis and community college english teachers, then I guess you are all about as uncreative, butthurt, and stomped on as it appears.

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Sidenote: Nothing is funnier than people who obviously dont paint, or only paint plywood that their pops nailed up for them in the backyard trying to talk shit to people who know what they're talking about. CSX will prosecute you for looking at their trains wrong, you apprently dont frequent their yards or you'd know that CJ knows what hes saying.





we have one bull for 4 city yards and 2 more counties out side the city. our workers will let you walk into the yard and if you ask they'll take you on a tour of our main yard. i've seen kids that have nothing to do with painting walk up to lines with power on and talk to the engineers in the locomotives and they just talk to them. i've also seen moms and dads bring they're children into the yard and walk around in front of the workers with no consequence. but you must be king train bomber and master of all graffiti knowledge. you must do throw ups for cope 2 your so cool.


you obviously don't know what your talking about or you wouldn't be trying this hard. at first i thought it was funny but now its kind of sad. i know its cool and hip to stand on an internet soap box and tell everyone how much you hate cops so you can feel like you actually have friends but its still not a good look to be this big of a bitch.

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