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Anarchy in the UK - London Riots


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Oh damn . http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/8696197/London-riots-the-2012-Olympics-ambassador-turned-in-by-her-mother.html


London riots: the 2012 Olympics ambassador turned in by her mother

A London 2012 Olympics ambassador who has met Boris Johnson and Lord Coe has been revealed as a riot suspect, after she was reported to the police by her own mother.


Chelsea Ives, 18, allegedly threw bricks at a police car during the violence in Enfield on Sunday.

She even boasted she had had “the best day ever”, Westminster Magistrates Court heard.

But the teenager was caught after her mother, Adrienne, saw her on a television news report and called the police.

Mrs Ives, 47, yesterday said her decision was “gut wrenching” but insisted she only did what any “honest” parent could.

She added: "I had to do what was right. Roger (her husband) and I were watching the news and it was absolutely sickening. And then we saw our daughter among the crowds.

“I could not believe it. For a minute we did not know what to do. But then, what could normal, honest parents do?

“How can you sit there and see that and say ‘that’s OK’? We were watching people lose their homes and businesses.

“As parents we had to say; ‘She can’t get away with that.’

“She won’t thank us. I will be portrayed as a ***** but what were we supposed to do?”

Ives has met the Mayor of London as well as the London Olympics chief Sebastian Coe as part of her role as a 2012 ambassador.

Appearing at Westminster Magistrates during an all night court session yesterday, she denied two counts of burglary, violent disorder and attacking a police car in the early hours of this morning.

Becky Owen, prosecuting, said Ives, who in 2009 was invited into the House of Commons to celebrate the success of a football project run by Leyton Orient Community Sport Programme, had led an attack on a Vodafone store.

"She was first to pick up masonry and hurl it at the window," she said. She was also involved in a mob attack on Phones4U. Ives also allegedly hurled masonry at a marked police BMW in a "frenzied" attack that forced officers to flee.

She pleaded not guilty and was refused bail until August 17 when she will appear at Highbury Corner magistrates' court. Ives was described by her solicitor as a "talented sportswoman".




Congrats police. You got bricked by this chick and her mother did a better job than you at arresting her.

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Rioters kill a 68 year old man for trying to put a fire out. This marks the fourth murder in the riots.




It's the fifth fatal incident actually.


Three British Asians died in Birmingham on Wednesday morning when they were deliberately mowed down by a speeding car, while one man was found shot dead in a car on Croydon on Monday night.


Those murders plus this poor old man getting beaten to death brings the number to five murders.



And co-sign on smash Riot broad

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The way you're presenting so many seemingly unrelated articles in one post seems like you're alluding to a larger plot. If that's true, and the plot you're alluding to isn't just that people suck, then I'll have to disagree.


According to every news article i've read, the reason they haven't controlled the riots by use of non-lethal force yet is because it's unprecedented in the mainland of the UK — not because the "elite" want wide-spread chaos. I don't know what sort of popularity rating the police in London had before the riots. Maybe they were afraid of looking like the bad guys if the riots ended quickly with water canons being turned on the first few rioters. That could've made the riots even worse. Now with the riots destroying so many lives I don't think it would seem excessive if they dispersed looters with assault rifles.


Also the riots started before ballistic reports even came out, so the correlation between the riots and an attempted planted bullet shell doesnt make sense. I also don't even remember reading that the man shot back. Since the beginning every newspaper i've ever read said he was reaching for a gun on his leg before he was shot, which where one was discovered.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the london police. You guys are obviously some segregated and classist motherfuckers who act like poverty is criminal, but that's a social issue Brittisheses are going to have to work on.


"Debt poses a threat to national security." The article is about the safety of american troops in Iraq, but the gist of that is some Americans think the military and police are underfunded. That can mean a million things. It can mean Patreaus is looking for funding for his Afghanistan invasion, because right now that's the only thing that's holding the U.S. back from our 2012 campaign into afghanistan. Patreus has been trying everything, saying that afghanistan has the largest reserves of high-demand minerals like lithium in hopes of finding people who will invest in the war.



And the rest of articles basically saying America has an addiction to enforcing our position in the world through war boils down to the house of senates, which has a number of senators who still believe this is the best foreign policy. If you want to change that, you don't riot, you lobby to have those senators removed. If you're a group against the war, and you don't want the newspapers to spin you into an anarchistic group trying to overthrow the government, don't riot. It's pretty simple.


And the US military is obviously going to look into how they would control a riot like London's. Why wouldn't they? At least in california police districts are claiming they're grossly underfunded and undermanned, so if you have a large army why wouldn't you have them provide ground support? I'm surprised London didn't do it first. It might be politically incorrect over there to have your nation's troops be used against your nation's citizens.

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there are a lot of preliminary facts & opinions about the world we do not see eye to eye, but that is because people tend to turn away anytime reality fringes on the border of that "c word"... nevertheless, it is vital to (if not the moral/intellectual responsibility of everyone), to look wherever the truth intuitively leads, despite all mockery & left-brained wishes against the journey down the rabbit hole


you are smart enough to not throw your life away for useless "swag" but idk if the same can be said for the rest of the herd... people are actually so stupid that they would rather have things like lipstick & phones (THERE WILL BE NO FUCKING SIGNAL, RETARDS), when they should be concerned with things that can actually keep them alive (undoubtedly/hopefully not, people will be stupid with this as well). despite semantics, it is important to stress the message of "DO NOT RIOT/TAKE PART IN CIVIL UNREST" - rightfully so, because it is the designed catalyst used to lock it all down... the people have been degraded physically, morally, spiritually, & intellectually. they are depending on a massive herd of uninformed left-brainers to give them a reason to bring about an end to this mcworld lifestyle. when shit inevitably hits the fan, people should be helping each other in every way possible instead of serving their own interests... so that there is NO REASON TO BE KILLING/LOCKING PEOPLE AWAY UNLESS THEY ARE ONLY OUT TO SERVE THEMSELVES AGAINST A COMMUNITY BUILT ON PRINCIPLES OF POSITIVITY & SELF-SUSTENANCE


regarding your inquiry to the 1st article, it is simply another case of the "blue shield". how many times has this happened; where countless witnesses detail the exact opposite of what the official report spills months down the road? in this particular case, the victims name was cleared in the end, but the people were simply not down with that bullshit despite their completely stupid way of going about it


& for what it is worth(less); it is also politically incorrect to have your nations troops be used against your citizens where you reside... it is in the set of rights that founded it


though i hate to see intelligent people turn their backs to their own intuition, i respect your opinion & it may as well be that we have to agree to disagree on certain things. & it is not that i do not agree with you in terms of people sucking... they definitely do... through i try by telling myself that it is not exactly their fault, it is hard not to be mad at their lack of general care about anything past the next mcrib re-re-release date...


reality is stranger than fiction; this is bigger than london. there are no morals in chess & the winner takes it all /noABBA

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My new favorite thing: Map of twitter posts from the riots.






Updated 5 days ago

RT @Chevychased: It's a fucking chavalanche #Londonriots

Mon, 08 Aug 2011 20:41:26 +0000




Updated 5 days ago

RT @neiliyah: #LondonRiots The Youth of the Middle East rise up for basic freedoms.The Youth of London rise up for a HD ready 42" Plasma TV. Ha ha!

Mon, 08 Aug 2011 20:43:06 +0000




RT @kara_simsek: "@steelzee: RT 'Three Riot vans parked outside Apple Store at Oxford Circus'" police = army of the rich #londonriots Mon, 08 Aug 2011 20:51:16 +0000




RT @SaiFullahSoul: u201C@TTalukder: Anyone reckon people are setting fire to their own cars and businesses for insurance claims? Mon, 08 Aug 2011 20:49:35 +0000




Police are slowly clearing people bit its futile with so many sidestreets. People are just congregating in estates. #peckham #londonriots Mon, 08 Aug 2011 20:59:31 +0000




WARNING! Media and Photographers being mugged, I myself have had my camera stolen by masked youths in #hackney #londonriots Mon, 08 Aug 2011 21:08:12 +0000




Whitechapel Mosque attacked during prayer time #LondonRiots Mon, 08 Aug 2011 21:07:37 +0000




Americans! Come and visit east London for the Olympics in 2012. It's great! #LondonRiots Mon, 08 Aug 2011 20:54:28 +0000




Not one single police officer in Clapham as they trash Clapham high street #londonriots Mon, 08 Aug 2011 20:46:19 +0000



RT @jamesjammcmahon: Masked kids all down my street. Police cars everywhere. Kids hiding in yards. Helicopter overhead. It's in Dalston now #londonriots Mon, 08 Aug 2011 20:50:14 +0000




RT @TarikF: Yup Twitter has shown us over the past two days why it's one of the most valuable social tools of the 21st century. #LondonRiots Mon, 08 Aug 2011 20:35:21 +0000

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