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Anarchy in the UK - London Riots


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and what about all the people who owned businesses that were burned down and may have nothing left?


why don't rioters ever go to the affluent(highly; talking about places with real luxury items) neighborhoods and smash shit?


Exactly, they fucking up they own lives. Yeah I got a free 60 inch tv and a PS3, but my house is burned down and my kids dont have food because we burned down the local grocery store.


I pray this shit crosses the ocean to the States.


It probably wont becuse theres too many old people/pussies/police/lazy pothead faggots, but a guy can dream right?


Im sure a good maority of the people out there are just causing ruckus and want free shit, but id say there is a good majority that are just fed the fuck up with being broke and kicked around by bobbies. Its kind of a slap in the face when your tutition is in the neighborhood of what, the equivalent $60,000 a year to graduate and either get a shitty job, if youre lucky a 40,000 annually salary, or no job at all. Then the pigs and politicians stay feed and can pay their bills on time, I feel the same way even as a 'Merican.


Fuck the police, good looks on the British people for still having a pair of nuts.

Also theyre trying to spin this off as some kind of race thing, on both sides to be fair but obviously you can see every color in the crowd and if even a dozen people are banding together for an actual reason like that dudes ''questionable death'' or whatever the case then im proud of those bastards.


It's all good until your shop that you've worked all your life on is burned down by some hipster faggots.

They destroying they own neigborhoods, good luck with that.

Shit better not kick off in chicago, niggas gonna get shot fucking with my shit.

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22.20 The Telegraph's Josie Ensor reports she was chased by a gang of 30 men who pelted her with stones near Bethnal Green station, East London. She escaped down a side street. A gang of vandals broke the windows of an Islamic bank in Whitechapel but were chased off by a rival gang of 100 Muslim youths who are standing guard outside the East London Mosque. Local shops have been attacked.

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This is because police shot a guy?


I though police in England didn't carry guns?


Was it like a swat team standoff dealie??




Normal police don't carry guns, but the dude that got stopped and shot was by London's gang unit and they are armed, plus every bigger city would have armed response units.


I remember a crack down a few years back in Bristol and they had loads of armed police about loads of police with machine guns wandering around was sketchy as hell.

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