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Tsunami Slams Northern Japan After Massive 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Off Coast Rea

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Re: Tsunami Slams Northern Japan After Massive 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Off Coast


I'm usually never affected by natural world disasters but, all of these major ones in the past couple of years are making me extremely skeptical and have been issued the signature "no fucking way" mouth dropping attitude. I hope all the oonterz in japan, Hawaii, and California are well. This shit is cray cray.


Oh, and that fucking whirlpool in that video. Damn, finna get to Lugia.

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Re: Tsunami Slams Northern Japan After Massive 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Off Coast


God bless Japan and those affected by the tsunami. I couldn't imagine joking around about this after watching that video. I hope that none of you ever have to experience this kind of carnage in person. Let's keep it classy oontz, these people are suffering hell on earth while we are sitting comfortably on our computers at home/work/school.

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Re: Tsunami Slams Northern Japan After Massive 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Off Coast


Well looks like out here the waves werent that devastating. However some schools up north around the city of Pacifica were closed due to the tsunami warning. I'm surprised it's a sunny calm day over here.. Up in San Francisco bay theyre not even worried.

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Re: Tsunami Slams Northern Japan After Massive 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Off Coast


Shit I just live like 10 min from the beach.. Was actually thinking of going there and smoke a blunt up on some rocks.. Still can't belive it was an 8.9. It wad labeled a


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Re: Tsunami Slams Northern Japan After Massive 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Off Coast


I've herd that those after shocks will probably still happen thruout days,months,and even years cause

The earthquake was that powerfull. There has been a lot more Deadly natural disasters in the new millennia. Maybe this one is just a warning. There might be an even more deadly quake soon.

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Re: Tsunami Slams Northern Japan After Massive 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Off Coast


these waves are crashing into land 1.5 hours after the original tsunami wave came in




WTF I just seen this. At 2:04 if you look at the bottom right you see

Something in the water traveling. Trying to figure out what it could have been.. It's fuckin weird.

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Re: Tsunami Slams Northern Japan After Massive 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Off Coast


Shits crazy, got a couple friends posted up in japan and havnt heard from them, hopin for the best. Side note, i was workin downtown sd today right on the marina, didnt really catch a dif. in the water.

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Re: Tsunami Slams Northern Japan After Massive 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Off Coast


my best good homie lives in tokyo. another in osaka. i heard about this briefly on npr

this morning. we don't talk on the phone much but we use the internets, one dude says

he's straight which was a relief to hear. says that shits was "scary as fuck" though. and

the "ground was like fucking jello everywhere." i haven't heard from my osaka homie though.

hope the dudes okay. fucking earth been trippin lately man. damn.

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Re: Tsunami Slams Northern Japan After Massive 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Off Coast



"I am currently located in Osaka, Japan and the reports stands with minor quakes in the area with no sever damage to houses or buildings. Luckily, my host family and I are inside the southeastern sector of Japan far enough away from any large threats of tsunami damage or flooding."


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