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Food Stamps


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I am going to go out on a limb and say that the vast majority of people who receive food stamps deserve them. I believe in a country that takes care of its people.


I would go so far as to guess that NSMB is really looking for a way to "get by" more than anything else and is fronting a little about "getting over".

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Free food.


Is anybody above doing this? I know I'm not. I think I will apply.





im not too interested in what anyone else has to say about this because i know its either "i work all day and my tax dollars blah blah blah" OR "im a scumbag and fuck the government blah blah blah" so ill just skip to a reply...


go for it man. ive had food stamps a few times and they are pretty great. some people act like you are somehow being dishonest if you arent dirt fucking poor and get stamps. if you need em or just want them go get em. i dont know where you live but some places are ridiculously easy. portland and oakland being the easiest ive dealt with. the interveiwer in oakland asked me 1 question. the interview/photo part it took like MAYBE 5 minutes including me signing something. meanwhile when i went in to get them here in texas it was like i was on trial for fucking raping a baby. then they cut them after 2 weeks because worker bee forget to tell me some pretty important shit.

if you qualify do it. if you have to lie to qualify. do it. there are people doing WAY worse shit than gettinig a couple hundred bucks of free groceries for a few months.

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I had a full time job and was still unable to do much more than put gas in my car and pay rent/utilities each month. I applied for food stamps because I am getting older and getting arrested for racking groceries is no longer a risk I am willing to take. I only got approved for 16 dollars a month because I apparently make too much to get any more. 16 dollars. 4 dollars a week. Id rather of been told that I dont qualify at all. Instead they tell me im too poor to get by alone, but they arent going to give me enough to really help at all.


Since then, I have gotten a raise, and no longer qualify, and despite the numerous phone calls I have made to get in touch with somebody to let them know "my circumstances have changed" and I want them to cancel my shit....I cant get a hold of anybody, and nobody returns my calls.


Its a broken system designed to have people take advantage of it. Milk it for all its worth...

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I read no comments here. simply put, if you need them shits to live, get them. I'd rather have cats getting some handouts while getting on their feet then looking to kill cats to eat. I live in the wildest city in america, don't need anymore reasons to get shot. going rate on the bridge card in detroit is .50 cents on the dollar, unless you're visibly a crack fiend, then it's more like .30 or .40 cents. regardless, I got that shit right now, along with the help of a rehab service for cats that have ptsd and other mental illness, helping me get work. but this shit right here is a motherfucking life saver!

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Wait, you just discovered food stamps?


Back when they had the paper kind, you could sell them for .50 cents on the dollar at any corner store in NYC.


i know what food stamps are.


i just remembered that they're for poor people - which is me right now.


growing up i had the same stigma attached to food stamps Bojangles has - eg "lazy mutherfuckers wasting our tax money" or "white trash" would be more appropriate to understand where I'm coming from.


my family hated to admit that they were poor. in fact all white families do. we're not supposed to be poor. we're supposed to be the best (according to whom I'm not sure, but that's the idea that was placed in front of me anyways). we invented this term for ourselves. called it "Middle Class". all it really means is we live indoors but still have to go to work everyday to pay for the luxury of living indoors. working and confusing ourselves that we're special. white people are crazy.


there are two classes: WORKING CLASS and RULING CLASS. we are all slaves to our masters.


flip the skript 20 years later and I realize that I am every bit as poor as any other sack of shit ready to suckle government teet. wall street gets bailouts, this one is mine. fuck the masters, if I'm gonna be a slave they gonna feed me.

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i dunno if my rents didnt know about food stamps but i remember as a kid paying for shit in stacks of pennies that my mom would give me...and always getting so much shit from store owners..making em umad...my parents were never home working their asses off too..and i had to take care of a my lil sis...being a lil kid my self.. its funny how u dont realize what kinda shitty situation u were in as a kid..../tangentoner...

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I'm all about a bigger food budget, but I'm still not convinced that there are no repercussions awaiting in the future. That shit is engraved in your financial paper trail & who knows when it will unexpectedly bite you on the ass...


bet that.


there's been shit I've filled out before on forms that ask if I've ever received ANY types of social aid - including welfare, disability, and food stamps, and TANF (needy families something or another)


anyone care to point out how receiving this shit could negatively affect me?


credit maybe? lol. idk. i figure if i am poor now, whats the difference.

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I am fairly sure that if you receive tanf in any amount that you can get tuition assistance from the state for a program of education designed to get you a job.


I do not think that getting food stamps will have a negative financial impact in the future. Ignoring any bill no matter how small and letting it slip into collections however most certainly will.

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pretty much everyone i know in the bay has rocked or still rocks ebt.

every writer in the city was up in the waiting area for it. i had it for a while, but i lied about having a bank account (cuz i didn't want them fucking with it or having any access whatsoever) and when they found out, they cut me off. good while it lasted too. homeboy at the liquor store in oakland would let us cop beer if no one else was in the store.

a few fast food spots let you buy food. carls jr., subway, and some others in SF... helps if you don't have anywhere to cook.

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i lived off unemployment for YEARS while selling hella drugs and traveling the world having a fucking blast. ill get over on the gov anyway i can, whenever i can. and never feel the slightest twinge of regret.


all while some of you were working hella hours. keep workin your fingers to the bone, ill be in a foreign country getting shitfaced with gorgeous women and making them speak in foreign languages to my boys when i call to brag about how much fun im having.


you mad?



dont get me wrong, it feels good to relax after a hard days work, but it feels much better to not work at all and snort coke off your passport in the streets of europe.



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Oh, and wayyyy more people are on food stamps than will admit it. I know people with plenty of money that are on it, and people who couldn't afford to eat without it. I could be on it, choose not to. Don't really see a point to it for myself, because I like to eat out for every meal and don't know too many restaurants that take the gold card.


I do wish i would of thought to go on food stamps like 4 years ago though, because I was one pitifully broke piece of shit

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