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Y'know what... fuck it. I'm Pornbooth.

darkror inferom

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Re: so because i didnt use the gay trendy excuse of adding 2011 in my thread title


Im suprised he had all those green tacs. then in one day they vanish haha


It's because people get the minimum propz to boost their 'tacs but not enough to beef them up.


I have strong tic tacs. My props run deep, like roots of mighty redwood.

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Re: so because i didnt use the gay trendy excuse of adding 2011 in my thread title


Hes so butt hurt about everything yet he hasnt lived up to the promise of showing us the negs hes getting. First two crappy threads and now you cant even provide the neg flicks.



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Re: so because i didnt use the gay trendy excuse of adding 2011 in my thread title


i have a screen name on here that has a earlier sign up date than almost all of you and enough props to never lose a tic tac ever and i pull stupid shit all the time when im drunk and never get neg'd for it

Hows it feel to have fucking power?


fucking scum, i bet it feels real good taking advantage of the little guy, right?



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Re: so because i didnt use the gay trendy excuse of adding 2011 in my thread title


My whole life I heard get an education, go to college. What the fuck for? So i can get a job making $30,000 a year and pay back my fucking student loans? Plus, how the fuck am I gonna buy Lamborghinis, Ferraris and go to Miami ten times a year doing that dumb shit?

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Re: so because i didnt use the gay trendy excuse of adding 2011 in my thread title


Dear Dark Pussy Flaps,


Your interweb homosexuality has now become overwhelmingly vagina like in nature. A testament to this fact is the now apparent color of your tic-tac's, all though high in iron they lack the affluent nature of real tic-tac's. Your reverse "tricky" idea to switch it up and get people to negatively rate you has blown up in your face which I assume is much like a facade of a young teenager, grease laden and full of acne scars with no hope's of getting that prom date.


Please take this time to re-evaluate your internet abilities as the 12 oz users commence hilarity.





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