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My semi retarded brother in-law


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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


Wow I'm stunned this disabled guy's sister is letting a shitbag such as yourself into her family frateraper. You seem like you would have a borderline mentally handicapped IQ yourself so I wouldn't throw stones in a glass house champ.


This dude must know me.....:)

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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


that picture of beaker had me rolling..

Yo frateraper how does he act when your around her sister.are you portuguese also..nothing worse then a semi retarded portoguese guy..that culture is mainly based on how they are pretty people....also does he watch tv on his belly and clap with his feet..lol.

brother in laws fucking suck

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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


I am NOT Portuguese, he's alright around me just a complete sack of shit like he would be around anyone else.At first he was fucking weird..........go back and read about me catching him watching me sleep.




I caught him recently and called him out on it by telling him to go fuck himself.....he hasn't really talked to me to much since

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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


Raper- coffee,whatever and whatever....AND VANILLA ICE CREAM.......

Aunt- Yea make sure it's Vanilla, he wont eat any other kind.......


FRANK OUT OF NO WHERE with some weird authoritative tone screams "ya know what?this time make it popsicles......ya popsicles"


We all stop what were doing and stare at him for a few seconds,he gets nervous some times and puts his hands down the back of his boxers and scratches his ass with the top of his hands, so hes scratching his ass at like 90 mph and says "make it popsicles" and runs off


:lol: The imagery in your description is fucking brilliant. HAHAHAHA. Oh best paragraph on 12oz.


...ya popsicles.

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