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other terrible adults....


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^^^ running over boxes of train detetonators in a steam roller, good times



I've been getting arrested yearly for about the past four of five years... normally around the the "silly" season.


But I've just stepped up my game and just got a ticket off ther AFP for "failure to comply" GTFO



90% of the cases at court consist of "terrible adults" who basically were drunk.


Hurry up and legalise the w33ds so I can just be a stupid stoner not getting arrested.


Where'd you get train detonators from dude? You got a source for em or did you just luck upon some on a mission? Me and my friends found one of those lil train sled things that goes on the tracks one night on a mission. Dirty and greasy but we took it home and found some traintracks on a slight downhill angle and rode em. So much fukn fun, wish we kept it. Also where'd you get a steam roller from?

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thats not terrible.....thats fucking brilliant!


i figured it would be a terrible adult thing to do because thats when they're the most vulnerable, buying divorce papers, filling em out, thinking of how they failed in the game of life or the bedroom.... anyways i plan on snaggin me a hot broad at least 10 years older than i am. kids optional. i'm gonna corrupt the fuck out of her. and her optional kids.

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A few years ago I stole an airhorn from walmart, we drove around in boys car blasting it at people........I dropped the hammer on this dink in a mini van.He freaks out and starts chasing us,were laughing our asses off and driving a 5 series....he had no chance at getting close to us.





We decided to let him


He starts yelling at me




Any time he would start to yell I'd blast the horn in his face, he freaked out!!!!!!


I think I was like 24.




Same summer we found out that I could turn the wind shield wiper jets on my truck to the side.....we'd hit red lights and clean my window aka spray people through an open window,cyclists etc

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we used to do that but we would fill it with piss..


we also had one laundry mat where i grew up and it was open 24 hours with no one there.. there was a number to call in an emergency. We would call saying a washer was over flowing and when old dude got there we would throw shit at him from across the street. It got to the point to where one night he pulled up to where we were skating and fired a single got from a pistol at us.

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Also.. I had an apartment that over looked a busy street in crackhead neighborhood and we would drop water balloons on people. if we ran out we would fill plastic bags full of water or nacho cheese. there was also a cafe/coffee shop right across the street and the same guy came everyday at like 4am and we always greated him with water balloons.

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Where'd you get train detonators from dude? You got a source for em or did you just luck upon some on a mission? Me and my friends found one of those lil train sled things that goes on the tracks one night on a mission. Dirty and greasy but we took it home and found some traintracks on a slight downhill angle and rode em. So much fukn fun, wish we kept it. Also where'd you get a steam roller from?



Workers' sheds many many moons ago. Stream roller, hot wired from the local sports ground.


Skate boarding down a hill with your pants full of explosives was not very reassuring for little Brickos :D



First night I checked into Vegas, went on a 24hr bender and woke up in a hotel across from where I had booked.


Matching black eyes / cuts - matching braclet marks... good times.

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I was on the way to school on the minibus and we had to pick someone else up

An entirely useless woman. First off we got her in Pontiac. Pontiac makes Detroit

look nice. It was this little storefront church she waddled onto the bus. All 350 lbs

of her with a crate of collards and sandwich rolls. A bunch of other food. She was

friendly enough i guess. Told me they give out free food. Now i'm not against the

poor. Shit.... I've been broke too. They she starts talking about how she was throwing

up earlier. Next she is talking about getting dropped off at the "libary". If you cant

pronounce library you have no business inside one. Then for 10 minutes shes bitching

about the people at the church hoarding the hams and turkeys. Talking about how

shes gonna start using her stamps instead of dealing with the church people. Then she

starts to complain on her welfare check. Then shes talking about going to a different

church where they are giving out free coats. Beyond that she was just annoyingly

religious and clearly a professional freeloader.

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cool story br0.



thats like old people they just take whatever they can get for free, even if they dont need it. like on flights. ive never seen one turn down a drink and the snack, yet ive never see drink more than a 1/3 of the drink and not even open the snacks



smoking that tumbleweed right nao

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This week:


Let a huge roll of thick paper probably 500ft fly down college hill (Brown area, as in the school, not niggers) right down the yellow line. It zig zagged smashing off curbs and made a huge mess, cars were getting all fucked up and these two biker douche bags had to come to a complete stop to figure out how they were going to ride over the shit.


I stole the roll of paper from that show I took a dump at.


Drove by occupy providence and my buddy threw rocks at the tents.


Let my friend free hand a tattoo my thigh that looks like a black blob, about the size of a quarter.


I thought being sober would prevent this kind of shit, but I've realized I'm just really immature.

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Night before turkey day we ran up a bar tab with food and bailed. It was a new spot that has had a slow start getting customers. After two more bars I am drunk driving home with my wife and a friend. Right in front of my home a car drives up on my bumper flashing their brights and honking. Its a one lane road with a 25 mph limit, I pull over to see what the deal is and its two dudes wanting to fight. I have no idea why... They get out and so do we, end result was them bleeding from their face parts and my wife asking herself why she married me. I have thought about going back to the bar and paying for our tab but as far as dudes, no worries.

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I just moved to a new city,still local but whatever...real nice house...to nice for my wife and i!


I'm at home today kicking it in,sporting a white shirt with an upside down cross and some basket ball shorts,i'm very heavily tattooed just noting on my forearms due to work.My door bell rings and I answer it on my cell with some rep from the gas company.





I had them in for tea, they were fucking floored at how nice my house and how nice of young man I am.






they leave I turn to grab my laptop from the coffee table.




I dont think I'm welcome in this hood.

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Haha, gold Frate. When I was living with my folks once the fuckwit transits came round with a search warrant and arrested me. During the search they uncovered a fair stash of porn and were making sure my parents saw it, trying to embarrass me. I stole it all of my Dad-haha, fags, and I beat the case :)

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I had them in for tea, they were fucking floored at how nice my house and how nice of young man I am.

























































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  • 3 weeks later...

i got to flirt with this lawyers assistant for a while at my work today and would catch her checkin me out an we exchanged the i know you now i know your checkin me out looks and then dude tipped me 12 bucks. i also kinda gave up on trying to flirt with the ladies getting divorce papers and now i flirt with any hot lady getting anything from my work. it doesn't matter what there situation is as long as they're pickin up what i'm puttin down.

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a few years ago I worked at a restaurant, and slow days i talked to people outside. this sketchy middle aged drunk dude that used to work there i would talk with. One night while drinking with him, he said he would go get cigarettes for us. I thought he was going to buy a pack from the store. He came back with like 8 butts he found on the ground. I smoked them anyway like a p.o.s.

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