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other terrible adults....


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There was a squirrel that looked kinda like that at my old place of work. Jet black, but it had red eyes, and about 4 hairs on it's tail. We called it necrosquirrel and fed it peanuts. It was both terrifying and beautiful at the same time.

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These 3 east Indian kids were driving a truck out in mountains, and somehow with some fucking retarded move, drove it off the road and down a steep ditch and could not get it out. I come walking up a path from my campsite just shit faced, shotgun in hand and I see these dip-fuck kids walking away back to their campsite.


I figure this is of good a time as any to teach these 3 kids that racing a truck on the back-roads is not only fucking retarded, but comes with consequences. I am with a few of my buddies and of course the idea springs to mind to shoot a slug through the car. All the guys puss out but of course being loaded I figure someone has to do it.


I lined up a shot through the door and right through the dash but the long way for maximum damage. Then we go on our merry way looking for bear's and other fuckery to have fun with.


We come back down the mountain and there are three dip fuck kids with 6 cops trying to explain that they ran the car off the road and now somehow within an hour there are slug holes and huge rocks thrown at it.


The cops eye fucked us for a while but we just wandered on by laughing our asses off.

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Buds and I were working on a development outside of Horseshoe Bay which if you know vancouver at all is on the highway up to whistler. It used to be a gnarly fucking highway, in fact it was refered to as the "killer highway" due to the amount of crash's. My bud's (who is a 12oz user as well) managed to get in a head-on in his audi at 150km/hour and walked away.


This road wind's along the mountains and is perched at times high above the ocean, it is literaly ocean, mountains, no beaches, just straight up. The development we were building was made up of about 200 house's perched on stilt's, literally. The road going up the hill was at a very steep gradient, like 6 percent. Imagine a ski-hill and you have the main road that goes up the hill serving as a driveway/roadway for these 200 houses.


Brosef and myself are working in a unit at roughly the top of the road, these are million plus dollar places owned by pimp's yuppies and faggots and the general nose in the air fuckers. Anyway at the time I am driving a shit fucked ford ranger, named "The Commencer", this thing is a battle truck and I have lot's of stories about the shit I pulled in that truck.


So the Commencer is parked in the driveway of this soon to be finished pimp palace and in the back bed of the truck is some random garbage and my fully inflated spare tire on a rim. My buddy see's an opportunity to scare some chick I got hired who is just a few feet downhill by rolling this tire to her. He pick's it up and roll's it down the hill to her. Well some of you have done the same shit so I have read, so you understand the kinetics momentum and gravity. The chick see's the tire coming from the get go and like a stupid bitch just kicks at it, it ain't fucking stopping!


Another fella who is working just down from chikita tried to kick the tire over as well and almost breaks his foot. Meanwhile this tire is doing about 60 MPH at this point and is heading straight downhill like a lightning bolt. The tire proceeds to hit a curb and bounce about 20 feet in the air and lands, the fucker keeps going, it smashes into a 5 series beamer, shit fucks the SUV wobbles and keeps going.


It somehow rolls into a garage which is off the the side completely smashes around the garage like a pinball and then rolls back out onto the street, still downhill.


it get's all the way to the end of the road where there is a house, smashes into a composite concrete siding and leaves a tire size hole in this brand new million dollar house.


I almost had a heart attack I laughed so hard. Those were the days.

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1.wasn't a real adult yet but in college i drank a family sized bottle of robitussin then puked all over this girl's bathroom and didn't clean it up. i spent the rest of the night talking into a cell phone that was apparently off, sitting on my bed, rocking back and forth. fun.

2. ran down the street using the tops of parked cars as my pavement, set off a couple alarms, got threatened by some guy who came out of his house in his underwear and who was apparently a judge

3. lit the halloween decorations on a girls dormroom door on fire. evacuation! big trouble time.

4. every time i smoked dust i woke up with bruises all over my body and i never remember how it happened.


Yeah guafenesin in robo tends to do that. Do gels, just dxm.

I guess for me: graffiti, racking, and doing DXM and PCP on regular basis. Don't really have many specifics. I guess I go out and do them all together sometimes.

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  • 3 months later...

Not too terrible but the other night me and some mates were fukn blotto leaving the pub, walking home on the tracks and streets etc, bombing, usual shit. Now I don't usually bomb dudes houses but this massive brand new installed painted garage was just too tempting. We spent like 5 minutes doing this terrible, all out of proportion portrait of a chick getting reamed and cocks with jizz flying out of em everywhere and this real fukd up stick figure gay sex scene and shit. One of those 'u had to be there to fully get it' deals. Sounds like cool story bro, was fukn hilarious at the time

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They were developing a bike path along me and my friends favorite place to hang out, a creek that ran through the neighborhood. It was basically a wildlife refuge that only kids and bums went down into. We got drunk and started up all the tractors, then drove the bobcat into the creek and drove down it untill it got stuck. We then proceeded to break out all the windows on the tractors, shit on the seats and do rap letters all over them. Good times.

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My name is Frate Raper and I am a terrible adult.





On the weekend I went to my fav lay up.Had make a brown baby before I started painting...went to local coffee shop and ran in, mens washroom was locked and I HAD TO GO.


I went into the chicks shitter to make a mess of all that is holly and safe about public shitters.


As I'm doing my do I can hear some broads outside waiting in line but talking shit....I guess girls like to be rude to each other when there is a line up?


SOOOOOOOOOO the can is killed and smells worse then Kristy Alleys belly button and I swing open the door to the two fucking cunts waiting, the look of horror on there faces was amazing.......so I said "enjoy that" and skipped away feeling 10 p's lighter:)

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My name is Frate Raper and I am a terrible adult.





On the weekend I went to my fav lay up.Had make a brown baby before I started painting...went to local coffee shop and ran in, mens washroom was locked and I HAD TO GO.


I went into the chicks shitter to make a mess of all that is holly and safe about public shitters.


As I'm doing my do I can hear some broads outside waiting in line but talking shit....I guess girls like to be rude to each other when there is a line up?


SOOOOOOOOOO the can is killed and smells worse then Kristy Alleys belly button and I swing open the door to the two fucking cunts waiting, the look of horror on there faces was amazing.......so I said "enjoy that" and skipped away feeling 10 p's lighter:)


that is not terrible, that is AWESOME!! :lol:

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