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Humiliating yourself via the Intranets

Guest Ginger Bread Man

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Guest Ginger Bread Man

As of lately, more and more people are humiliating "themselves" over this here internets


Used to be people bullied others without real reason, with the introduction of the Internet more and more people are humiliating/exposing themselves..


I realized this after the various incidents involving members on the oontz as well as the recent 11 yo who started acting all super tough and ended up crying.


I've never understood how someone could post so much about themselves to complete strangers(twitter,myspace,ec)


What compells these people to openly/repeatedly and shamelessly I might add, expose their private lives?

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im not completly disagreeing, buuut...


perhaps not everyone holds themselves to the same standards you set for yourself. not everybody gives a fuck what a few hundread people whom they will never meet in real life think/say or type over the internet. and personaly, neither do i.


now as far as personal info and/or the onslaught of force feeding the masses there day to day life bullshit and what they ate for dinner via twitter/fb/ms etc etc etc, im fully with you.


but, i mean. its the internet, people are people. and everybodys different. people talk different, they think different, and they communicate different. combine that with 0ver 75% of the north american public using the internet and your going to have differences in opinions, people whom you do not like aswell as people whom you do.


somewhat like, now wait for it. waait for it.. waaait for it...


the real world.



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as i always say






be careful what you do out there bro





the internet




























that aint cool man








internet= ruin your life history

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Guest Ginger Bread Man

See Cos


I don't agree with it being "only" a couple hundred people. We are talking about potentially millions of people which believe it or not you may come in contact with at one point or another (it's a small world(you may not even realize how small)).


Also, I know most the dumb shits abusing the Internet have no aspirations in life but you never know what path your life will take and trust me, many people who think in the exact same manner as yourself regret that shit 20+ years from now.


Fuck even Clinton went through the whole I did not inhale ordeal, granted I don't think you will ever come to a position of such influence but even still, that shit is self destructive.


My negro pod is dead on, once it's on the Internet, that shit is forever.


I've been on the oontz forever but yet have a fraction of the post count 90% of the users have.


Sure I have fb,ms(no twitter or blog though) but none with a real name/personal emails.


Now being on blast can be what gets your rocks off but most people prefer their privacy.

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@ Gbm...


i feel what your saying.


and yep, yer right. i mean, if i was an employer interviewing employees best belive if/when i got a grip of there email(s) id be digging up what i could find. facebook, an old myspace. whatever.


so werd, in that sense no doubt it can, and potentially will catch up to you.


but as far as forum shananigans go, i really dont put a whole lot of effort to caring. but, that being said if an account to a forum came up after a search of an email best beleive id skim every post. why not, youd be naive/stupid not to.


shit even if yer starting to date a new bitch, why wouldnt you. im far from jealous, even further from a snoop. but an email is fair game and a quick search is not only inevadble but smart.

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I do see alot of stupidity from people on facebook/myspace etc.etc..Things such as not taking a minute to look at how they go about, putting there information such as day to day things all out there for everyone to see is just stupidity and carelessness.Not thinking or having the brains to stop the world besides a select few (friends) from seeing there information/what they're doing/ or did by setting there profiles private. I don't know if there just oblivious to the fact,or they just want people to see what they're doing becuase in this world now everyone feels like most people actually give a shit about their status updates every 10 minutes, on what exactly it is they are doing.I've come across profiles where it's a bunch of kids talking about what drugs they're taking, who they're with, and where they're all going.On top of all that, shortly after the status updates comes the pictures of them taking said drugs, with their "friends".Or the people who have to let everyone know exactly what it is they are doing each and every moment wtih a status update. I see these things and think this is what our society has come too where a 30 year old women from a town thinks "making chicken for dinner", "just opened a bottle of wine" , " on my second bottle of wine lol"etc etc. , its that important or she's that important,to where people actually care.


I think just like everythign else, there are people who will always humiliate themselves regardless of wether its a social network site, or real life. There is always going to be the "normal" people who don't draw attention to themselves, and then there's the ego's that want attention, but end up humiliating themselves becuase they often take it too far, becuase I mean it's the INTERNET!.

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I'm not gonna lie I used to get on this shit and take everything to the heart...nowadays I could careless about what some internet screen name thinks of me. If somebody doesn't agree with what I have to say o well. I don't give a fuck nigga.



I don't even use facebook or myspace at all anymore.

if I wanna talk to you you should have my number by now...call or text me.

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people just dont give a fuck. I sure don't. In real life my 'dont give a fuck level' is higher than most the people I chill with.


Example- after taking my camera in the ocean it needs to soak in fresh water 10 mins within 1 hour of being out of the ocean.

After the last time I used it me and the guys I snorkel with went to a pub to get drinks.

I asked for a glass of water and soaked my shit right there on the bar. Did I get weird looks? Yes. Do I care? No. Trying to avoid that shit is not worth ruining my camera.


Now obviously this shit is wayyyyy different than posting some super personal shit on here. I've done it a few times. Mostly for different points of view on a situation. There are things I have absolutley no reservations about putting on here that I would never discuss with people I know in real life.


For Christs sake, I made a thread about getting my redwings! I've never told that story to anyone in real life. But it's a funny story that I wanted to share with someone.



Kind of a ramble.....I think I gave a decent response though.

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people just dont give a fuck. I sure don't. In real life my 'dont give a fuck level' is higher than most the people I chill with.


Example- after taking my camera in the ocean it needs to soak in fresh water 10 mins within 1 hour of being out of the ocean.

After the last time I used it me and the guys I snorkel with went to a pub to get drinks.

I asked for a glass of water and soaked my shit right there on the bar. Did I get weird looks? Yes. Do I care? No. Trying to avoid that shit is not worth ruining my camera.


Now obviously this shit is wayyyyy different than posting some super personal shit on here. I've done it a few times. Mostly for different points of view on a situation. There are things I have absolutley no reservations about putting on here that I would never discuss with people I know in real life.


For Christs sake, I made a thread about getting my redwings! I've never told that story to anyone in real life. But it's a funny story that I wanted to share with someone.



Kind of a ramble.....I think I gave a decent response though.


cool story brO.

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my "dont give a fuck" is off the charts. i bought a medium soda the other day and they rung that shit through as a large, i didnt look at the reciept and just paid for it, then thought about it for a sec, hey wait a sec that shouldn't have cost that much, so i went back in and they refund me the difference, now, i still had to pay the tax on the large drink. so they owed me.... 6 cents. i stood there till i got my fucking 6 cents back, it was just about the principle.

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