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Also while you're at it, find one post where I ever said that I like anything up my ass.


Unlike your punk ass I wouldn't even consder wasting the time to wade through pages of questionable cooze just to prove a point. Im sure like everything else you never identify which ones you'd dick, even though most of the chicks in this thread are too good for you. You just talk shit and judge others with your little man syndrome.


There is a seriously large gap between models, and hags who have not one single physical quality that would excuse you even drunkenly dipping your dick in.


Since you love challenges, post up a picture of your wife or shut the fuck up.

Somehow im under the impression you could post up a picture of Charley Chan and

get away with it.

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I don't know how you can call yourself a man if you wouldn't fuck the brakes off this.


Yeah I like thick women

Yeah I love brown women

Yeah Ill fuck 90% of everything with a cooter


But you have to have a small dick or think too highly of yourself to pass on this.


Or that chick looks ugly as fuck. Trash.

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With out a doubt, then take her out for breakfast/lunch/dinner, then repeat.



Yeah, who wouldn't, by the way she looks like this chick that use to work at this Chinese restaurant out in Houston, fyoungcaml get back at me if im correct.



Why not, lights off and a rubber with extra lube and the hairs shouldn't be a problem.:lol:

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A buddy sent me this pic of a girl we went to school with

Said he found it on the internet


I knew it was her as soon as I saw the hairy arms

She had one of those messican girl happy trails that ran down the lower back to the ass


Funny to see what was under the hoodies, jeans, and skater shoes

Are those cheeto feet I spy?



/would bang








Why not then tell her to makes me a sandwhich afterwards.

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Unlike your punk ass I wouldn't even consder wasting the time to wade through pages of questionable cooze


If you'd so willingly call smash on that wildabeast, there's nothing in this entire thread that should qualify as "questionable" in your book.



Since you love challenges, post up a picture of your wife or shut the fuck up.



Sure, guy. Like anybody would give up a pic of their wife to the Ch0 peanut gallery. Yall would just love that. :lol:

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