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I saw those pics on FB posted by some fat girl to show "how she learned to love her curves." Bitch those aren't curves they're mountains


Bitch even got Miss Piggie tatted on her cause she know's she's fat LMAO!!!


One thing that cracks me up about this thread is that motherfuckers will yell "trash" at broads that are half decent because they're "too skinny", then turn around and yell "smash" at fat bitches.

No, that's not a "fat ass and big titties", that's just fat.


Call me old fashioned, but I'll take a skinny bitch with a mediocre face any day over a fat bitch.

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I think there are plenty of cute faced fat chicks. I know every person has their standards and preferences but I would never just stick to one type of woman. I prefer thick, curvaceous women, but if a skinny hoe I find attractive wants to fuck then I'm down. Doesn't matter the race, if she's fine I'm down. I would cut my weight limit off at maybe 230....250 depending how drunk I am. Anything below that is fair game.



This woman is a good example. I would guess her weight is about 230. DAO said she was fat but I think she's good to go!







What are your guys' limits/standards?

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if the neck up is ok, great, but there is still an entire galaxy of fat below. Which is why the beluga whale in the tub is trash.


Its really cool that she has learnt to love her curves, much like cheeseburgers and soft drinks she consumes. However I am guessing she is one of those loud mouth know it all fat types whom you want to avoid at all costs. You know the ones that obv dont have any attention paid to them that over react to everything and have opinions more so than DAO.






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I think there are plenty of cute faced fat chicks. I know every person has their standards and preferences but I would never just stick to one type of woman. I prefer thick, curvaceous women, but if a skinny hoe I find attractive wants to fuck then I'm down. Doesn't matter the race, if she's fine I'm down.


This is prolly the most since anyone has ever made on this site.

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DAO said she was fat but I think she's good to go!


I said that she was disguising her fat with them pants.

And that them pants were not doing a good job to the trained eye of disguising her fat.


Don't get me wrong, I've gotten drunk enough to trip and fall into that trap before.

I'm just speaking from experience here.

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