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I got woken up last night around three to a car getting chased by the cops. Shit was pretty badass. The commotion before it got to my place was what woke me up so I looked out my window to see a car dippin then flew around a corner being chased by one cop then not even ten seconds later 7-8 more come barreling down the streets on both sides of my apartment (i got a corner unit with big ass windows) next thing i saw was dude smashin through the intersection down the block with a parade of red and blues nippin at his heals. I'd like to think home dude shook em but, I dont think that happened. Downtown pursuits FTW!


Yo I'm gonna be in your area in about an hour for that flat color show. Meet me there or text me or something. My phone deleted all my numbers.

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all bsms owe our sgt at arms, triple suplex, a fuckin standing ovation. if you dont know why, you prolly dont need to...


happy as fuck for you, homie!


ps: he didnt get married or have a kid, or anything bullshit that any person with a dick can do. homie accomplished some real shit that only a small percentage can pull off.

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My boss mentioned a position for my trade opening up in Japan. Haven't been able to get it off my mind. Would be a 3-5 year contract. I'll be 30 when I get back to the states.


I'm not sure though. I'll be working w a bunch if old dudes (read: I'll be doing the work while they watch). Mostly working on aircraft carriers (read: I'm 6'4 220 and those bunks aren't made for that). I have no wife, no kids....


Srsly considering taking it.


What worries me is that my dad has been having heart trouble for te last year or two. I don't want to be out of the country of something happens. I would want to be there. His shits pretty jacked from years of drug use and eating fast food 3 times a day. I'm also worried about being too old to find a good wife when I return. I know that thought process isn't BSM but it's very real to me. I work with a lot of old dudes who have never been married and have no kids. They are 'those dudes' who have nothing but thier job. In the 3 yrs I've been there, becoming one of those guys has become a big fear of mine. Shit is wild depressing to see day in and day out.


Fucking a. Venting. Seeing my thoughts in text kinda helps. I think I'm gonna let him know I'm considering it. Opportunity for acquisition of wicked tat zaps is drawing me in....

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Im 27, and I'm not even a little concerned about finding a good wife. This is mainly because I travel a fair amount and have realised a lot of women all over the world find me pretty much irrestistable. To find these women who find you irrestistable it helps to travel around and meet lots of people I guess.


Also you're a man, you're not on a biological clock. Just wait until you're 33 and then scoop some pretty 25 yr old japanese business exec girl on some sean connery shit. haha


If you're in one of those lines of work that make having a family and all that hard, I can understand your point though.

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boat. the only reason i can see in not taking this opportunity would be that of your pops.

no one wants to be on the far east when they're family god forbid has some tragic shit go down.

however, i'd maybe ask him how he felt first. not to mention jobs always have to be sensitive

to that type of thing. as for the bitches. and marriage. c'mons0n.jpeg. yer only gonna be 30

b. shit ain't shit. i'm 27. fuck that shit till at LEAST 35. and being that i've spent time in japan

i highly recommend going. only difference would be a big one. that being, going to kick it with homies

from the area or on a solo mission. pretty different side of japan you get to see. but i reckon if yer

gonna maybe work there you will meet people your age that may or may not suck, hopefully not, and

those people will be able to show you the rad side that place instead of suit world. real talk. depending

on where you;d be thats one hell of an experience to pass up on. you sir. have a lot of thinking to do.

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