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thats not necesarily true and i think the people that dont subscribe to the top 10 kind of thing feel that people listening to more mainstream music do so as a result of social conditioning. If you dont feel that way this might not be the thread for you.


^this, when i was growing up all the kids were blasting cash money and master p and shit.

i found this music to be loud and downright ignorant. so i would never subscribe nor tolerate that shit. needless to say i was always made fun of because i listened to music that was not mainstream.


i also like how the same motherfuckers that were making fun of me for my musical tastes have all become some vampire weekend listening blipster poetic justiced out mother fuckers.

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I only really listen to rap and a slice of punk, so I tend to consider my taste in these genres to be impeccable. I don't pretend to know shit about anything else though...


One of my boys listens to tons of "indie" and is constantly namedropping bands I've never heard of. Maybe it's good, I dunno, I don't like it. They all sound the same to me anyway. He'll ask me to hookup my ipod in his car now and then and every few minutes lower the volume a couple notches, that shit is BEYOND annoying...I never even offer him the option, because my car plays my ipod.

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This is an undercover "REAL HIP HOP" thread.


I don't have anything even close to similar music tastes of most writers I know, so when I'm around them I just generally talk shit and act like an asshole until they agree to stop playing such TOTALLY PHAT AND REAL RAP SAYINGS.


I've also found that Heltah Skeltah and Little Brother are music I can agree with most "real hip hop" heads on

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Also I almost jumped out of this persons care because they were playing happy hardcore while we were on the way to this party in the mountains. People who make happy hardcore/hardcore/etc should be shot on sight.


The fuck is "happy hardcore?" :lol:

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SERIOUSLY THOUGH.i have this picture in my head of what happy hardcore would be and its basicly heavy metal beats and then people screaming dumb shit like 'I FUCKING LOVE LIFE.ITS SO WONDERFUL OUT SIDE,LETS GO FOR A RIDE IN THE SUN OH WHAT FUN BLAH BLAH BLAH HARDCORE DUUUDE!!!

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i really don't care what people listen to. i resigned myself long ago to the fact that i have better taste than most. a lot of people listen to crap, but that's not gonna change my opinion of you. i was a pretentios little music snob from age 16 to 21 or so though.



i think it was masta ace and edo g that came out with that song "little young"


that explains my thoughts on all these new rappers.


masta ace is dope and i saw ed og at great america at one of those radio station concerts in like 91. "be a father to your child" :lol: i've only heard one special teamz track on a la coka nostra mix, but i d/led the album the other day and will probably get around to listening to to this week.


my friend started listening to more hip hop in the last year. he now believes no one makes music better than slug from atmosphere.




what are you gonna do


i've seen this before. give him about six more months and he'll be obsessed with mf doom.


Blipster, i love this word, please explain more what it means, i would really love to start calling people this.


black + hipster = blipster


This is an undercover "REAL HIP HOP" thread.


I've also found that Heltah Skeltah and Little Brother are music I can agree with most "real hip hop" heads on


:lol: saw this coming a mile away. glad we can agree on boot camp and little brother though.


SERIOUSLY THOUGH.i have this picture in my head of what happy hardcore would be and its basicly heavy metal beats and then people screaming dumb shit like 'I FUCKING LOVE LIFE.ITS SO WONDERFUL OUT SIDE,LETS GO FOR A RIDE IN THE SUN OH WHAT FUN BLAH BLAH BLAH HARDCORE DUUUDE!!!


happy hardcore has nothing to do with hardcore punk. it's the worst kind of oontz oontz oontz music ever created. strictly for 16 year olds in wife beaters on lots of ecstasy.



I believe your wanton use of acid has made me UMAD because it exists nowhere that I have been in the last 5 years.


if you're ever in the bay area i can probably point you in the right direction.

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Waynes the hottest under the sun. He said so


i can tolerate most electronic music. I even like some sub genres of it.

That happy hardcore shit tho. Shits garbage


I don't care what kinda music somebody listens to. Couple things

tho. I don't want to talk to them about music. Not at all into putting

people on to some shit i like.

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