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Why the word Nigga???????


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Alright so I been posting on here for about a month and I noticed alot of people on here use the word nigga... Now I might be wrong but Ima say 90% of yall are white... And Ive noticed it becoming alot more common in everywhere but the south... Now I aint geeting on here tryin to make an arguement or whatever im just honestly curios as to why white people feel like they should be allowed to or feel the need to use this word... Please be mature with your replies thank you...

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i say it when reciting rap lyrics which i do a lot.


my friend who is white has started saying it, i kind of cringe a bit when he does.







also; with a name like TheBlackDude i'm guessing you're hyper sensitive about race issues while making sure everyone knows you're black? thats counter productive to your cause.

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If you grew up on rap music since a young age it encourages you to use it since you are desensitized to it.

In the states the n word has more of an impact due to slavery.

Then again every time im in NYC i get called a niggah and i catch non blacks use it all the time.

In Montreal, you can get away with using it 9 times out of ten because most blacks here are not related to the slavery that was happening in the states.


I got caught using it the other day in a line up at the coat check... some hoes cut in line and i was like, " How you bitches just gon' cut infront of these niggaz like that?"

The 7 foot 250 pound black bouncer looked at me and said " please dont use that word again" with a calm voice. He then stopped the bitches and let us pass first.

No big deal.

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Lol this is whats up... yes I am black been that way all my life... As far as being hyper sensitve to race issues I thought that might be something that was thought but Im not really and I chose the name the black dude because in most graff circles I am just hat the only black dude... but yea keep it coming nigga, and aint none of yall answer my question really

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If you grew up on rap music since a young age it encourages you to use it since you are desensitized to it.

In the states the n word has more of an impact due to slavery.

Then again every time im in NYC i get called a niggah and i catch non blacks use it all the time.

In Montreal, you can get away with using it 9 times out of ten because most blacks here are not related to the slavery that was happening in the states.


I got caught using it the other day in a line up at the coat check... some hoes cut in line and i was like, " How you bitches just gon' cut infront of these niggaz like that?"

The 7 foot 250 pound black bouncer looked at me and said " please dont use that word again" with a calm voice. He then stopped the bitches and let us pass first.

No big deal.


word... See yea I dont like to hear it but am I gonna rock somebody for it nah I dont even say anything usaully... As far as rap music goes I know there are alotta of rappers who wouldnt let know white dude call them nigga no matter how much they themselves say it

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Stan's completly right with what he just said, tho me personaly. i dont use it, on or off the internet and my guess is that the same 90 point percentage you are refering to as being white on this forum, which would be factual... can be applied to those same people when offline that do not use the word publicly.


but really tho, who cares. its harmless internet banter and thats it.

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There's White, Black, Spanish, and even Asian niggas IRL that call each other niggas.

It's a class thing more than a race thing depending on where you're at.


Some kids on here are from neighborhoods that grew up talking like that regardless of race.

Then they're are the kids (any race) from rural or suburban places trying to be down.

The only thing worse than than being a fake herb or racist, on here or in real life,

is sweating some confused looser who's relying on their race for self esteem,

or the kids going through a "I'm maddd hip hop" faze.

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