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_____How Do You Cope With a Broken Heart?______


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well unlike most people here im not a complete dick.


but laying in bed all day is the worst. go on a bike ride. or just take snort some zoloft. im no expert on these matters. but if youre revengeful fuck one of her friends or better yet her sister or better yet her mom. than take a dremil bit and scribe your name in her bathroom mirror with 'I FUCKED YOUR MOM' under it. SUCCESS!



but really man, just let go, dont try to put the 'love of your life' title on her it will only make it worse. and go out and try to meet new people or possibly a new girl when you get back to that point. dont get to wrapped up in your misery.

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on a real note imma stop fucking around and try and give you a little more solid advice on this stuff:


1.get it through your head that SHE left YOU.

she is prolly with someone else. once you finally accept it you will get over her faster.

youll still miss her, but it will feel less painful.


2. do you have a dog? if not i suggest getting one.

dogs are awesome, they will always love you unconditionally.

im not saying you need to fuck your dog or nothing.

but its definitely a helper if you get a companion who is always happy to be around you.

i love my puppy, no matter how shitty i feel my dog always seems to pick up on it

runs in my room and jumps all over me and makes me feel better.

even if youre totally pissed off or on the verge of doing something wild,

its nothing a face full of dog slobber cant fix.


i know that sounded totally creepy, but fuck it.

dogs rule.

bitches suck.


also just know not to try to go looking for love again.

let it find you.

or youll end up in my shoes:

i pretty much made two girls fall for me, i fucked them and then lost all interest.

it sucks when you gotta break a heart or two because you just wanted to fuck or were feeling lonely.


hope i could be of some help.

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I agree that dogs are better than humans, but you can't fuck a dog. Well you can, but the cost of Peanut Butter for fore play and the rep you'll get with your friends ain't worth it.


Hopefully you went out and bought a van and followed my last jewel of denial advice, but if not, watch this:



Feel better yet?


If not, get bitter, hate women, let your bitterness eat away at you long enough until you hate yourself, then build yourself back up, find a broad you like, start over.

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co-sign dogs being awesome. theres a huge pitbull sitting next to me right now. he's my homie for life.

i also ate a few vic's. so i feel pretty numb. that's good too.



and, yeah, don't check her facebook and shit. i blocked her on all internet venues and deleted her number. she's fucking some married dude with kids now. good for her. that fact alone instills enough disgust in me so that i don't want to contact her.



really though, try not to think of the "good times". focus on everything you disliked about her and let your sadness turn to hatred.


as for fucking other birds, i'm so disgusted with women in general that i don't even want to try to. the option is always there. but.... i'm painting way more these days and being productive with doing other "work".


this is all on top of attending therapy on a regular basis and being on several psychiatric meds (on top of this bullshit, i'm diagnosed as being manic depressive and suffering from anxiety/panic attacks). talk therapy has been a god-send as of late.


just try to channel all of your energy and sadness into other things.

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Hi, I figured this mightve caused some sort of confusion. You see, when I'm speaking outloud about a subject that is somewhat troublesome to me and/or a very personal matter, I sometimes end in a pause and mutter the word "fuck". As to show that the words I have spoken have caused some bit of grief to me. I guess one could compare it to the the last "drag" of a cigarette at the end of lengthy conversation. I hope this has cleared up any inconvenience or misconceptions in which it might be seen as an event in which I've failed. Thank you for your time.


Sincerely yours,

















































































































Thought there was gonna be something mean here?


No, I'd like to think I'm a pretty cool guy. So I can appreciate a good jest at my expense.



Drive safe!























































































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I am the king of unhealthy breakups. I'm not some sucker for love faggot, and I treat most girls like the pieces of shit they are, but in two cases I've actually fallen in love and both times got left a little before the two year mark.


First time I went absolutely psycho, on some borderline stalker type shit. Beat up her new boyfriend, his friends, would show up where she was and cause problems, just basically lost my shit. After a few months I calmed down, but I was still all fucked up until about a year and a half later...


That's when I met the new girl. We had a pretty fucked up relationship from the beginning, constantly breaking up, her always moving out then coming back, and I thought that was just how it would always be, so she caught me really off guard when one day she left and didn't come back. No shady shit, no new guy, nothing I could be MAD about...she just fell out of love after too much of my bullshit. That kind of break up actually hurts alot worse than being cheated on/left for another dude, because it's 3 months later and I still get drunk and sad about her. I'm not letting it stop my life or anything like that, but still...it's there.


That was my serious response. Now, I do have to point out that you said "lover", and that you're most liekly a complete faggot

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*Fixed, AGAIN.


- I can't believe I had to fix your *Fixed.


"Lights, Camera, Revolution" sucks, if you're gonna put up ST at least put up a good album.


I dissagree with your statement.

Their early shit was dope too, but a lot of the time when somebody claims

that a bands early shit was the only shit worth listening to it's just cause

they're trying to earn coolguy punk rock points.

Plus, lights camera Revolution was more relative to the topic at hand.

That and Controlled by Hatred.


Feel free to disagree though. It's all good.

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Their bassist is better with Metallica \m/




also. i think my lady and i are done now too. i could whine and bitch, but i found a girl with big titties and nice tattoos, and who probably likes weed just as much as i do to drown my sorrows in.


do the same, pussy.

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5. Don't drink or use drugs. Stay clean n sober so you can deal with the stress rather than avoid it.





Not drinking leads to bad things.

Like less socializing and no slaying strange pussy at bars and parties.

Nobody likes the creepy sober guy chillin all quiet by himself at bars and parties.

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