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2012 !!!


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Look it up, NASA basically stated that the whole 2012 ordeal is a fallacy; other than yes the poles might switch but it will be nothing cataclysmic. Maybe weird weather and that's it.


Not that anything would happen and 2012 will just be another year, but did you just say that if the poles switch then there might just be a bit of weird weather? Shit will get seriously fucked if the magnetic poles switched not just shitty weather

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prophecy of 2012 is not a mayan thing


it is an american philosophy


their calendar just ends at that date-dec. 21st, 2012


think about 1999 to 2000-aka y2k


sold millions of books and freaked out the population


but what happened, a couple of comp's freaked out


but other than that


fuckin nada


damn the gov't is hella good at freakin out the nation


buncha fuckin half wit no minded suckers


ps: what i really wonder is what the hundreds of thousands of latin people


will do with those mexican calendars tattooed on them


maybe get....o forget it

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the intelligence level on 12oz is getting closer and closer to 4chan every day.


the apocalyption scenario is bullshit. it was propagated by the media just to scare the popuation. And these alien movies coming out. again scare tacticts because they are gonna come out to the public about et's. just google alien life vatican, they already speak out about it. if anyone is interested i can link you to a site that intervies peop-e in high places that know the secred projects taht the secrett goverment has been doiing. they dont tell the population about the power of the mind. or what did you think intuation is?, luck manifested?.





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A new one will arise, and if that one sucks, it will burn out and a better one will cum.


:lol: that is so fucking money.


Anyways, my bornday is December 18th. One thing I know for sure is that I'll be really, really pissed off when I wake up from my three day bender in Vegas and have to drive back on the 21'st hungover as fuck and dreading work.

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First of all, this movie was a steaming pile of horse shit. I would have never went, but my friends dragged me. Nothing about it was a mindfuck, the only good part was seeing thousands of people die, and imagining that some of them must be the type of person that likes this movie. Secondly, I really hope for the sake of humanity that some of the posts in this thread are trolls, otherwise, there are some fucking morons in here.

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1. the sun wont burn out anytime soon it is still very healthy (for lack of better words)


2. the Mayan calender doesn't end it just turns over kind of like when your car hits 100,000 miles


3. pole shifts take hundreds if not thousands of years to happen


/end of lame conspiracy discussion




4. there is no 12th planet



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