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bike messenger drama.


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well, fuck. i thought i did my buddy a service by getting (him) a job as a messenger, but now apparently he's too good to hang out with anyone that isn't a messenger. i should never have done this in the first place. now i see what EVERYONE was talking about. motherfucker. this happened to anyone else? i know shai probably knows a few instances of this, seeing as he was warning me about this type of shit.

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i got him the job as a messenger since i couldn't get my license due to probation/past charges. now since he's working as one, it seems like he's too good to hang out with dudes that either aren't in a band with him or aren't a messenger. i dunno, i'm pissed because he's acting like a little bitch lately. fuck this noise. i don't understand how someone riding a bike for a living acts so high and goddamn mighty.

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I used to hate that shit when I was a messenger. One of the reasons I quit actually.


Bike messengers are the grandfathers of the modern hipster.


the worst part is that he's one of the nicest kids i know. when i first moved to the city, i was getting away from being killed by a relative that was on a lot of drugs, and i didn't know ANYONE, literally the only friend i had for like a good 2 years, dude smoked me RETARDED for like 2 months because i couldn't afford weed, now it's coming to this. it really fucking sucks, i'm actually pretty glad i didn't get the job at this point because i really don't want to hang out with one type of person. that's fucking lame city.

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