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Wifey Material

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ive always valued personality more than looks.


i mean, my girlfriend, imo is a fucking 10, because of the combination of good looks, personality, sense of humor etc...


for me, personality and chemistry are the two most important things.


although my lady is a good cook, and obsessive cleans the house up.

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did I mention she needs to know how to shut the fuck up once and awhile?






Also I hate bitches who make me late. The only girl I ever dated who I seriously thought I would marry would take literally 2 or 3 hours getting ready, and when I had to be somewhere, at an event, etc, I would try and get her to start early but she was like me and procrastinated

So we would show up to the club at like 12:30 with only 2 hrs left in the night and miss the main act. Even one time she almost made me late for my own show, I had to have her drop me off, then go back home and finish getting ready, then she came back after my set anyways



I can't have a bitch who makes me even later than I have a tendancy to already be

I think really that quality was what was the dealbreaker over all

Other than her sending naked pics of me and this other girl doing it at her workplace to said girls boss and ruining her career

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I get depressed if the house is a wreck.

It typically doesn't get bad at all, but every now and again I will go through a lazy spell for a few days and everything goes to shit and then I snap out of it and go on a cleaning spree.

A clean house relaxes me and puts me in a good mood.

As does cooking a good meal.


I agree with you about how a good personality and sense of humor will make an average looking person become a million times more attractive.


and zebra..I'm not fronting.

I know I am adorable..but like I said..adorable isn't beautiful.

And as far as the type of women that dudes are posting photos of claiming that is all they will accept, they are in a completely different category than I am.

Even if I am in a dress and heels, I am not "sexy".

I am just not that sort of lady.

I am much too cute to be sexy.


I don't much care for "perfect 10"s either.

It seems that someone who is just regular looking and hasn't had people catering to them or falling all over them their whole life because of their looks just ends up being a more awesome person.

They have to develop a personality and rely on that to attract people, instead of just batting their eyelashes and showing some cleavage to get someone interested.

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what does sexy mean to you?

to me it's a certain magnetism and has nothing at all to do with dresses or heels.

those things can make an already sexy person sexier, but if you ain't got the charisma, a pretty dress and some choosin shoes aren't going to do shit.

if you are a bad bitch then you are a bad bitch regardless. all in how you carry yourself.

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my lady has this weird over confidence about her personal appearance that at times, really pisses me off.


but when she does it before we seckz, it really turns me on, but not in a " yeah youre right, you are really hot" kind of way but more of a "im gonna take that over confidence away from you by fucking you in the ass like a bus stop skank" type of way.


after that its all cuddles and cigarettes.

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I guess to me sexy is just exuding sexuality.

I don't feel like I really do that, but I could be wrong.

I exude more of a coooool confidence with a good dose of zazzitude.


oh. ok see i think of confidence & zazzitude as being extremely sexy.

i think what you're describing to me would be sultriness or sensuality.

people who have an acute awareness of the gravity and positioning of their physical selves.

i am definitely not one of those people but i like to think that i can turn up the come hither when i want to.

could be wrong on that.

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Guest JohnLester#31
Must be able to deal with ... verbal abuse, loss of train of thought


^So good lol.


I always say loving is knowing. If she doesn't take the time to know and understand the way you work, there's gunna be problems. Also, she HAS to have her own friends away from yours that aren't "trifey" and hate on others happiness.

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Women who are confident with themselves are sexy.


I've never been one to be completely hung up on looks. Its more about if I dig the girl or not. Good looks do not trump a good person. That's just me though and I'm sure half you fucks will shit on me for it.


Go with what's good.

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It seems that the majority of you dudes are saying that a woman has to look a certain way for you to consider settling down long term with her.

Most of you seem to have pretty high standards as far as appearance goes.

I don't know if I buy it.


I am not beautiful by any standards.

The closest I could ever get to beautiful would be "cute", which isn't the same thing at all.

My appearance has never been what attracted a dude to me, or what made any number of dudes "fall in love" with me.

Most every dude I have ever dated initially said they weren't into the idea of marriage.

Every single one of them changed their minds and decided they would very much like to marry me.


I don't think my looks have ever been what any dude I have dated would call their "dream woman".

But when everything else comes into play, looks don't seem to matter much.


Looks fade over the years.

If that is going to be one of the top reasons you are with someone, then eventually you will find that the thing you loved the most about someone has disappeared.


i didnt read the rest of this thread

but blood fart is pretty on point...

if its wifey material your talkin about,

i want a chick who is chill but out going,

similar music interests and taste in food is a plus...

loyal, honest, faithful, no little kid games and we're good..

looks do count to a certain degree though.. i dont wanna

wife up no sasquach lookin bitch cause we like the same shit...

one of my good homegirls told me a minute ago

"we're such good friends blah blah blah.. i swear if we're still

friends by the time were in our late 30's or early 40's

and we're both still single fuck it im just gonna marry you.."

shes not top pic to most niggas, but shes mad cool and i know i could

get along with her no prob... if it did ever come to it which i doubt

i wouldnt mind it really... just goes to show looks aint everything..

but she does have a fat ass... so yea thats a thumbs up... :p

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oh yeah wifey shouldn't go and gossip my biz with her other friends thinking they aren't gonna go and blah it everywhere


I don't care if you confide in someone, but that someone should keep their damn mouth shut










Also see "Do bitches ever shut up?!?"

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oh. ok see i think of confidence & zazzitude as being extremely sexy.

i think what you're describing to me would be sultriness or sensuality.

people who have an acute awareness of the gravity and positioning of their physical selves.

i am definitely not one of those people but i like to think that i can turn up the come hither when i want to.

could be wrong on that.


nigga really said "zazzitude"



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bloodfart, stop fronting like you're not adorable, it's unbecoming to a lady such as yourself.


people who look like tens don't hold my attention at all.

both men and women are more attractive to me when there's something slightly off about them.

gimme an amazing personality and a crooked smile any day of the week.

i am the kind of person who falls in love with idiosyncrasies anyways so it makes sense.

but i've always been more about the vibes than the looks.


personalities last longer...

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wifey status:

-cultural awareness

-ability to cook

-sense of style without looking like someone in VICE

-at least 5-8 years of urban living.

-an understanding why i blaze so much.

-the ability to teach me something for once.

-a mean sneaker game

-hip hop knowledge that predates the native tongues.

-the ability to speak another language(bonus!)


deal breakers:

-no sense of humor/sarcasm

-"booty-do"(her gut sticks out more than her booty do.)-aka-more gut than butt

-culturally stagnant

-has never lived in the city but act like she knows whats up because her friends live there.

-misuses the word GHETTO

-poor hygiene

-smokes squares as much as i blaze.

-cant understand why a grown ass man would still want to still ride a skateboard and write his name on shit.

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A girl that will wait for me if I'm locked up.


I'm not talking about a girl who's gunna stay around while I do 8 years for assaulting a police officer, but if I fuck up and hafta go do 90 days, 6 months, maybe a year, it'd be nice to have a girl who'll stay there for you


My last girl had a dad who was in and out of prison, and I was going through alot of legal shit when we met, so it was nice to have the feeling like she understood and would actually stick around for me

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