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What book are you reading? Part 20

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^ have you read the rest of the stieg larsson trilogy?

def worth it.


No. That post was on the day I finished reading it.

I am for sure going to though. The first was cool to read and I've heard nothing but good things about the other two.


I'll have to wait until the next time I go visit my parents though. My mum was the one who gave me the first one and she's got the rest of the series.


Borrowing used books>buying new ones.

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my wife was all about those Larsson books--enough that she got crazy pissed after seeing the films saying how they cut all the really important stuff out. Just a heads-up if you're going to see them.



Borrowing used books>buying new ones.


word, most of the time. I treat it like music or anything else where there's gigantic corporations and little dudes trying to sell their shit: Big=steal or borrow, Small=buy and support. Random House and Penguin don't need your $19.95 but Graywolf or Alice James sure as hell does.


Reading this as of 15 minutes from now:




even though I hate the Yankees.

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i saw the movies.

i think the swedes did an ok job.

first movie was great, second was decent, third left a bit to be desired

(as adaptations.. as movies on their own they were good to watch)


now, david fincher is remaking them as american movies (i can only assume they'll be speaking english) but filming in sweden. wtf. i detest the american need to redo shit

now, if fincher can pull off a much more involved plot line with more characters and more detail from the book, i'll be pleased, but that is a very tall order. i loved the books so much though i'll probably watch the american versions.



my man and i have so many books.

i have far too many. and they keep coming

i have a kindle now, so pirating books and getting books for free, whilst not taking up anymore bookshelf space, is the name of my new game.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Eliot reading "The Waste Land" is like listening to every douchebag ultra-privileged old white guy masturbate. Shit's important, in context, but fuck that guy.




haha, i already read anything that seemed interesting. it was 5 bucks and made my book buying a even $20, figured why not.. much, much more into the Nietzsche.



Chubbs how is Guns, Germs and Steel, saw it while i was buying those other books, looked kinda interesting.

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i've already killed a bunch of plants, i'm starting out waaay past the curve, don't worry.


tons of knowledge in it though, plus a bunch in the bonsai thread in untitled


i've been laid up on pain pills recovering from a capso and tonsilectomy and my wife has been reading this to me, its written well and very interesting.


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bonsai are very difficult to keep alive.

i don't even think a book would help me.


i hated the sun also rises. seemed like a bunch of high-falutin flakes in that novel. all tormented by their own superficiality. yawn. it was tough to finish even though it was the size of a pamphlet..

in my opinion, The Great Gatsby slays literature from that era. they are also really obviously written around the same time even though they are set on different continents.


i dunno what to read next. almost done with the h.potters and damn that kid is whiney.

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i have a hard time with hemingway in general, it might be due to personal bias and an ex, but i just don't ever finish his works feeling completely satisfied or moved.


i haven't read gatsby since highschool, where i hated it. i really ought to try that one again as its regarded so highly.


to bonsai: i don't know. i know i've killed shit, i've got that part down pat. i'm gonna go to a bonsai convention and a couple gardens and talk to locals before i invest too much more into it, but i'm not willing to give up and stop killing just yet.

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^ it was a decent read.

i went veg a few years after reading it and never looked back, not sure how much influence it actually had on me though



i dunno, i'm just not a hemingway fan.

fist, def try it again, i tried to read gatsby in high school and hated it then as well

it's a really fast read too.

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