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The Beer Thread

H. Lecter

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carlton draught


leave and do not return.


hitachino nest by kiuchi brewery. brewed with a gruit in addition to hops, has a pretty distinct flavour to it.




st bernardus abbey ale. i noticed someone up above had a special edition of it which i'd like to try. awesome beer; the 10% balanced out the hops which balanced out the sugars perfectly.



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About to chew through a 90M DogFish -


what'd you think of the DFH 90?


I've never had a St. Bernardus that I didn't like, I also tried my first Gruit Beer a few weeks ago it was from Williams Brothers out of Scotland.


I just got 2 free cases of Heineken from a catering event I worked tonight. I fucking hate heineken but even the shittiest beer tastes better when it's free.

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The DFH 90M was pretty good. I think my expectations were a bit too high to start with, don't get me wrong, I could drink a lot of it - but there in lies the problem, I thought this would be a two stubbie maximum, real chewy, the hops weren't even as powerful as I make for myself. Was great to have tried it though, now I have a contact for US beers I'll keep a closer eye on this thread.


Is Heineken/Becks where you're at fully imported or brewed under licence in the states? That's usually the kicker for it tasting really awful. Fully imported I can wrap my head around a carton no worries.

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no shit i had no idea stouts were so popular. most aren't my thing and take a lot of getting used to. been drinking heaps of abbey/ abbey style ales lately. trying a montreal beer called Derniere Volonte by Brasserie Dieu du Ciel; pretty fucking nice, has a unique taste to it that i can't quite describe.


i have a swedish strawberry and lime cider by Rekorderlig. i'm told its an absolutely awesome cider but it's not quite cold enough yet. ordinarily standard ciders annoy me with their synthetic taste but these guys know their shit.


and finally if any Austalians out there are familiar with the horribly sold out Malt and Shovel brewery (James Squire) they have released a beer for the catholic monks in New Norcia, Western Australia. it called abbey ale and despite what you may think, they have done a pretty good job of it, its very Australian and doesn't have the depth of hops and yeast that you would expect but it's worth the hunt.


pictures of these and many more when i sort a new camera out, plus some scotch flicks if you homos are into that.



EDIT* got into the strawberry and lime cider, holy fuck it is good. although i wasnt expecting it to be devoid of apples, it was all strawberry, the flavour was full on but i enjoyed it. still a bit of a bitch drink though...

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Great Divide can blow me. I've had Two skunked bottles, another with flies in it, and none of their beers have been so impressive as to have me overlook such glaring problems in with their bottling process.



On another note,


I had the 2009 Bourbon County. It was awesome. A little thinner than I remember. Still dark, sweet and roasty though. I'm gonna drink another Abyss on thanksgiving. That will be delicious.


I'll take some fun photos of the highlights of my beer excursions from the last few months when I get home today.

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