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First grade rules.


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the only memory of first grade was me needing to take a piss right before class let out. the teacher said to wait until the bell rang and class was over. i told her i had to go badly....she didnt listen....so i pissed my pants and the chair had an ass groove which left a puddle of piss. so i did what some embarrassed kids would do....slide the chair right under my desk.

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And if your kid had classes with me, they knew about sex...My dad used to keep hard back Penthouse and Playboy books on the shelf in my room like I wasn't going to look at them....:lol: My parents also grew weed in 5 gallon buckets in my room but I had no idea what weed was then ....I was a pussy expert by the age of 7 though.

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I farted during story time in first grade, really let it rip!My class mates all laughed as they should..........


This new brazilian kid sticks his hand up, teacher says "YES LEO?" and screams out "MRS SHWARTS BLAIR FARTED" in his broken english and everyone laughed even more.


I got sent to office and was told to check my pants on the way!

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when i was in the first grade, my best friend was this philipino kid with a really big front tooth who spoke really bad english

and his hands were all scaly and dry

he wore those pants that were to long to be shorts...and too short to be pants

he was the man


that is awesome!

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I use to steal pokemons and hustle kids out of their cards no joke.

I would trade like a common(the circle janks) for a fuckin Blastoise

I had skills till some rat threatened to tell the teachers caught on to me,

but i threw him some holographic cards so he hoped off my shit

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My fifth grade teacher had a supernintendo and a megadrive in the classroom, literally all-year round. I was smarter than everyone else so i just played video and computer games whenever i wanted. There was also i sega saturn i think.


edit: That teacher was crazy. I just remembered he took a border collie to school with him literally every day of the year, and it just fucked around in the classroom.

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oh and i just remembered i had to repeat the first grade because i got in fights with kids from higher grades almost ever day.


primary school was so much fun.


I remember some Chinese kid named Ron flunked kindergarten for randomly punching dudes all the time.


These days I'm sure some nut ass teachers would probably call the cops and the poor kid would get tased and booked.

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first grade was ok... nothing special..

i do remember though in third grade i was sitting at my desk

workin on math or something.. i sneezed reeeeaaaally loud..

then right before i took my hands away from my face,

i noticed my hands were really wet for some reason...

i pull back and notice just this big pile of boogies in my hand

but still attatched to my nose...

so hide it and ask the teacher for some tissue...

for some dumb reason she asked why, so i yell

"cause i got boogies hanging out my nose!"

and take my hands away from my face to expose the goop on my hands...

everyone was like eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww

and i was just laughing the whole time...

good times good times..

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I dont know if some has already quoted this, but this is what i got when i typed in 'corn dogging' in the urban dictionary:



1. corn dogging 16 up, 4 down


While having sex on the beach, you pull out while she's distracted, plunge your member into the sand, then stick it back in


I corn dogged my prom date at the beach after-party and had to leave the state for two years.

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In 4th grade there was this winner of a kid named Jonno Brown. He was one of those explosive temper types and was always fireing up and smashing things and tearing textbooks etc. Everyone was used to it.

So one day there is a temp teacher in and something sets Jonno off! He starts throwing chairs and generally destroying shit. The poor teacher didnt know what to do, she freaked out completely and started to yell "Children, under the tables, quickly!".

Its hard to communicate the sence of urgency that was in her voice!

I can still hear it now! hahaha

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I remember NES just came out! One of my boys in the neighborhood got that shit for Christmas and like the very next day there were 15-20 of us over there playing it all day. We were on that shit like some archaeoligists who just discovered the Holy Grail or some shit. We had never seen anything like it.


In my hood, if you didnt have a 'shop' bike, you werent cool. Meaning a bike bought in a bike shop, not Kmart or Sears. Kids with Huffys and Roadmasters were left out. You had to come correct with the GTs, Dynos, Diamond Backs, Haros, Redlines, Kuwaharas, Skyways, etc. Shits had crazy color schemes too. I never had it real good back then. When my boys were getting NES I was just getting somebodys old Atari 2600. When they were rocking Jordans and Flights I was rocking the cheapest non-Air Nikes at best. I had to spend my Christmas money to get the top of the line shoes. Cool thing I can buy the exact shoes my mom couldn't afford now since they have been re-releasing them.


This one black girl Bianca told me she loved me one day. Shit bugged me the fuck out. Like it was way beyond my comprehension. I really didnt understand why she told me that or what she meant. I think she felt embarrassed after that. I still see her around from time to time, shes a bank teller at a bank near my house. I jokingly ask her to give me some money since she loves me.

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They tried to institutionalize my ass in 1st grade. On halloween they wanted us to write 'scary stories', and they gave us an example story to go by, some gay ass "big scary pumpkin came to life on halloween and scared all the little trick or treaters and took their candy blah blah blah shit", so i figure this shit is cake, and i'll write a scary story to trump all their asses, so i get started on this story where a bunch of ghosts escape from hell, steal a shitload of knives and basically shank up cops. i handed it in to the teacher all giddy and shit expecting an A++++ or whatever thinking mine was probably going to be the only actual scary story out of all of them, she took a look at it for like 2 minutes and was like...."#########, ARE YOUR PARENTS HOME OR AT WORK RIGHT NOW". not even by the end of school, i was being escorted to the psych office by both my parents, my teacher and the school shrink.


it kinda worked out in the end, kids didn't fuck with me until middle school because they thought i was some loose cannon, and i got to go to the gym for 2 hours each thursday until 5th grade with the shrink.

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